NT, what is your longest relationship? Vol. with a woman

Originally Posted by DecemberLove

Originally Posted by bruce negro

About 8-9 months now

I see this going for life

Same exact thing here.  People look at me crazy *kanye shrug*
but think I found the one

2 instances that lasted bout a year, once when i was 17 & again at 19
the 1st 1 ended cause she was goin outta state for college & i wasnt gon see her like that. the other 1 ended cause i was movin back to ga & i was sick of her anyway
My last two relationships were easily the longest and they were only 8 mos and 1 year respectively. Before that only 3 months.
I'm 27.
Just hit the 6 year mark with her and she keeps droppin that Marriage thing

Eventually I will marry her but my career is not settled yet :-(
We're planning on moving in together this summer after being apart for the past 3 years (long distance)
i was 18
lasted 4 years
a lot of immature decisions were made on my part. none were cheating.
1) 18 2) A year and 2 months with my current and only girl 3) Pretty strong relationship, we've never had an argument before
Originally Posted by rice boy 45

Feli26 wrote:
we've never had an argument before
. explain, this is what I was looking for.

Well you just have to have great communication and a real gut feeling of when you know when she's gonna be mad so you won't get into an argument and most importantly, never do stupid stuff
Originally Posted by rice boy 45

Feli26 wrote:
we've never had an argument before
. explain, this is what I was looking for.

Oh yea, and you should sometimes 90% of the time always agree with her unless you truely know she's wrong
3 years til i found out this bird tried to trap me. had like 4 pregnancy scares before i found out and peaced her dumbas s out
17 months, still going.

Only girl I've met so far that's made me want to settle down and stay with one girl

like 3 months no joke. i get bored so quick.  all i ever wanna do is get drunk and kick it and go to the club with my boys.
girls don't like that.
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