NT what's your occupation?

Media Buyer in the advertising industry. Perks might be second to none. Six weeks vacay right off the bat, free sports tix, iPods, gift cards, tons of free catered food, taken out for drinks etc. etc.
Media Buyer in the advertising industry. Perks might be second to none. Six weeks vacay right off the bat, free sports tix, iPods, gift cards, tons of free catered food, taken out for drinks etc. etc.
Court Runner. My days consist of hurry up and wait drills, which is why I end up idling away on the internet a good 45% of the day.
Court Runner. My days consist of hurry up and wait drills, which is why I end up idling away on the internet a good 45% of the day.
Unemployed Volunteer EMT   

I love it but I wish I had a paying gig. 
Retail (Shipping/Receiving)
Professional Record Digger (i'm joking,but i'm serious)
Retail (Shipping/Receiving)
Professional Record Digger (i'm joking,but i'm serious)
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