NT, what's your female body type of choice [Pic] Vol: Buffet line.

Really, anything from 1 - 13 is cool w/ me but a slight preference to either 1 (I like me some of dat dere hipster girls) or 11.

Really, anything from 1 - 13 is cool w/ me but a slight preference to either 1 (I like me some of dat dere hipster girls) or 11.

3-10 are great for me, and I'm doin this purely on looks, cause personality, common sense and smarts are supposed to be a given. 11, 12, and 15
aren't bad either, just the words "pudgy" and "chubby" make me laugh. 1, 20, and 21 are ^%$#&*( disgusting to me. Can't stand prepubescent
boy bodies nor rhinos.
3-10 are great for me, and I'm doin this purely on looks, cause personality, common sense and smarts are supposed to be a given. 11, 12, and 15
aren't bad either, just the words "pudgy" and "chubby" make me laugh. 1, 20, and 21 are ^%$#&*( disgusting to me. Can't stand prepubescent
boy bodies nor rhinos.
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