NT, What Beer Do You Drink?

Does Evil Twin, StillWater, Off Color and/or Against The Grain have any regular lineup beers that don't cost a fortune and/or may actually be worth their cost because the beer is better than "okay"?

The four come together distribution wise, with a company called 12 percentage distributing their beers.

Hipster Ale just came out, along with Low Life. BA scores vs. 4/6 pack cost just don't do it for me
StillWater has one called Yacht, a session dry hopped lager. Sounds enticing but price point alone has me wondering what you get for 4.2%
Off Color always has some odd ball stylings. This one called Scrurry, Kottbusser Style Ale Dark Honey Ale

This whole lineup has a great set of artwork, labels, and appeal (except for price). Molotov and Molotov light were ok. Citra *** Down was okay. I'm guessing people buy this whole groups set of beers. Biscotti and Jesus are probably the one two from Evil Twin that I would feel inclined to buy. One of them is something like $19/bomber. So I haven't jumped at them just yet, although I did trade for them awhile back for much cheaper than being offered now.

I can actually see the shelves in my beer fridge. It feels weird.
Cigar city's maduro brown ale was really good. It tastes like a light bodied, sweet, and heavily carbonated porter. I would've like a little more body but I really can't complain. Would buy again.

The First Peach Ale I liked as well. It has a good balance between the peach and wheat flavors. You get the peach sweetness first, then the wheat with malt finishes. Its ok.

The gator tail is very good as well. This one also has a porter taste. Is this common for brown ales? Slight dark fruit smell and taste as well.
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I have an extra 3 year vertical of The Abyss ('13, '14, '15) if anyone is looking. Looking for BA stuff.
Also, I went into two different local bottle shops last night and both had CASES of BCBS sitting. One place had 6 and the other had 5. It's amazing that I've read that some people can't find this where they live.

Yesterday was a good day. Finally found some FBS. My only dilemma was which glass to drink it in.

KBS sold out about an hour before I walked in.
And picked up another bottle of Abyss.
^Good stuff. KBS was never offered in bottles when Founders hit my area (there was a special keg tapping at one place).. Were those glasses also available when you got your Founders stuff? We got the shaft man. I need that one on the right.

Just passed on some Abyss cognac limited edition. $20-25. Also, some NC Old Rasputin BA in rye and another type of barrel were $25/a piece. :x Immense savings these past two weeks. Crazy what eventually gets throw at you. Impulse buys for days and days.

A great measure of a stouts characteristics is when you can drink it at room temp (63degrees) and just massive amounts of flavors overcome your senses.. FBS did that for me a couple days ago.. I did the same with Xocoveza.. A true downer. Thin body. One Dimensional. Pretty mediocre actually.. FBS had coffee elements, chocolate elements, IBU bitterness, and roast all coming out quite strong. I am actually inclined to buy much much more of FBS, and call it quits on these overpriced bombers. Xoco felt very very thin, with fading hints of the cinnamon,nutmeg,vanilla combo. It felt less pronounced at room temp. FBS for $9-$11/4 pack is a steal of a lifetime.. Maybe I'll just buy another keg, which amounts to $6/4packs :x :D. Rarely does a big bomber wow me or feel like it has added value (latest one is parabola. That may be the only big beer I ever seek out again). The beer ends up being fine, but it feels like Id rather have the $20 back afterwards. Not alot feels worth it.

I have a local brewery who does bombers of their seasonals now. They charge $10/bomber of what is usually just somewhat limited seasonal beer that you would normally get at the brewery for $10/growler. I talk the talk. I guess its time to walk the walk.

The new beer geek is too rich for my blood. My untappd "friends" list is filled with many. I tend to check in the same beer every day lol
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Interesting. I had the same experience with xoco when I had it in a snifter a week or two ago. Can't let it warm up too much.
Drinking a Xocoveza Charred right now.  It's pretty much a completely different beer from the original.  I much prefer the original, especially when price is factored into the equation.
A great measure of a stouts characteristics is when you can drink it at room temp (63degrees) and just massive amounts of flavors overcome your senses.. FBS did that for me a couple days ago.. I did the same with Xocoveza.. A true downer. Thin body. One Dimensional. Pretty mediocre actually.. FBS had coffee elements, chocolate elements, IBU bitterness, and roast all coming out quite strong. I am actually inclined to buy much much more of FBS, and call it quits on these overpriced bombers. Xoco felt very very thin, with fading hints of the cinnamon,nutmeg,vanilla combo. It felt less pronounced at room temp. FBS for $9-$11/4 pack is a steal of a lifetime.. Maybe I'll just buy another keg, which amounts to $6/4packs :x :D. Rarely does a big bomber wow me or feel like it has added value (latest one is parabola. That may be the only big beer I ever seek out again). The beer ends up being fine, but it feels like Id rather have the $20 back afterwards. Not alot feels worth it.

I've been trying to taste my stouts at different temperatures lately and I feel where you're coming from, but I actually prefer my FBS slightly more chilled. As it warms up it gets a little more bitter for me whereas that first sip out the fridge is about perfect. Coffee comes off strongest straight out of the fridge.

Had a Bells Expedition Stout the other day at room temperature that was fantastic though. Really deep flavors and great profile.
What's everyone's Untappd name? Just got put on the other day :lol: add me @ sneaksoy.

About to try this combo tonight :pimp:
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What's everyone's Untappd name? Just got put on the other day :lol: add me @ sneaksoy.

About to try this combo tonight :pimp:


No updates from me until 2/1. Giving my body a break. Purchases unfortunately haven't slowed down though.

First week of February is going to be tip top.
Oktoberfiesta ('Okt Bier' may be whats searchable) on untappd.

A lot of people say the same thing about IPAs. If its too cold, the flavors are muted. For some of the heavier hitting IBU IPAs, I prefer colder than warmer. FBS really really felt bitter warm. The label always read something like 60 IBUs, but not until I let it warm did I feel the actual bitterness.. So it is nice sometimes to mix it up all the way. For warm FBS, I said, wow this is different. I like it. One beer can change so much from 30 to 60 degrees. If you can;t afford a variety, try the same beer at different temps.

You can't really do that when you go to these places that have "the coldest beer in town". I know a place that touts 30 degree beer (FOR ALL THEIR BEERS). They have a couple local options, but its mostly of the shocktop, stella type crafty type beers. Although, even the breweries around my way only have one cold storage space, so even their bigger burlier beers are coming out 38-40 degrees. It's a travesty more than half drink the stouts straight off the tap. I let my hands warm it up at least 15 minutes. I may even order another beer prior.

Is Youngs Double in a bottle "nitro" based? I had their can with that weird plastic gadget in the bottom of the can to help with the pour. But the whole beer felt thin and under carbonated. Mixing those is worth a try. I know a guy who swears by that stuff. Yet he's hesitant to give FBS and the likes of Xoco a try. I may need to revisit Youngs and get a better grasp of what he likes from it.

In a minute I'm gonna do a triple hitter. Splash of Death by Coconut, Splash of Xoco, and maybe 2/3rds majority FBS.
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Untapped: Neosole89

Sipping on some Enjoy By 2/14 (six day old bottle) Unfiltered tonight. Wow! Might be the best batch to date. Getting more tropical fruit/peachy notes and not as malty sweet like the previous batches. Highly recommended! Also, it's not as cloudy as some may think.

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I gotta admit I wasn't prepared for how pricey the Belgium tripels are. Think I'll try some of the local breweries offerings for the next couple weeks.
Untappd: DentalPlan_LisaNeedsBraces

Drove out to Brooklyn early this morning for the Other Half/Tired Hands can release.  Got there at 8:15, took one look at the line, said "eff this", and walked right back to my car.

There are better ways to spend a Saturday than to stand in the rain for hours for two 4-packs of beer.
Yea, don't see myself waiting in a long line for a beer. That's no knock to those who do it.

Had the Bell's Brown Ale last night. Nice nutty malt up front but it had a sour syrupy aftertaste that ruined it for me. I don't know what the hell that's suppose to be. The FB Hefe was cool. The Trippel was very interesting. Creamy, hoppy, spicy with some malt balancing. Had dark fruit on the end too. Gotta buy some more.
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Welp I regressed a bit.

I had a nice outting with the pops. Had some lunch, hit up a total wine, and ended up at a local brewery, Bosque..

Strong list of damages.
-2 Elevated 4 packs... Im back to trying to keep IPAs in my fridge at all times
-2 FBS four packs. Realizing that they havent gotten anymore and their cache is just slowly depleting, $9/four packs is a steal. Back up to a cases worth in the beer fridge.
-Paulaner Munich Lager for the pops $9/sixer.
Then it became a single can/bottle barrage:
-Mother Road Tower Station can (Single was $3. 4 pack was $10)
-New Belgium Citradelic tangerina IPA (single bottle $2/ Six pack around $8 )
-Avery Raja can (About $4 for a single 12 oz can. Four pack was $12ish)
-Oskar Blues Hot box Coffee single($5 for one can as a single. $16 for a four pack)
-Founders Imperial Stout single (about $4 for a single. $10 ish for a four pack)

I easily could have bought a sixer or four pack of each. I tend to be that type of "value consumer". But luckily TW has singles of many of these seasonals. And Im trying to slow down lol. So no love lost in buying at a much higher mark up. Total damage.. About $60

It hurt buying singles knowing the markup they have. But that damage at TW could easily have been in the $100 range if I was tempted enough to buy six/four packs of each one.

I then hit up a local brewery. .Citra SMASH pale ale was one I wanted to try. Really liked that one. It was only 5.7% but felt 7%. so that sweetness was a bit much for me.. They also had a scale tipper IPL. Scale Tipper won a brewing news national IPA challenge this past year, along with a NM IPA challenge. This lesser ABV intensive variety is right up my alley. Very light and crisp.. 6.1% abv, but the hop blast was too too nice. Tropical mango with some grass and onion hop elements.

Total damage after 6 pints (between a couple of us) and two take home growlers, about $60 more.

Off to a work related event at another brewery

Im being real candid with yall lol. Today may reach $110 out of my own pocket:D
Cheers yall. Considering I could have been at this winter beer fest 60 miles north last night (@$25/ticket plus gas and eatting funds), this feels okay.

Ill get some impressions on those singles I got later tonight or tomorrow.
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Xoco finally received label approval from TABC a few weeks back. I've been checking my local Whole Foods without luck and finaly stumbled across this yesterday afternoon.

it's still good...me and my wife have been making our way through the case i got from the initial batch over the past week now that she can drink again

hopefully you're able to get the unfiltered enjoy by not too long before enjoy by date...general consensus seems to be the unfiltered is better than the regular
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Damn that's a lot of xoceva stout. Our state sucks with those releases because every store gets 1 or 2 cases in the last month or 2. The barrel aged version of xocoveza does taste fuego 
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