NT, what part of the game is this? ... Those of you with twitter please spread.

We don't need "Syria Danny" to tell us there is the need for intervention.

There are tons of videos of the ongoing massacre floating around the web. Videos of groups of people being burned alive, screaming. Army trucks accelerating full speed through crowds of people. The bodies of mutilated children carried through the streets...there are sadly too many of these.

Not saying you need to watch that carnage, but you should be aware of it. Bashar al-Assad is killing his own people to secure power, much like his father did before him.
obviously all media sources lie, but why should i believe this biased website vs cnn/bbc/any other news source? And you guys def need to get off your high horses.. sounding like some news elitists who really dont know jack $!%@ and are just reciprocating other more intelligent peoples points of views.
[color= rgb(51, 51, 51)]The BBC[/color][color= rgb(51, 51, 51)] is Also Hollywood Theater For The Fake War On Terror:[/color]

Probably the most convincing and blatant proof of all is during the 9/11 attacks the BBC broadcasted a "LIVE" report that WTC-7 (the Salomon Brothers Building) had already collapsed as it can be seen clearly STILL standing in the background! This broadcast was made approximately 18 minutes before the building actually collapsed.(See Proof Below)...

i've never had that faith in the media but damn

i agree with seasoned vet that NT might not be the media outlet for this type of thing.
....you mean to tell me you watched all 3 videos? read the link from top to bottom? and you still need an explanation?

I was at my school library when I initially saw the thread and the link wasn't available there 
Originally Posted by RetroSan

i agree with seasoned vet that NT might not be the media outlet for this type of thing.
....i promise i wasnt trying to be the Debbie Downer at all, thats just the reality of NT.
...but let some celeb like Kanye jump on board, then each and every Mr. Me Too would be more than willing to contribute.

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by RetroSan

i agree with seasoned vet that NT might not be the media outlet for this type of thing.
....i promise i wasnt trying to be the Debbie Downer as all, thats just the reality of NT.
...but let some celeb like Kanye jump on board, then each and every Mr. Me Too would be more than willing to contribute.
You're absolutely right.. And not to knock NT either, just maybe some dudes don't care about it, that's more than fine and I respect it. I know there are a few of us who like to talk about this stuff so at least it was discussed amongst ourselves. The other sites I saw this posted on had multiple threads with hundreds of responses 


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