NT, What Beer Do You Drink?

Just made fish and chips with a Bell's Two Hearted beer batter.  Piff. 
question about untappd.. Can you retroactively post beers you had in the past? I probably have 300 or so I would like to catalog as simply "trying".

I remember seeing a guy at one of my local breweries./ He had a diary for his beer tastings. I wish I could have been better about cataloging what I have had.
^that's what I've been doing.  I'm more or less setting up a photo/review gallery.  I uploaded about 30 beers yesterday.
Just when I'm content with slowing things down. I receive this

At least one of these will be had tonight. Thanks fellow NTer

On the heaviest drinking day in America, I forget to post here... Went with some "traditional" favorites.
Santa Fe Brewing Company has their spring seasonal, Irish Red Ale come out every year..
4.8% abv. Malty, small hint of hops.. Nothing crazy AMAZING about it. But it's sessionable beyond belief..

-Shared a growler of some La Cumbre Irish Dry Stout.. I gotta say this is NOT my favorite style.. Very very dry, and the bitterness is just wild. To the style, carbonation tastes muted. So its trying to be a smoother beer. But has a sense of tasting watered down

At 5% abv, its very easy to drink... I'm glad I went with the lightweights yesterday
-I also I forgot I gave some family members this Alchemist glass. It seems to only get used when I'm over there.

Some styles just don't work here in the states.. Although when I was there the other day, gallons of the dark stuff were being served. They may have been going with the higher ABV Malpais Stout.. I actually had one yesterday that was sitting at room temperature. Drinkability is almost better when its sitting at 60 degrees then any colder.

Comparison Ford, apologies on the BCBCS not being the freshest. I thought the shelf life would work in its favor a little more since it has 13.4% ABV. Drinking it fresh was amazing. But even just 2-3 weeks after that, I felt the coffee freshness was gone. Maybe the bourbon alcohol heaviness took over as it sat? I think I'll save one and get to finishing off the rest before the coffee flavor is ALL gone (which makes it just the normal BCBS)
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Downloaded it. Looked at and tried to figure out what the heck it is and I am still as lost as ever. :lol:

Anyways add your boy: teeeyeehm

Even though I am not sure how much I will actually utilize the app, lets see...
Newbie badge unlocked lol.. Went with one of the beers I got today.. Hop Slam

It reminds me of Double Mychenary (by odell brewing). It's quite the malt/honey/biscuit flavored beer, with a slight touch of hop bitterness. No sense of anything tropical or mago like or grapefruit.. Maybe a slight touch of pine. Does not drink like a 10% beer at all. Great carbonation levels and smoothness... If this is a 100 BA beer, Elevated IPA is 105... just my opinion.. That malt/honey combo throws me off a bit flavorwise.. Still at least a 97/100 beer.. Bottled date was two months back. I don't know how much that plays into this.. LC elevated is still good for up to 3 months..
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Nice package, Wally.  I'd recommend a side-by-side with a Hopslam and a Two Hearted.  Hell, maybe even a blind tasting.  Having been so excited to try Hopslam for the first time, I felt let down by it.  Two Hearted, on the other hand, really surprised me.  I'll take Two Hearted over Hopslam 9 times out of 10.
Chimay Red

I've never taken a plunge on this stuff. I need to.. I heard Chimay Blue is really solid stuff.... Some beers just get bypassed for years until I eventually get a chance to try them. Ayinger-Celebrator is another one.. I've seen it once in awhile at my local stores but I never took a plunge. Then when I want it, it;s gone.. It's pricey stuff and I'm truly expecting a deep fruit/raisin taste (not a HUGE fan but I can get by lol). Super excited to try that one eventually.. I'll do IPAs first until the stouts and strong ales come up last..

Comparison, Looks like I'll be doing that side by side/blind tasting tomorrow evening.. Can't wait.. I have no expectations on two hearted ale. I've just heard both are 90+ on BA.. That's where most of my expectations start and end. I had no idea on IBU and ABV.. I do know now that hopslam is 10%.

If anyone is down for another trade. This elevated is the best I have ever tasted. I'm not sure if the recipe has changed. but wow... Slightly less hoppy. But an incredible sense of a mango/tropical fruit taste and its in the hop aftertaste. Dankness may have increased as well (maybe to compete with project dank). I'm smiling from ear to ear after every drink.. Drinkability is SCARRRRRRRY... Passed out after "a sixer type status" lol. Not that that has happened or anything. Of all the "top" beers I have tried nationally, I can't find one that comes close to this sort of tropical dankness? I'm sure its an acquired taste like a malt bomb IPA. But this hits the right notes at this point in time.. Scary goood
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Chimay Red
I've never taken a plunge on this stuff. I need to.. I heard Chimay Blue is really solid stuff.... Some beers just get bypassed for years until I eventually get a chance to try them. Ayinger-Celebrator is another one.. I've seen it once in awhile at my local stores but I never took a plunge. Then when I want it, it;s gone.. It's pricey stuff and I'm truly expecting a deep fruit/raisin taste (not a HUGE fan but I can get by lol). Super excited to try that one eventually.. I'll do IPAs first until the stouts and strong ales come up last..

Comparison, Looks like I'll be doing that side by side/blind tasting tomorrow evening.. Can't wait.. I have no expectations on two hearted ale. I've just heard both are 90+ on BA.. That's where most of my expectations start and end. I had no idea on IBU and ABV.. I do know now that hopslam is 10%.

If anyone is down for another trade. This elevated is the best I have ever tasted. I'm not sure if the recipe has changed. but wow... Slightly less hoppy. But an incredible sense of a mango/tropical fruit taste and its in the hop aftertaste. Dankness may have increased as well (maybe to compete with project dank). I'm smiling from ear to ear after every drink.. Drinkability is SCARRRRRRRY... Passed out after "a sixer type status" lol. Not that that has happened or anything. Of all the "top" beers I have tried nationally, I can't find one that comes close to this sort of tropical dankness? I'm sure its an acquired taste like a malt bomb IPA. But this hits the right notes at this point in time.. Scary goood
I'm always down for more elevated.
Chimay was probably the first "good" beer that I ever tried. I was hooked on it for a good minute, it was even my avy back in the ezboard days :lol:

Pick ups for the day. 4 enjoy bys , a sixer of more fresh squeezed and a 4 pack of pitch black ipa

My states getting this back for the first time in almost 6-9 months.. Super excited. I'm down for atleast 2-5 bombers... Have you tried any yet..

I guess its hitting 40 states. It may be the highest reviewer, highest touted enjoyed by EVER? What a crisp solid IPA...... IMHO, better than HT and PtE/Blind pig, sculpin and elevated.... Incredlible stuff.. I have learned though that people dont really like what IPAs have to offer in the truest sense. The higher rated items are incredibly mellow. From what I remember of Enjoy By. IT was incredibly hoppy but a sense of citrus and mellowiness.. One of the best IPA flavors I have experiecened.
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Night cap... Finishing off these BCBCS faster than I can count them.

I let this last one sit almost 4 hours at room temperature (from fridge status). It;s basically room temperature... Coffee notes are at the highest level that I can remember. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW. Smell wise, it is just kind of there.. When you serve it all off, WOW MAN.. WOW!.

Comparison, if you have a BCBCS left, please let that sit at room temp. What an AMAZING EXPERIENCE... The vibrancy and life of the coffee is back.. Bourbon notes are at a backbone level. Coffee definitely up front when you drink it at near room temp.
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My states getting this back for the first time in almost 6-9 months.. Super excited. I'm down for atleast 2-5 bombers... Have you tried any yet..

I guess its hitting 40 states. It may be the highest reviewer, highest touted enjoyed by EVER? What a crisp solid IPA...... IMHO, better than HT and PtE/Blind pig, sculpin and elevated.... Incredlible stuff.. I have learned though that people dont really like what IPAs have to offer in the truest sense. The higher rated items are incredibly mellow. From what I remember of Enjoy By. IT was incredibly hoppy but a sense of citrus and mellowiness.. One of the best IPA flavors I have experiecened.

I've had most of the enjoy bys but I haven't tried this batch yet. I agree I prefer this over PTE and sculpin. This and double actuator are my top favorite double IPAs.
Had some good friends over last night so I cracked a Huna to share with them. Others are Indeed Day Tripper (Pale Ale) and Surly Abrasive Ale (DIPA).
Pickups for a Tuesday. Not a bad haul.


I got a question for some of you. How do your significant others fell about this beer thing we do?
My wife has been nothing but supportive. She compared it to shoes the other day. Getting the newest releases, etc. I defended it by saying it is a hell of a lot cheaper and at least we get a buzz off beer. And she actually agreed.
I showed her the instagram pic of my local spot getting Pliny yetserday and she said "Are we going before or after dinner?" Love it.

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Damn i need that Enjoy By to come to PA. the 2.14 was awesome.

My boy is hooking me up this weekend, pliny, hop slam, zombie dust, headytopper and a BCBS. Cannot wait to crack into all of them. Hop heaven.
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