NT, why are you single?

Originally Posted by JVII


Lol, I knew I recognized this thread. What's with the grave dig?
I choose to be single.  Can't commit to ONE girl when theres an entire world out there.

I'm happy as hell.
Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Originally Posted by Mitsui

NT, I apologize for the bump, but please, answer me:

Why do I always fall for the girl who shows me the least bit of interest?
Because you probably show them the most bit of interest
great answer, famb.
Originally Posted by Based Mod

i'm a big giant vagina when it comes to talking to girls
Got out of a relationship about a year ago.  Not that quick to jump into one either. Plus after a internet fix up fiasco, i'm gonna leave it alone for a minute.
I was in a 5 year and a half relationship that ended very bad. Been single 4 years. There is a 7 women to 1 man ratio in this city. Pool is limited. The men here also don't really do well with approaching women. I am picky and also have standards set very high. So I have been single as a matter of choice. Was never really looking for it. Loving the single life, but I haven't been taking advantage of it. I think I am ready now to settle in a relationship. I am in a very good place.
because im not taking women seriously till im ready to.

which is when im stable with everything and want to start a family.

F being committed at 22.
Stuck in a pickle as well. Convinced myself that I don't want a relationship, after seeing what my homies go through and my own personal views lead me to think after a while I would not be faithful , and neither would she. But I be walking around and see everyone hugged up on park benches starin at the sunset and sometimes that thought of "hey wouldnt it be nice" slips through to my mind.

Im not right with myself yet. I'm not happy yet with where I am physically, mentally, and financially. First you gotta get the power. Then with the power you get respect. yall know the rest. It's like, I want to build my empire before I find my Queen.

Thats if I even decide on havin wifey. It's not like i'm anti-social or anything. I wouldnt say im particularly awkward around females either (though I have to say aint noone 100% smooth either). It's just that I don't actively pursue women. And for whatever reason, maybe the pheromones, maybe they can sense my indignation, women don't seem to approach me either.

I've always told myself that jumbling a hundred different things around will only lead to clutter. so like alot of y'all, right now my priority is the gym, get my paper up, and working towards my dreams. When I will incorporate a relationship into that? We shall see.
Couple reasons

I just moved back to SoCal from ATL after I graduated so one potential relationship got squashed.

I know I'm not ready for a serious relationship at this point. I was a habitual cheater in my last relationship (broke up September of last year). I know I'm going to want to have my fun just getting back to SoCal so I don't see anything poppin off unless something close to perfect happens. It would take a lot to convince me to commit to one chick at this point given my relatively young age (27) and the fact I'm about to be busy in residency/fellowship for 6 years
5'8 asian
still live at parents house
small !+! room
drive a 02 corrolla
all i do is work with 6 guys at an office in an industrial area (no women around like dt)
circle of friends not so big to meet new people (nt on fri night swag)

say hello to my falsetto
Originally Posted by Mycoldyourdone

5'8 asian
still live at parents house
small !+! room
drive a 02 corrolla
all i do is work with 6 guys at an office in an industrial area (no women around like dt)
circle of friends not so big to meet new people (nt on fri night swag)

say hello to my falsetto
how much you making at the job?
if you making a pretty penny, you should jump in that corolla and make moves on the weekend...

Because I can smash without wifing them.  Why buy the cow if the milk is free?  Plus girlfriends almost always equals a reduced bank acct. and considering I'm unemployed right now I'm not bout that spending money life.
Had a girl recently who was willing to give it all, good girl, great job, I just lost attraction =/  Have been meeting new people, but my last couple of dates have just been boring and wack.
Would like to find someone this summer and stop wasting my time bouncing around.
Originally Posted by GRideBounca11

Stuck in a pickle as well. Convinced myself that I don't want a relationship, after seeing what my homies go through and my own personal views lead me to think after a while I would not be faithful , and neither would she. But I be walking around and see everyone hugged up on park benches starin at the sunset and sometimes that thought of "hey wouldnt it be nice" slips through to my mind.

Im not right with myself yet. I'm not happy yet with where I am physically, mentally, and financially. First you gotta get the power. Then with the power you get respect. yall know the rest. It's like, I want to build my empire before I find my Queen.

Thats if I even decide on havin wifey. It's not like i'm anti-social or anything. I wouldnt say im particularly awkward around females either (though I have to say aint noone 100% smooth either). It's just that I don't actively pursue women. And for whatever reason, maybe the pheromones, maybe they can sense my indignation, women don't seem to approach me either.

I've always told myself that jumbling a hundred different things around will only lead to clutter. so like alot of y'all, right now my priority is the gym, get my paper up, and working towards my dreams. When I will incorporate a relationship into that? We shall see.

My exact situation. I see it as a slump or punishment for being a fool in past relationships.. I have very streaky luck with the opposite sex.
got out of one a while back. just working and chillin with the crew, talking to girls here and there

but on another note, let me ask you guys this. is something wrong with me? like i feel like im incapable of loving a girl. i may like one, but nothing more than that. ill say i love them or i miss them etc. but i dont meant it at all and i dont care either. i tell them what they want to hear regardless if i mean it or not. idk it may have something to do with the fact that my pops flaked on me a lot during my childhood and i grew up without him but any takes on this?
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