NT, What Beer Do You Drink?

I've come to the conclusion I can't do "dark" beers
"Dark" beers can have a variety of flavors.  There's porters and stouts, which can have chocolate/coffee/roasted flavors. There's black IPAs which are hoppy (citrusy or floral) and malty. There's Belgian quads which have flavors of dark fruits (figs, raisins, etc), amaretto, etc. I used to have the same mentality, but now Russian imperial stouts are some of my favorites (particularly bourbon barrel aged ones).  Always keep an open mind and always give a beer a second chance.  I couldn't handle Bourbon County stout at all when I had it for the first time, but now it's one of my favorites. 
I've come to the conclusion I can't do "dark" beers :x :x

Seems like the majority of people feel this way. Old Rasputin (one of the darkest of dark beers) was what got me into the craft beer scene in the first place.

And also, to expound on Ford's post, dark beers can include quads which seem to be generally more well liked by the naive palate. Chimay Blue is one of my favorites that's easily found everywhere.

I only mess with foreign beer american beer is disgusting! 

Boy, oh boy.
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"I only drink foreign beers"...fridge is full of Coronas and Heinekens

Right. Maybe add some Becks and Peroni. Dude probably thinks he's doing it too.

Man I'm tempted to crack a few Porters and post out to watch this SC vs. UCF game. Matter fact, done deal.
its my boys b-day today..

grabbed a half keg...


spaten oktoberfest.

still my favorite oktoberfest out there..

And The Trooper finally arrived in Colorado! Stoked!

You'll take my life but I'll take yours too...You'll fire your musket but I'll run you through!

On my Euro trip, i went to the Guinness Store, Heineken Store, and a beer monastery in Belgium.  Had a blast, drank some really great beers.
Store around the block is selling FBS cases for $55... I just picked up a 4 pack for $10 OTD
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How dark are we talking? I hate hot coffee and even lattes. But I can get down with the best of stouts.. They say if you like coffee and chocolate flavors, stouts are the way to go... You should give Left Hand Milk Stout or their Milk Stout nitro a try. Skaa makes another one that is quite sweet.

I can't speak of Guiness, as I've never tried that one. But you may need to go with beers a touch less dark. Look for dunkel weizens, weizen bocks, brown ales, and hefeweizen darks.

Skaa's steel toe milk stout actually got me into stout beers. It tasted like chocolate milk to me. I didnt go full steam ahead with imperial stouts until much later on... The same thing happened with IPAs. Once you find one that works for you, it all clicks into place.. Never stop trying.

On the nights you guys drink, do you usually go with one style or mix it up? I had this extra Ayinger October fest bier around and that seemed to spoil my taste buds for the rest of the night. The beer had a ton of fruity yeast flavor, almost to the point of it smelling too 'weird'. The taste was fine, but anything after that had that fruity aftertaste.... even my IPAs, who I try to either drink first or at the very end of the night.

Not new to many, but new to my area, Alaskan Brewing company has jumped into my local region. I had a small sampling at a Total Wine near me. None of them were terrible. Yet none stood out as simply amazing. I ended up just picking up a single bottle of their Amber and American Pale Ale. Their APA has a nice hop aroma. There is a moderate hop bite to match the smell. The smoothness and mouthfeel were a bit of a downer though.. Something about the drink was off as I was drinking it. If it tasted like it truly smelled, it would be great.. But thats what separates the goods from the greats.
Store around the block is selling FBS cases for $55... I just picked up a 4 pack for $10 OTD

DAMN! Price on FBS went up again?! The past three years have been price increases... SMH.

I went to a local spot here in Greenville SC and dude told me they wouldnt have FBS until after Thanksgiving! What a load of crap. I just walked out and called a place near my house in Asheville NC and they said they expect FBS anytime now... :smh: I'm buying a few cases this year. Mostly because I drink it like its water. Also, I've had a few friends ask for it on the west coast and I plan to trade much more in the future.


Is that your Goose Island glassware? I saw somewhere online that they had a Snifter and a Goblet that I would love to get my hands on if you have easy acess to it? Please let me know! Thanks!
My buddy works for goose i might be able to get u something ill keep u posted for sure

Pick ups yesterday

Drakes Denogginizer Imperial IPA

Stones Enjoy By 10*25*13 IPA (bought two earlier in the week had to pick up one more)

Russian River Temptation

Have a safe weekend y'all
Maharaja :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:
Is that your Goose Island glassware? I saw somewhere online that they had a Snifter and a Goblet that I would love to get my hands on if you have easy acess to it? Please let me know! Thanks!

My buddy works for goose i might be able to get u something ill keep u posted for sure

Pick ups yesterday
Drakes Denogginizer Imperial IPA
Stones Enjoy By 10*25*13 IPA (bought two earlier in the week had to pick up one more)
Russian River Temptation

Have a safe weekend y'all

Let me know my friend! That would be great. Also if he has some other goodies from Goose Island.
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