NT, What Beer Do You Drink?

Long day here at work. Def in need of a cold one. NT, give me some suggestions on some widely available stouts. I love Rasputins, but I want to try others.
Stone IRS, Great Divide Yeti (and all of the variations), and Oskar Blues Ten Fidy are the best widely available stouts that come to mind for me.
In a similar train of thought: apple brandy barrel-aged seems to be the new bourbon barrel-aged.
^Never had anything like that, care to give me some recommendations?
They're pretty rare to come by at the moment.  Westbrook Apple Brandy Barrel-Aged Mexican Cake and Cigar City Apple Brandy Barrel-Aged Hunahpu come to mind. However, given that a lot of people are starting to think that bourbon barrel-aging is getting to be a bit overdone and that most apple brandy barrel-aged beers seem to be getting a lot of praise on BeerAdvocate/RateBeer I wouldn't be too surprised if you start seeing more and more of them pop up in the near future.
Long day here at work. Def in need of a cold one. NT, give me some suggestions on some widely available stouts. I love Rasputins, but I want to try others.
Brooklyn Brewery Black Chocolate Stout is great. Its not quite widely available but total wine around me had a bunch the other day.

For a little more widely available try Bell's Expedition, Bells Java Stout, Yeti, Left Hand.

Tonight I'm sipping on this. It's bananas.

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Samuel Smith oatmeal stout.. Deschutes Obsidian Stout. Ipswitch Oatmeal Stout. Sierra Nevada Stout (norwhal still may or may not be available. its their RIS)... they are all decent imho.

Heard great things about Clown Shoes Vampire Slayer (new name has something to do with lawyer slayer, due to their name change and lawsuit against them).

tee eye ehm, I seriously thought about throwing that alesmith speedway stout in the fridge for a year but those 5 seconds of thought was thrown out... Gonna go with that tonight and a Sculpin... Cant wait.. review later
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Samuel Smith oatmeal stout.. Deschutes Obsidian Stout. Ipswitch Oatmeal Stout. Sierra Nevada Stout (norwhal still may or may not be available. its their RIS)... they are all decent imho.

Heard great things about Clown Shoes Vampire Slayer (new name has something to do with lawyer slayer, due to their name change and lawsuit against them).

tee eye ehm, I seriously thought about throwing that alesmith speedway stout in the fridge for a year but those 5 seconds of thought was thrown out... Gonna go with that tonight and a Sculpin... Cant wait.. review later

LOL I feel you. If you like it, I can send over another one for you to age, no problem.

Poppin open the Project Dank finally tonight.
Got a couple of reviews that are overdue.  Here goes nothing:

This first one was purchased upon @WallyHopp's recommendation. Pours a color that's closer to amber than it is golden with a soapy head.  Aroma on this consists of a malt sweetness, some citrusy notes, and a slight piney characteristic.  Taste isn't as intense as most DIPAs out there.  This one has a big malt sweetness with a moderate citrus flavor.  Not particularly tropical, not particularly piney...not particularly anything, for that matter.  Not exactly a bad thing, though. For 9%, this beer goes down very easy. Not the most intense DIPA, but that's not always what I'm in the mood for.  Wouldn't go out of my way for this, but it's certainly worth checking out. 9.1/10

This next one barely belongs in this thread.  Told myself I'd never spend this much on a bottle, then I got my tax return in the mail. 
 This "beer" pours a nice transparent amber/brown color with no head and no carbonation. Huge alcohol legs lacing the glass on this one. Aroma is a unique mix of port wine, cognac, brandy, sherry, and maple syrup.  Very little "beer" characteristics to pick out on the nose. Taste is similar, only the maple syrup takes center stage.  Behind all of the barrels and syrup, you can actually tell that this is still a beer at heart. Boozy on the nose, but not as much on the taste. Certainly a sipper, but a delightful one.  This might be a bold claim to some, but I think this is worth spending the money on at least once. Probably gonna buy a bottle of the 2015 batch and hold onto it for as long as humanly possible. No regrets purchasing this. 10/10

Finally, this is one I've been meaning to try for awhile.  I was convinced that I'd never get the chance, but luckily I found it last week at a beer distributor down the road from me.  Pours pitch black with 3/4 of a finger of head that dissipates almost immediately.  The smell on this one hits you like a ton of bricks.  Straight bitter coffee and roasted malts. Taste is equally as pungent and delightful.  This was one of those beers where I was upset about taking the last sip.  Any booziness this beer might have is compensated by how delicious it is.  As far as coffee stouts go, I think this blows Founders Breakfast Stout out of the water but isn't as good as Bourbon County Coffee.  I'd place it on the same level as Mikkeller Beer Geek Brunch Weasel.  Incredible beer.  Do yourself a favor and buy a bottle or six if it's accessible to you. 10/10
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Terrible photo but you get the idea.. The beer is pitch black anyways lol. I thought the bottle was possibly blacked out from the beginning.

AleSmith Speedway Stout
Imperial Stout with Coffee
12% ABV
Bottled in 1/3/14
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Terrible photo but you get the idea.. The beer is pitch black anyways lol. I thought the bottle was possibly blacked out from the beginning.

AleSmith Speedway Stout
Imperial Stout with Coffee
12% ABV
Bottled in 1/3/14

I hope you weren't planning on sleeping :lol:

Reminds me that I need to visit the brewery again soon
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Terrible photo but you get the idea.. The beer is pitch black anyways lol. I thought the bottle was possibly blacked out from the beginning.

AleSmith Speedway Stout
Imperial Stout with Coffee
12% ABV
Bottled in 1/3/14

I hope you weren't planning on sleeping :lol:

Reminds me that I need to visit the brewery again soon

This man knows! :lol:

Sorry forgot to mention that, Wally.
^I'm learning about proper serving temps. I may never get it right.. From room temp into a freezer for a quick chill, then out on a table for 50-80 minutes. At that point, I've probably been sipping on it for about 4 hours... Imperial Stouts are interesting beers. I've let some IPAs warm up and get some new flavors. But stouts bring out so much more.

Initially I thought there was a bit of an alcohol heat/burn smell to it. It seemed to dominate the smell over anything else. Only after 2-3 hours, did it finally smell like it had some coffee.. BCBCS wins out in that regard as never really having that straight alcohol heat smell to it. I got more flavors out of the beer after I drank it and the residue settled in and around my tongue. Really deep chocolate flavors. Not very sweet tasting. Bitterness creeps in..

It's a very solid stout. It has a creamy texture, like that of a BCBCS. I'd say its deserving of its BA score of 98.. Just as I thought of Abyss, price may be a true deterrent. I liked it. But felt a Ten Fidy or other RIS can come really close.. Even as a 98 rated beer, It didnt totally wow me.. Very good non the less.

Taste wise, I'd say it didnt really have a burnt roasted flavor to it. It was roasted, but very balanced. The deep raisin/dark fruit taste didnt dominate, like it can in a ten fidy. Having the favorite part of the taste be AFTER ingesting it, makes me think this could be a 10.5% beer and a touch easier on the initial taste. Considering it is still a 12% beer, the alcohol smell didnt really translate into the taste. So I'm grateful. The creamy texture is probably the most memorable element of this beer. I remember thinking a 10.5% Stone RIS was a bit light feeling in your mouth.. This takes it to that BCBCS level.

Good stuff tee eye ohm
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Fresh squeezed tonight. Best by date is June I'm guessing it's super fresh.
Yeah it seems that way. I found this website
It lists what a lot of different companies do as far as labeling. Deschutes has a best by date retroactively stating their brew date was 120 days prior.. So think 4 months back from June. So it appears that stuff was bottled at some point in March of this year.

I personally won't touch an IPA more than 2 months removed from its bottling date.. Is that free squeezed stuff a seasonal? I love seasonals for that very reason.. Freshness. They may only be released for a 3-4 month window, and if you happen to see a spring beer in summer, you know its old.
Yeah it seems that way. I found this website
It lists what a lot of different companies do as far as labeling. Deschutes has a best by date retroactively stating their brew date was 120 days prior.. So think 4 months back from June. So it appears that stuff was bottled at some point in March of this year.

I personally won't touch an IPA more than 2 months removed from its bottling date.. Is that free squeezed stuff a seasonal? I love seasonals for that very reason.. Freshness. They may only be released for a 3-4 month window, and if you happen to see a spring beer in summer, you know its old.
I've heard about this beer before along with chasing freshies. It's now a year round release. Deschutes gets somewhat limited distribution here in Orange County. Most sell out within a week but others like hop henge are still plentiful.

Just finished a bottle share tonight.

Wally, project dank was pretty awesome. I enjoyed Elevated a lot more though. It might have been because I let it sit longer than I should have though. Still pretty good stuff regardless. Might need another bottle to taste again. After tasting all that La Cumbre had to offer, I am beyond impressed. Elevated is for sure in my top beers I have tried.
I personally won't touch an IPA more than 2 months removed from its bottling date.. Is that free squeezed stuff a seasonal? I love seasonals for that very reason.. Freshness. They may only be released for a 3-4 month window, and if you happen to see a spring beer in summer, you know its old.
Im pretty sure its the first year they are bottling  Fresh squeezed  in six packs. Last year i only saw bombers around fall? once my local shop sold out didnt see them the rest of the year. so bomb tho! 

Comparison Ford- you a fool for copping that Utopias! Making me regret not buying for 25% off last year 

havent posted in here in a minute! 

couple of weeks ago...watching Rusty the King do his thing 

me- Knee Deep Brewing  Co Belgo Hoptologist...pretty good wish there was a little more of that Belgian

flavor  to it but for sure one of the better Belgian Ipa's ive had.

wifey- Brouwerij West Dog Ate My Homework...she loved it not my cup of tea but doesnt matter if you 

get your girl a new beer she likes lol. Just cant do fruit beers. Color is awesome tho lol
Lovin this Thread!! :pimp:

I finally got some Founders Breakfast Stout!! (Shout out to my labmate Brooke)


I tried it and liked it but still think that Left Hand stout is the best!!

I'll be trying the stouts mentioned above if I can find em as well. You guys are great

side note on the height n weight question : 5' 9" and 147 lbs :lol: feather weight [emoji]9996[/emoji]️

Just finished a bottle share tonight.

Wally, project dank was pretty awesome. I enjoyed Elevated a lot more though. It might have been because I let it sit longer than I should have though. Still pretty good stuff regardless. Might need another bottle to taste again. After tasting all that La Cumbre had to offer, I am beyond impressed. Elevated is for sure in my top beers I have tried.

Nice! What did you think of the Maharaja? Had it last week and thought the hint of caramel was a nice touch.

Just finished a bottle share tonight.

Wally, project dank was pretty awesome. I enjoyed Elevated a lot more though. It might have been because I let it sit longer than I should have though. Still pretty good stuff regardless. Might need another bottle to taste again. After tasting all that La Cumbre had to offer, I am beyond impressed. Elevated is for sure in my top beers I have tried.

Nice! What did you think of the Maharaja? Had it last week and thought the hint of caramel was a nice touch.

It was great! I was not expecting the sweetness from it. I usually am turned off by that characteristic, but this one I was diggin. Definitely will buy again.
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