NT, What Beer Do You Drink?


Harpoon Brewery Beer Hall
Buying stuff from a place like total wine, I feel a bit disgusted when I double dip and buy something I like a second time, knowing full well there are 200+ beers that I haven't tried.

The beers who made the second purchase mark today

Oskar Blues Ten FIDY
Oskar Blues Dale's Pale Ale

Call me a crazy but I have this excel spreadsheet that has a few basic formulas set in place to show me the Price per ABV ozs on each purchase. It also does ABV oz per $$, and Price per ABV ozs given a 50.4 standard abv oz beer (50.4 is simply a 4.2% beer times 12 ounces)

As a baseline, I have the cheap-o macro stuff listed around 1.38 cents per ABV oz, or 70 cents per standard 12 ounce bottle. Surprisingly as the cost of other beers go up, so does the beers ABV. A local beers IPA sits right at 93 cents per standard 12 ounce bottle.. Just 23 cents more than the terribly mediocre stuff for some truly award winning stuff.

I can share the spreadsheet with anyone whos interested..
^ :lol: that's some serious dedication man but props

I don't drink for the ABV though; I drink for the quality which is all determined by our individual taste and smell
4 new beer tries tonight

Crazy Mountain Amber Ale
Lost Coast Great White
Deschutes Red Chair NWPA
Big Sky Moose Drool Brown Ale

Crazy mountain may be the most unusual beer I have ever tried. It smelt of extreme citrus, like a lemon lime soda. Nothing but malt in the taste with this lemony bitterness that was hard to tell if it was hops that made it bitter. Not spit out of your mouth terrible. But just an odd one for sure.

Great white tried to blend coriander and lemony citrus. The taste was a bit conflicting. Orange would have been the way to go. I'd recommend this one if you like lemon/citrus aftertaste.

Red Chair.. Nothing really stood out. But before you knew it, the beer was gone. So there may be some redeeming qualities on this one.. Amazing hop smell upon cracking the bottle open.. Dale's Pale ale, to compare was a bit more crisp. Which made that one more to my likings. Red Chair was a bit sweeter masking the hop presence. So not quite a pale ale in the truest sense. But good non the less.

Moose Drool had at least an inch of foam the entire duration of the drink. Crazy smooth. Very subtle hints of chocolate.. Just an all around "light stout" type flavor profile. Easy drinking stuff

From a page back regarding the Weiss Cream beer by pyramid. That sounds like a true experimental batch. Nitro beers by their very name are geared for that smooth mouthfeel, leaving quite a bit of carbonation behind. How can you go from american marcro light beer carbonation that is extremely high, down to a nitro level beer? Sounds like they missed their mark on a whole bunch of fronts.. I let people like what they like. But at the same time, a judgement on what your drinking should come after fully knowing what you're getting into.

I stay away from barley wines, and sours 98% of the time. Even if given for free, I would know what to expect.. I'm about 50/50 on nitro milk stout by left hand vs. the normal milk stout.. Sometimes you want more carbonation. Other times the smoothness of the nitro prevails.

I do enjoy their apricot ale from time to time. Although that is of the lightest wheat flavored beers around with a blast of apricots. A true female intro beer. But its a great choice on a hot day when you don't really want any hops getting in your way. It's between a Smirnoff and a man's beer.
How sweet is the dogfish head peach beer? Ive noticed quite a few raspberry beers around now. I tried Abita Purple Haze, which to me was again like a very light wheat beer, mixed with some flavor concentrate.. It's as if they were at Sonic churning out slushes and pumped in some purple flavoring lol.
I'm a big supporter of Moose Drool. Where you located - Mountain West? Only time I've had it was out in Wyoming.
Ya there are a lot of kind of "cheap" tasting microbrew summer fruit beers. Had several Watermelon ones. They're not bad but they do taste a little bit artificial.


Enjoying some afternoon brews at one of my favorite drinking spots
Where in the Bridge is that?

Tonight, I'm drinking some Anderson Valley Brewing Company Summer Solstice, as well as some Shipyard Summer. Both are quality summer beers, although I feel like I don't expect all that much out of summer brews.
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I like the idea of the spreadsheet, but the only problem is ABV is just one of several factors in a beer, I suppose it's cool to see on a spreadsheet tho :lol:

Todays pick ups. The IRS @ $6.99 :wow: , this better be a good beer...:lol:

Dale bro's pomona queen, one of the best lagers I've ever had, there a local microbrew, and even though they distribute they still fill and seal each bottle by hand :smokin

downside is I'll have to wait until sunday night to drink any of this due to plans to go out tonight, too anxious... :lol:

Based Mod

It was solid. Nothing very special about it besides the art on the label. I payed 7+ some change for it so no complaints haha.
Great white tried to blend coriander and lemony citrus. The taste was a bit conflicting. Orange would have been the way to go. I'd recommend this one if you like lemon/citrus aftertaste.
Still, one of my favorites. Great summer beer, refreshing, easy to drink, and pairs well with any kind of grilled food.

I bought this a bottle a few months ago and never got around it. Pretty excited tho had a few people rave about it so will see.

This came in a few days ago. 

(sorry bout the bad pics)


Where in the Bridge is that?

Kendall Square, bascially where Broadway and Hampshire meet, sort of tucked in the back. Across from WestBridge restaurant. They got an outdoor patio and they brew their beer on site. You should check it out


Poison of choice for some Sunday BBQ:

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bruh, you don't have to tag n date the pics of your booze :lol: :lol:

we believe you :lol:

swear Nt'ers OD tagging everything they take of a picture of :smh: :x :rolleyes
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kellerweis, good shh. The beer is very very good, I don't care much for the carbonation on the tail/aftertaste. Definition of a drinkable beer :nthat:

I can't comment on if I like kellerweis more or less than Sudwerk's hefe, I'm gonna do a side by side tasting this or next week tho to find out conclusively (and scientifically 8) :lol: )
Based Mod

It was solid. Nothing very special about it besides the art on the label. I payed 7+ some change for it so no complaints haha.

Great white tried to blend coriander and lemony citrus. The taste was a bit conflicting. Orange would have been the way to go. I'd recommend this one if you like lemon/citrus aftertaste.

Still, one of my favorites. Great summer beer, refreshing, easy to drink, and pairs well with any kind of grilled food.

I bought this a bottle a few months ago and never got around it. Pretty excited tho had a few people rave about it so will see.

This came in a few days ago. 

(sorry bout the bad pics)

Need to find an Enjoy By. Still have never tried it.

BTW, Ruination 10 is making a come back :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:
  • Haven't posted in here in a while. I'll just say that Stone's Imperial Russian Stout is one of the best beers i've ever had, period. It's an absolute steal at $6.99.
  • Sierra Nevada Kellerweis is extremely underrated, it always surprises me at how many people have not tried such a superb beer.
  • Anybody in here have Dogfish head's 120 min ipa available in their area? More than willing to make a trade of some sort if someone's able to get 1 or 2 for me.
  • Haven't posted in here in a while. I'll just say that Stone's Imperial Russian Stout is one of the best beers i've ever had, period. It's an absolute steal at $6.99.
  • Sierra Nevada Kellerweis is extremely underrated, it always surprises me at how many people have not tried such a superb beer.
  • Anybody in here have Dogfish head's 120 min ipa available in their area? More than willing to make a trade of some sort if someone's able to get 1 or 2 for me.
havent seen them in bottles but theres a local joint that has dfh 120 ipa on tap. two of them and im done!
Just got back from the Founders tasting.  KBS was pretty much what I expected it to be, and that's not a bad thing at all. 2011 Backwoods Bastard was also a delight.  However, I think the big standout beer on the night for me was Doom.  I was extremely skeptical about it at first, but decided to give it a shot and was very surprised.  It still maintained its IPA characteristics, just toned down and followed by a vanilla aftertaste.  I think I liked it so much because I went into it with such low expectations.  It's easy to get underwhelmed by beers like KBS and Backwoods Bastard because of all of the hype surrounding them.  If I was given them in a blind taste test I'd probably think much more highly of them.  Doom really put a smile on my face, though.

My only regret is that I couldn't drink as much as I wanted to.  Got some pretty intense heartburn from the goat vindaloo I ate for dinner.  On the bright side, I probably wouldn't be able to type this right now had I been able to drink all of the beers that I wanted to try.  It's cool, though...these beers are gonna be on tap for the next month or so.  I'll probably end up trying them all in that time.

Here's the menu in question: http://www.52taps.com/beers/
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