NT, What Beer Do You Drink?




And got these the other day.. Brew Hub Sun Gose Down. Not bad, but I wanted more tartness. Too coriander forward for me. They also brew Jai Alai for Cigar City which I hear is too malty and inconsistent batch to batch. I wonder if this beer has same issues.

Edit: The evil twin blood orange gose is really good. Now I have to do a comparison with Anderson Valley's. The Hallo Ich Bin Raspberry is very good as well. I just don't like the price($7/pint).
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One of the two bottles I bought that have been sitting since October and I cracked one open tonight. Could have been so much better. Texture is there but the flavors are lacking. All I get is cinnamon and a bit of chocolate.

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Comparing ET blood orange gose to Anderson Valley's - The AV gose is more straight forward and has a cider-like carbonation bite that fits well with the blood orange and salt. Evil Twin's blood orange is more complex. I get a lemony tart, blood orange, cantaloupe, a slight yeast funk and some other things I cant put my finger on. They're both really good. I'd choose one over the other depending on mood.
I live 20 min from the brewery.

We drove up after work Friday afternoon to Auburn, CA for their can release.

I might have to make that drive up to Auburn soon. Been hearing some good things about Moonraker but haven't seen any of their stuff around Sac/EG yet.



Rum barrel ten fidy is off the charts flavorful, been enjoying a lot of nice stouts, stand out from recent was dead thumb from the answer brewing, tasted like an almond and chocolate covered ice cream cone, both other half cans from this week are top notch as well, blueberry pancake nailed the flavor initially but it got more blueberry heavy as I drank it, Dave Murray's best was enjoyable
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Also...anyone got a line on the Interboro X Burial X Run The Jewels cans? Just curious...
You mean Stay Gold? I didnt get any from the burial release but got cans from interboro, it was a decent beer but I ended up trading all but one of my cans since people were interested in it, also dropped one just as I got home from the release and it popped all over my floor

Gum Drop Mountain - Finback and RAR collab, with strawberry, chocolate, and vanilla,
The flavors all come together pretty nicely, pretty dry finish that works well with the mix of flavors


Alvarado Street - Triple Cone, nice triple IPA, can is a little old, the hops held up but can imagine this being way better fresh

Sierra Nevada - Bigfoot, I love barleywine and for the price this beer is definitely worth picking up a 6 pack

Broadway Boogie - Finback collab with MARZ, basically a Finback style double version of Jungle Boogie from MARZ, pretty soft on the hops and lets the tea flavors smooth things out, almost too easy to drink

Tired Hands - Only void with Vanilla and Lapsang tea, was actually really impressed with this, roasty lagsang on the smell and vanilla in the taste


Mad Fat Unicorn - Interboro collab with pipeworks, really great beer but I had it next to regular Mad Fat Fluid and the original was way more impressive

Tired Hands - Deepest Most Wonderful Secret, I wish tired hands would do more triple IPAs, the Yuzu juice comes through in the taste, no alcohol taste for being a high abv
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You mean Stay Gold? I didnt get any from the burial release but got cans from interboro, it was a decent beer but I ended up trading all but one of my cans since people were interested in it, also dropped one just as I got home from the release and it popped all over my floor

Yup...Stay Gold. Would love to track down a can or two at some point.

Burial is hitting Denver soon, but I'd guess their version won't be part of the offerings.
Been drinking pretty well the past week or two:

Omnipollo Nautilus. Blueberry sour with vanilla and lactose.  Tastes like blue cotton candy (in a good way).  Worthy purchase.

An old favorite. Good iteration, but a bit too bitter at a week old.  Not cracking open the rest of my cans for at least another week.

Finback/Sand City collab.  Hop notes are citrus--leaning more towards lemon as the color would indicate.  Good, but lemon isn't a flavor that I prefer to dominate in my IPAs.

The first beer that got me hyped on NY's beer scene.  I've overlooked this beer for almost a year thinking that it couldn't hold up to breweries like Other Half and Sand City, but this batch of cans has me questioning myself.  Fantastic.  Definitely not the same Money that got me into local beers, but happy to see that Barrier is keeping up with the times. 

Finback/Sole collab.  Elderflower IPA.  Not too sure what elderflower is supposed to taste like, but this was pretty nice.  A hair above the Sand City collab, but still not up to the level of the other local competition. 

Caved and bought a bottle of this.  It was pretty nice, but nothing that got me particularly excited.  We get 12 oz. bottles of an "Imperial Brown Ale" in replace of bombers of Sucaba?  Welcome to Trump's America, NT. 

Last weeks Other Half relase.  Didn't go, but scored 2 cans of each in a trade.  This is Green Down to the Socks.  Cascade, motueka, mosaic, and XJA (South African experimental hop). Between the cascade and the XJA, this beer is certainly very unique when compared to a lot of OH's IPAs.  It has flavors of lemon/lime, mango/papaya, but also has a spice note to it.  Not too shabby, and definitely a nice departure from their usual fare. 

 Daydream in Green.  Citra, motueka, and wai-iti with oats and lactose sugar.  This one's fantastic. Nice tropical and stone fruits balanced by a creaminess provided by the oats and lactose.  One of my favorite OH IPAs in quite some time.  

Also grabbed cans of Close Talker and Second Wave at Sand City the weekend before last. Second Wave just gets better and better with each release.  Could go toe-to-toe with any heavy-hitting IPA out there.  Close Talker remains status quo.  Hope they revisit it and tweak it like they've done with their other flagships recently.  I love the fact that Sand City is still (somewhat) off the radar, but I won't be surprised if that changes within a year or so.
Question for the guys who trade in here: Do you go through Beer Advocate? I'm in Chicago and would love to trade with any of you guys on the coasts.
Question for the guys who trade in here: Do you go through Beer Advocate? I'm in Chicago and would love to trade with any of you guys on the coasts.
Haven't traded with any NT'ers in a minute.  Sent Wally a care package at the end of last year, but I wouldn't count that.  I trade maybe 3-4 times a year, and when I do it's usually with people on BeerAdvocate.  
Yup...Stay Gold. Would love to track down a can or two at some

It honestly is nothing special, burial and interboro both have better beers in their main lineups, it seemed like a collectors piece, it traded pretty high for what it was

Finally hit distribution in GA. For $25 this better taste amazing haha.


I was skeptical when dropping the 25 for it but have to say I was not let down, really rich with lots of barrel flavor

Question for the guys who trade in here: Do you go through Beer Advocate? I'm in Chicago and would love to trade with any of you guys on the coasts.

BA is a good place to trade, you have to be a member for a month first if I remember correctly, I have also done some great trades through Facebook groups and the instagram comments for beer release posts
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