NT, What Beer Do You Drink?

Hunahpu Day @Cigar City Brewing:

Got there at 11a. Waited in line for an hour to get in. Wasn't that bad of a wait in all reality. The line was HUGE and moving at a good clip so I was surprised it only took an hour. NO ONE was buying their guaranteed 3 Hunahpu Imperial Stouts for the first two hours (11-1p). I hopped around and tasted at least a handful of beers from 12p to 1p, then decided to go grab my 3 bottles at 1p. I was about 5th in line when I picked mine up. Took less than 3 minutes. From 1p - 3p I mingled, tasted at least five more beers from other breweries, and shared BCBS for a couple other pours with a large group of people I met (I rolled dolo). Tasted some excellent beers. 3p hits and I went to the mosh pit to try and get my hands on a case of Huna Imp. Stout, as they said they'd start selling the leftovers by case load at 4p. Walked out of that joint and hailed a cab at 4:30p as a happy individual. Cigar City Brewing F'd up my letting people in who purchased counterfeit tickets via Ebay, Stubhub, etc. It was supposed to only be 3.5k people there, but there had to be double that.

This stuff is straight up chronic. Wow. 10/10.

I didnt realize what that event was until I read a little bit more into it.. Wow.. People traveled thousands of miles and missed out because of excessive ticket sales and an overall cluster of crap setup. The beer must be heaven.. Does anything somewhat easy to get come close to the taste? Beer is after all just 4 ingredients. Not directed at you specifically but I wonder what people do after drinking what they waited years for and hours in that day? Can they go back to regular Stone RIS or Ten fidy? I;ve had some great IPAs and feel I can go back to some other stuff without a crazy loss of nirvana.

Honestly, it tasted like a light beer with hops. Very disappointed. At 4.5 ABV, you're going to have to drink the whole 6'er to even get any kind of buzz. Probably won't buy it again.
It's a session beer. Under 5%. It's meant to be consumed 3 or 4 bottles in one sitting and still be fine to go back to work or drive. If you want to get hammered get old gaurdian, RIS, double bastard, or enjoy by.
Session beers to me are hefeweizens, pilsners, or pale ale type beers... If its gonna be a lighter IPA, its essentially a APA or pilsner in theory. If I want a 7.5% IPA, I'll drink one instead of two lighter pilsners.. The session concept has stumped me. I may even go with some oatmeal or milk stouts. My local brewery, Marble, made a India Lite ale awhile back. It was based on traveling to UK and many many lighter session beers in the mid 3 to low 4% range. They made some. I dont think it had too great of a following. They've also tried some red rye light lagers in the 4% range. If you think about it, Hops need malt to balance things out. Malts are sugars and essentially higher ABV beer because of the yeast eating away the sugars. So creating that perfect "session IPA" has to be a challenge. One I dont think breweries need to focus on.
I drank some Killians Irish red the other day. Very basic malt structure and high carbonation. It's about the same price as the buds of this world, and made by the same macro bunch, but it at least has some flavor. I feel that's a great gateway beer for many afraid of diving into the full craft scene. I'd drink one without hesitation.
To coincide with a fellow NTer who got some Project Dank from me, I bought the same dated bomber as the one I sent.. What a difference 18 days makes. I think I drank it within a couple days the last time around. Now the hop chracter subsided quite a bit. I dont want to go down the route of buying two bombers, one for fresh, and one to try in 3-5 weeks. But wow.. I can see how ratings of it fluctuate as much as it does.. I think I prefer, not so fresh (18 days after bottled date vs 1-4 days). The 2/26/ after just a week was still high potency stuff. I imagine it may be more to my liking in 2-3 more weeks

I see yall talking about Left Hand Milk stout nitro.. That stuff is always nearly sold out at every place I go to. They have a nice following. It's their normal milk stout that sells well too.. Thanks for reminding me to revisit these guys. Nitro to me always tasted a bit undercarbonated. I know they are going for a creamy texture but for a touch cheaper price point, their normal milk stout is the way to go imho.
hurley34 hurley34 @ShannonsCrooks Chopper Chopper wallyhopp wallyhopp

You guys are on the money with the Left hand Stouts

The Nitro gives a nitrogen infused creaminess as opposed to typical carbonation process used for beers

I will definitely try the Regular Milk Stout if I can find it !

Side note .. I bought a Founders Porter beer to try as well .. lets see.

Thanks again guys!
Think I remember reading that trying to bottle nitro beers is pretty tricky, I definitely notice when it's on draft it is a bit more creamy and tastes better imo. So if you get a chance to try it on draft definitely do
@WallyHopp   - Probably depends on the person. I like good beer but don't consider myself a connoisseur, so it won't be hard for me to go back to Ten FIDY, Founders Imperial Stout, or even other random stouts to get my stout fix. This stuff is delicious though. I've never tasted anything like it. 

@lifestooshort80  - Haven't had the Draak in probably 8 years but the first time I had it on tap at Mac's Speedshop in Charlotte, I loved it. Need to try it again to see if I still dig it.

@pftjordans  - For readily available beers, Founders Porter is a co-favorite of mine along with Bell's Two Hearted. I 100% prefer to their Breakfast Stout. 
My local la cumbre has a first time
Imperial stout. Holy crap. I will hopefully try it soon or buy it and age it.

Tonight was a bit predictable.
Went by a local beer store. Nothing really interested me too much. I did get an Irish red ale for this weekend from Santa Fe brewing. That stuff is all malts. Not bad but I did have to go with the usual today

Fresh 3/2/14 elevated Ipa.

Omg. I won't tell you how much I drank but wow. Sessionable for days. I'd rather have three or four and some water the rest of the nights than some wanna be IPAs or stuff I don't really appreciate too much. It's all about moderation anyways..


Straight from the can , I taste more hop bitterness than a standard pour. The smell is better into a glass. But truly it's not bad stuff. Like a heady topper, straight from the can is recommended (by me at least). At least one of your four cans.

Looks wise the clarity was some of the best I have seen from a can pour in some time.
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Question for you all: how fat are you guys?

5'8" 160
6'1", 165 pounds.

I've always been pretty lanky, but I make efforts to mitigate the weight gain by watching what I eat and doing cardio exercises that I enjoy.  I love long bike rides.  I generally ride about 100-150 miles a week during the summer and use my stationary trainer for about an hour a day when the weather is bad.  Still don't exactly have a washboard stomach though. 
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6-4. 260. Probably have 30 lbs of Ipa water weight in me. What are ya gonna do?

At most breweries I visit I see lots of younger aged hipster types that are quite skinny. The larger taller guys are an anomaly. Craft= fat is furthest from the truth though. My fat self is an outsider.
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5'6 153 lbs. I workout 3-4 times/week. Beer is just too good to give up :lol:. Moderation is key.
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@Chopper i have heard some complaints about the draak having too much carbonation. I never had that problem, to me it was delicious lol. I do want to try it when it is aged, i heard it's really good when aged.
6'5" 200. I do see some big guys when I go around the breweries in Houston but like Wally said craft seems more to be the hipster scene.
Don't know about y'all but personally I can't drink more than 3 maybe 4 craft beers in one day. Makes me feel so full.
Long day here at work. Def in need of a cold one. NT, give me some suggestions on some widely available stouts. I love Rasputins, but I want to try others.
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