NT, What Beer Do You Drink?

$20, but this is fantastic!

Its kind of like BCS but a little sweeter.

Every one of this brewery's IPAs reaffirms how over rated pliny the elder is. This brewery deserves to be in BA top 250.
Picked up a couple Three Floyds Behemoth, couple Sucaba, and a Boysenberry American Sour Ale made outta CA. Quite a few bucks there :lol:


Very good. It has a fruity characteristic with caramel on the aroma. Same with the taste but there is a lime and lemongrass flavor as well.
Sipping on this tonight. Getting some tartness from the apple brandy barrel. Brandy notes are there but not overpowering. Reminds me of chocolate covered apples. Really liking this one.

elysian brewery, Spacedust IPA, 

Brewery just got bought by Anheuser Busch, expect to see this one around the country in the next 6 months
elysian brewery, Spacedust IPA, 

Brewery just got bought by Anheuser Busch, expect to see this one around the country in the next 6 months
Already is, for the most part.  I can get Space Dust on Long Island without difficulty.

Great beer regardless.
Went by a local brewery this weekend for the same o'l, same o'l. Project Dank, Malpais stout, a core pilsner, and took home some elevated and a Bohemian pils.. It's becoming super hard NOT to just go to this 1 place and not get enough for the weekend and week ahead. These other breweries have to be suffering a touch from a business front. LC will be releasing a 8.8% Belgian Tripel on Tuesday. A can't miss event for me. They've been killing the non IPA styles lately. And in just two weeks they will be installing a new brewhouse to double their capacity.


Owner/brewmaster seems super hyped, so that makes me excited.

I avoided these places today though. That Better call saul show was having watch parties everywhere. "local brews" and seemingly "locally" produced, yet really popular shows seem to go hand in hand
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Had City of the Dead by Modern Times and finally got around to trying my Rumpkin last night.
City of the Dead. Interesting. Smells like one of those bourbon caramel sauces that you typically get with bread pudding. Sweet and boozy.
The taste is a bit different. To me it was nothing like the smell. A little sweetness, but the coffee bitterness really comes through. It was good. Not mind blowing, but I'm glad I got another bobmber at home.
The Rumpkin on the other hand....
The smell was nice. Like very lightly spiced pumpkin pie honestly. The taste? Way too sweet, way too boozy. I ended up giving about a 1/3 of the bottle to a friend and I struggled to drink the rest. Not a fan.
I love when I get texts from one of my boys in Chicago, who asks if I like presents.

Then sends me this photo:


Found 3 4-packs at a Walgreens of all places over the weekend...IN CHICAGO.

That one is headed my way.

^Nice. I had 3 four packs. Not sure how I drank or lost or consumed the others. I'm sitting on one more 4 pack for the next couple of months.

I dont know how people do it though. Consuming high abv beer and actually remembering the specifics of how much you have or have left.. I hate myself many times
Speaking of Bourbon County:  TWO spots by me got BCBCS over the weekend.

Considering that I work 8a-9p Friday through Sunday, I got none of it.
Take consolation in the fact that by the time its released, its two months old. By the time its available to you, it would have been 4 months.. Coffee notes drop out of beer like nothing else I have seen before. It's fast and furious. It's great while it lasts though. You can sorta say "well, it was past its prime anyways."
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Take consolation in the fact that by the time its released, its two months old. By the time its available to you, it would have been 4 months.. Coffee notes drop out of beer like nothing else I have seen before. It's fast and furious. It's great while it lasts though. You can sorta say "well, it was past its prime anyways."
Very true.  On the bright side, I was able to get an entire 6-pack of Hopslam when just about every place around here either had a two bottle limit or didn't get any at all.

Drinking one now, actually.  My opinion still stands: great double IPA, but nothing worth going crazy for anymore given the amount of great IPAs that are available these days.
I love when I get texts from one of my boys in Chicago, who asks if I like presents.

Then sends me this photo:

Found 3 4-packs at a Walgreens of all places over the weekend...IN CHICAGO.

That one is headed my way.

I always keep an eye out at places like that. There a gas station down the road from me who got some in originally and had it priced at like $51.99 or something for a 4-pack. It just sat. Then one day I went in and it was gone. Assuming he dropped the prices to "normal" and someone scooped it up.
^Nice. I had 3 four packs. Not sure how I drank or lost or consumed the others. I'm sitting on one more 4 pack for the next couple of months.

I dont know how people do it though. Consuming high abv beer and actually remembering the specifics of how much you have or have left.. I hate myself many times
I still have one 4-pack left as well along with the others; Vanilla, Coconut, Barleywine, etc that I got at the original release.

I think I ended up with a total of 3 4-packs that ended up "disappearing" if ya catch my drift. 
 You're not alone...

Not sure when to drink them. I read usually people save the current year and then drink last year. I never had the Coconut or Vanilla (the regular I have almost every year one way or another) and I'm not quite sure I want to get up and wait in line again. So maybe I'll just drink them and see what the hype is all about. 

With all that said, if you guys can find that Revolution Very Mad Cow, get it. It's like BCS but just a bit sweeter I think. I've actually bought like 6 bottle of it lately when I find it. 
 It's not cheap but I'm saving a couple for a rainy day.

And I posted up that Three Floyds Behemoth; I love barleywine but the behemoth has that hoppy taste and I didn't care for it. 
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i had no idea this thread existed, ooooooooooooooh weeeeeeee im a chicago native so there are plenty to talk lol

last night i had a few of these my self. In my personal top 10.
For my taste buds, Pliny>Heady.
I think it's more balanced between the malt and hops.
I don't think there is a wrong answer though. You like what you like.
Put either in front of me and I will not turn either away. And I'm not even a hop head.
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