NT, What Beer Do You Drink?

This is not good for $20. To be honest, after trying it now, I'll never buy it again. Especially over the original.

This is not good for $20. To be honest, after trying it now, I'll never buy it again. Especially over the original.
That was one of my biggest disappointments of 2016.  OG Xocoveza blows Charred out of the water.  You get the benefit of negligible barrel characteristic at the expense of losing all of the spice/adjuncts.  Not to mention that I think the last bottle I had of this was starting to become infected.
The fun continues. Im trying to space these out so my senses arent overwhlemed

LIC party crasher

Smells great. ABV at 5.5% for me, makes it feel a bit watered down on the back end. It doesn;t have that burst of hop flavor, although you initially smell and taste it. its sutble

LIC Samo ipa

Basically exactly what I was looking for out of the flaws in party crasher. This has a nice bite. Not so much bitterness, but just more of a fresh hop burst of flavor. Citra hops really coming out to play

4.25 and 4.5 respectively

You are really spoiling me here. I need to switch it up tonight to other styles to get a true contrast in flavors. Various aged Elevated IPAs up next
We definitely have similar perceptions of these beers. Loved the mouthfeel on Party Crasher, but the bready/crackery notes definitely outweighed the hops.  Still a very good, very sessionable beer.

SAMO has great flavor, but I found the mouthfeel to be a little thinner than I would like.  I actually thought Party Crasher had a better mouthfeel even with the lower ABV.  

Firestone Walker just announced that there will be no Sucaba this year. Looking like Bravo is going to be bottled. Announcement coming Feb. 4th.
Day off today.  Taking a break from the local beers to give this a shot: 

Pretty nice stuff.  Cool to see more breweries doing hazier IPAs.  Definitely more bitter than other hazy "east coast" IPAs, but the juiciness is still there.  The spice characteristic of the rye helps set this apart.  I don't see myself seeking this out again, but definitely not a bad beer by any stretch of the imagination.
I thought sorachi was a spice but apparently it's a Japanese hop, pretty good saison but not something I seek out, kind of tastes like a weaker version of tank 7
Pretty nice stuff.  Cool to see more breweries doing hazier IPAs.  
I've always been the anti-fad dude, but I'm loving it. Just saw on Facebook The Bruery is following too.

Also just got word that High Westified hot SD
At this point in time it's hard to even call it a fad anymore.  It's just gonna be another style of IPAs.

Awesome to see the Bruery doing different styles.  I know they've done a handful of APAs/IPAs in the past, but lord knows none of them have made their way to bottles.  I'd give one its day in court if it ever made its way out to my area.  
^ I can't bring myself to buy one of their bottles, I heard good things but they are just too expensive, is the quality of their beer really too good for 6 or even 4 packs?

This was a surprisingly good mix, after having epitome from carton brewing I am craving more dark hoppy beers
Well that went well. Finished up the care package with general ease. Days between too many hoppy brews that they each got an equal chance






Sand City is doing some amazing things. Infinity + One easily a top 15 IPA I have ever had.

I pretty much broke it down into four tiers as far as ratings go

OH Real Talk 4.0
OH Broccoli 4.25
SC Fade to Jade 4.25
LIC Party Crasher 4.25
SC Closer Talker 4.25
OH Double Dry Hopped Forever Simcoe 4.5
SC Infinity + One 4.75
SC oops! I mangoed My pants 4.75
OH Blowin' up the Spot 4.75

Almost too much GOODNESS, it made it seem like a 4.25 is NORMAL, or that a 4.5 was too low. I feel gracious. Thnks again Comparison Ford. Check your PM. It's not an exact variety package, but I dont think you'll be sad 8).

Many beers are so new that BA ratings are still so fresh. For the most part, no duds, and I agree with the general direction of the beers and theirs scores. NO DUDS is a rare accomplishment
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Another solid offering from Crystal Lake Brewing. Also, sometimes I forget how different a stout can taste as it warms up. This went from okay to really good after it sat for a few.

I have untapped but rarely use it, Its good for keeping track of the beers you try but I usually post new beers I try in this thread so its kind of the same thing
I just noticed it has recommendations based on what you already like and your location
Untappd is awesome for finding beers that are near you. Search for a beer and use the find it button or the notification button. It's helped me out numerous times.
jnance88 btw, if anyone wants to add me.
Home in NY for a few days. Picked these up, swinging by sandcity to see if they have anymore cans left from yesterday's release.

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