NT, What's The GRIMIEST Place You've Ever Been To?

Jan 18, 2007
BY FAR, the grimiest place I've ever been to is when I used to live in Caracas, Venezuela and I would visit my family that lived in the projects. Thisplace had me shook as kid. I remember goons would be posted up everywhere mean mugging you as you walked by, some of them would stop you and pat you down tomake sure you weren't carrying a gun or drugs. There was shots going off in broad daylight. My pops used to tell me stories about when he was a kid, heknew ten year olds that were dealing drugs on the corner carrying pistols or big $#+ steak knifes. Really terrible place, luckily my pops made it out or else Iprobably would have lived there at some point in my life
i been to government yard in kingston, jamaica.

not a cool spot for a white guy to be with a jamaican chick at any time of day.
I'm from Queensbridge in Long Island City, been too Marlboro, Bed-Stuy, Brownsville, Breeveport PJ's I thought were bad until...

I went to the Gaza Strip and Jericho in the West Bank. Now these places are grimey.
Domestic - some random McDonald's I walked into in new Orleans. I almost vomited when I walked in because it smelled so bad, and it wasn't even in arough part of town or anything.

International - Beijing. The entire city. That's it, although the public bathrooms were definitely the worst part about it.
Somewhere in Illinois... Near Kankakee. It was like Grand Theft Auto San Andreas there.
West End Louisville....my sisters old hood.

Goons aint even the ones you gotta look it for, the cops are they grimey ones.
Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]The Bronx[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)](amongst other places)[/color]
. im sorry but if you think the bronx is grimey you soft. none of the boros arereally that grimey. parts of new jersey like newark look like its still the crack era
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