NT, What Beer Do You Drink?

Was out doing errands and rolled into a bevmo and saw they had a bunch of these sitting on the shelves :pimp:

Was out doing errands and rolled into a bevmo and saw they had a bunch of these sitting on the shelves :pimp:

Nice! The spot by me had some left but I still have a bottle and I'm waiting for parabola.

Doing a bunch of beer flights tonight. Highlight is the '13 white chocolate
You're the first person to respond so we'll see how much interest there is. Id be down to meet up Thursday regardless

Not sure I can do Thursday. I'll be driving down from Norcal after work so I might not get down there til pretty late. If I somehow get down there sooner, I'll definitely be down to meetup.
You're the first person to respond so we'll see how much interest there is. Id be down to meet up Thursday regardless

Not sure I can do Thursday. I'll be driving down from Norcal after work so I might not get down there til pretty late. If I somehow get down there sooner, I'll definitely be down to meetup.

I might be going if I can find a wristband. Gonna be off-site though :\

Some pictures from NOLA Beer Fest


Gonna be in NOLA for the first time this coming weekend. Any events/places I should check out? Beer related or not.
Gonna be in NOLA for the first time this coming weekend. Any events/places I should check out? Beer related or not.
Nothing that I can think of off the top of my head but Baton Rouge will have a Beer Fest this weekend if you want to take that 40 min drive. 

Ill keep you posted if I think of anything tomorrow. 
Two weekend reviews... Went very low key *again for Sunday evening.. I guess looking back, drinking a Enjoy by bomber alone is good for 4-5 beers.

Enjoy By 4-20-14
A near mirror image of what Project Dank is. Dank may be a touch more aromatic. Points to them there. Stone seems to manage to make Enjoy by a 9.4% beast without sacrificing much... I definitely feel a blind tasting is needed. A true "cousins" type relationship here. The nod would go to Project Dank because of its aroma and more aggressive taste. It's more "dank" if you will. Stone is very smooth given its ABV... If you can't get a hold of Project Dank (who can really?), I HIGHLY recommend Enjoy by *****/14... Even with Dank available, I may get a few more bombers of this stuff.

I also tried Highland Brewing Devil's Britches Seasonal IPA

*not my photo

I had no idea what to expect coming in. I didnt look up BA score etc... Read the bottle that it has quite a variety of malts. My last Highlands beer was a Kashmir DIPA, which I felt was really malty... This beer falls from the same tree.. Almost all malts and biscuits, with a hint of hops that almost throws it off. It's like if an octoberfest all of a sudden tried to be an IPA with hops thrown in.. The BA score ended up being a 82. I feel it was more around a 83 or 84.. The fill date was just a month ago.. I got a sense of some mustiness too. It may have just been a bad bottle. Hop presence was there in aroma, but not really there in the taste.
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Founders KBS hits the shelves for a couple mins tomorrow. Hope to snag a couple. Heard this years is much better than the 13
I truly appreciate the opportunity to try this again. I had it first back in May'13 on draft and fell in love. I was able to trade for some back in October and loved it. And finally just a week back, I got some more. Thanks fellow NTer
Perfect blend of coffee and cocoa/chocolate flavors without being too bitter or sweet. I'm getting a bigger sense of some roastedness here. But that's fine.. This bottle is dated September '13. My last bottles I tasted were about 10 months old. These appear to be about 7. Not sure if that plays into the roasted flavors. I like this coffee flavor more than BCBCS. Still quite velvety and creamy stuff. Maybe my favorite "top" stout out of dozens I have tried
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Took the weekend off from drinking and decided to keep it going.  My fridge is starting to empty out and I don't have a huge desire to fill it back up at the moment.  Probably not gonna buy any more beer until something good comes around (i.e.: KBS).

I think it has to do with the fact that the weather is getting nicer.  I kind of lose the will to live during the winter, so my drinking obviously increases from November to March. 
  I'll still be drinking/trying new things, but the part of my brain that's been obsessed with finding limited releases and white whales is slowly being replaced by an obsession over fixing up my bike and my miata for the summer. Also looking to start working out more often.  I wanna do a roughly 75-mile bike ride to the east end of Long Island this summer, and those 2-3 beers a day aren't doing me any favors to prepare for that.
Took the weekend off from drinking and decided to keep it going.  My fridge is starting to empty out and I don't have a huge desire to fill it back up at the moment.  Probably not gonna buy any more beer until something good comes around (i.e.: KBS).

I think it has to do with the fact that the weather is getting nicer.  I kind of lose the will to live during the winter, so my drinking obviously increases from November to March. :lol:   I'll still be drinking/trying new things, but the part of my brain that's been obsessed with finding limited releases and white whales is slowly being replaced by an obsession over fixing up my bike and my miata for the summer. Also looking to start working out more often.  I wanna do a roughly 75-mile bike ride to the east end of Long Island this summer, and those 2-3 beers a day aren't doing me any favors to prepare for that.

I feel ya. My circuit training group starts up soon and I have a half marathon I'll be training for later in the year so I'll probably be limiting my beer consumption to only a few days a week (that's the plan at least :lol:).
I think I am going to TRY to lay low for a couple weeks at least. These excess pounds ain't the business. :lol:
Bros, I stopped buying beer (for the most part, and for myself at least) since the beginning of the year. Only been drinking the few I have in my closet cause I'm trying to shrink down. Couple that with a better diet and lifting some heavy *** weights, my six pack is starting to show, no lie.

I think I'm going to pick up a couple bottles of parabola and call the year...need to take a break from alcohol and figure out some things :\
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In the middle of a 12 hour work shift. I get off at 11am est. I have a few 22s of clown shoes chocolate sombrero ive been sittin on. Might have to break it to one to unwind when i get home. Hurry up 11
Yea I've been laying low from the beer the past two weeks...think it's the reason my stomach hasn't slimmed down yet :tongue:
Has craft beer hit a saturation plateau? I had fun for a couple months trying new things. After one more trade, I think I'll follow suit with what some of you guys are doing. You guys can be a good and BAD influence lol... I've been really cleaning house as far as drinking up any older beers lying around. I think at least one Abyss is gone this weekend, plus BCBCS bottles.. I'd rather have nothing in the fridge than something if I'm gonna do it right.

btw, I saw Sam Adams Summer Ale on the store shelves :smh:. Nothing from the spring seasonal packages look enticing. My one local brewery has a summertime pilsner. But other than that, I have almost no excitement for anything else
Stone RIS 2014 is coming out soon 8).

I still have a couple of bottles of the 2013 Espresso RIS.. cant wait to taste those.
Just as I said I wasn't gonna buy another beer, Enjoy By 4.20.14 arrives on Long Island. :smh:

Not gonna front: probably gonna buy a bottle after I get out of clinical, drink it while I study, and not drink anything else for the rest of the week.
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