NT Will I Lose My Virginity In College. Vol 1

I just finished freshman year so I'll try and help.

-In the dorms just don't be that annoying dude who asks to borrow everything. Only thing that got on my nerves.

-You will lose your V card first night if you want, it's just about what kind of girls your looking for.

-You should wear condoms, but their will be times and places were they're not accesiable. I lean towards just doing it.

-You will be that guy who does the sloppy makeout on the dance floor. It happens, everyone does it.

-Being FRIENDS with as many girls as possible is key. Even if they're not hot, just cool to hang out with. They're bound to have a hot friend you can hook up with. Go to parties with girls instead of rolling around with 8 dudes from your hall. Sometimes you feel like a **** ditching people, but rolling up to parties with girls is going to help you out a lot.

-Talk to chicks in class, a lot. Just ask them help or a pencil or something and strike up the conversation. One more girl with a potential hot friend you haven't met.

-DONT BURN BRIDGES. I've seen many dudes be downright awful to chicks for a good laugh or because they can. She will tell her friends and your screwed with that group of girls. Or a sorority or something. Doing that **** will **** you over with a lot of girls, if things don't work out just be cool with it. If she was cool to chill with, be her friend. If not, let her off easily.

-As you can see, I think the most important part is just meeting a different variety of people. You will go to different parties scenes this way, meet more girls who are friends with your friends. Just works out better for you in most ways. Because if you move off campus second year, it's not like the dorms and meeting a lot of people.
Thanks for all the advice fam

- went to a summer orientation, was easier than expected to talk to these girls
- i think im ready to bust in these sluts faces

Would like more advice on dorm life, like what are some no-no's?

you made your point already and it was ignored because it held no value. + 10 points for getting a reply on the second try.
so you didn't drink and try to smash girls in college :lol:
You do you man.
College is all about fun. Stay on top of your school work and enjoy every minute of it because once you get out of their the real world begins.
P.s. I like how you keep clowning everyone else for suggestions on how to have fun at school yet you've offered no suggestion of your own. :pimp:
Bsmooth Nike "Just don't do it."
thats because Im tired of people being idiots and chasing women and casual sex while our country spirals down the ******g toilet :smh:

....your right...I will do me and I will advise brothers to fight this senseless convention...and I will laugh at you when I'm right and successful and you'll be asking me what I did to get where I am 8)

the college lifestyle is cool for the sheep...but people shouldn't have to be forced into accepting that idiotic lifestyle...or feel left out because they don't embrace foolishness.

I'm giving this kid genuine advice..'.not GO GET THE YAMBS'..that **** is petty weakness that weak individuals pass off as strength out of their own ignorance.

Im not gonna compromise what I have to say because everybody else experienced the norm

. With that being said...have fun..be social...just remember what you're really there for...because it's too easy to get distracted and mislead by false standards.


:wow: what a joke :rofl: :smh:
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Take a deep breath fambs as I am about to drop knowledge:
Im about to be a junior and even though I didnt go to college a virgin I can understand where u comin from. First off, YOU WILL GET YAMBS. Now let me say that even though I smashed my fair amount of females my frosh year, it could have been WAY more. I smashed more my soph year but missed out on alot of freaks too. so here are the best pointers I can give you:
-THE FRIEND ZONE IS NOT FOR YOU. Let them other Ns escort these birds all around campus and care about their every woo. You need to have an alpha-male type of confdence. I like to think of myself on campus as the lone wolf looking for his prey.
-Be cool about everything. Be cool with everyone so you can get introduced to that fine girl who you only see at a certain place with certain ppl. If you get rejected by a girl, play it cool and still just be cordial bc she may want the D on another occasion. If you get a girl digits, play it cool. If you get the yambs, play it cool, just another walk in the park.
-Eye contact? Approach! Tell them they look interesting/worth knowing and go from there. people come to college to meet new people. Strike out swinging my dude!
-LET YOUR NUTS HANG WHEN APPLICABLE. When its a room full of girls twerkin and dudes watchin be a man and go get on some tail! Take the intitiative, you want those yambs! Be confident man you got this!
-REJECTION WILL HAPPEN. Somethin must be wrong with her if she dont want your D. Dont act like this but keep this mindset. You get props for tryin.
-If its clear she aint givin up yambs and thats all you want then delete her number. No point in knowing her
-BE MYSTERIOUS. Be that guy that girls see everywhere but dont know your name until they meet you at a party. Be charming from there and yambs shall come
-Even though youre cool with everyone keep a VERY tight circle when it comes to your personal biz. Dont be smashin no loud mouth girls bc you dont want the drama associated with that
-Assume every girl is a jump, because the minute you do not she will most likely be a skeezer. If you gettin wifed up than dont ask about her past. IN COLLEGE YOU DO NOT WANT TO KNOW ABOUT THEIR PAST. Wear condoms and if u gon wife and rawdog her, both of yal get tested as a "prenup" so-to-speak
-KEEP 1-2 COOL *** CHICKS AROUND THAT YOU DONT SMASH. Sex can rly complicate things with chicks sometimes and to be honest youre gonna burn alot of bridges with girls who youve smashed but no longer are smashing. comes with the territory. There will be girls that hate you just bc you dont want them anymore, be cool about it. But through all your trials and tribulations with women keep 1-2 chicks on the side that you can just chill with and just enjoy their presence. The chicks will cook, clean, do favors for you in a second and dont jeapordize that by smashing. Sex will change the dynamic, feelings will get involved. These girls can be ugly too, you not smashin so it dont matter. Sure youll get girls you are currently smashing to do stuff for you, but these chicks are handy when all falls down. trust me.
And my last and most important tip is:
-JUST KISS HER BRO. Ive seen way too many dudes get put in the friendzone bc they wont make a move. If you are at least 85% sure she wants it and shes showing all the signs, isolate her and talk, MAINTAIN GOOD EYE CONTACT AND SMILE, and then when that awkward pause comes wrap your arm around her lower back just above her butt and start tongue-ing her down like its a movie kiss. ALL YAMBS START WITH A KISS, feel her up a lil bit, suggest you leave and remember your condoms.
Now go get em tiger :wink: :nthat:

all I can say is...if you have an ounce of individuality in you....blaze your own trail...all these people telling you to do this typical college **** are gonna be the ones busting their *** for middle class America down the road.

College is all about fun.
That's not what college is all about man...
it will all work it self out bro. just get out as much as you can. you'll meet ppl and it'll happen.

don't forget bout chyur boys
going to college was the best thing i've ever done in my life and met all kinds of women from all walks of life and of couse getting laid with everyone of them fasho:smokin
Well seeing that Gus Fring is gay there'll be plenty of dudes to loosen your bowels in college. Most likely gonna be a lot of gay dudes on campus for you.
Take a deep breath fambs as I am about to drop knowledge:
Im about to be a junior and even though I didnt go to college a virgin I can understand where u comin from. First off, YOU WILL GET YAMBS. Now let me say that even though I smashed my fair amount of females my frosh year, it could have been WAY more. I smashed more my soph year but missed out on alot of freaks too. so here are the best pointers I can give you:
-THE FRIEND ZONE IS NOT FOR YOU. Let them other Ns escort these birds all around campus and care about their every woo. You need to have an alpha-male type of confdence. I like to think of myself on campus as the lone wolf looking for his prey.
-Be cool about everything. Be cool with everyone so you can get introduced to that fine girl who you only see at a certain place with certain ppl. If you get rejected by a girl, play it cool and still just be cordial bc she may want the D on another occasion. If you get a girl digits, play it cool. If you get the yambs, play it cool, just another walk in the park.
-Eye contact? Approach! Tell them they look interesting/worth knowing and go from there. people come to college to meet new people. Strike out swinging my dude!
-LET YOUR NUTS HANG WHEN APPLICABLE. When its a room full of girls twerkin and dudes watchin be a man and go get on some tail! Take the intitiative, you want those yambs! Be confident man you got this!
-REJECTION WILL HAPPEN. Somethin must be wrong with her if she dont want your D. Dont act like this but keep this mindset. You get props for tryin.
-If its clear she aint givin up yambs and thats all you want then delete her number. No point in knowing her
-BE MYSTERIOUS. Be that guy that girls see everywhere but dont know your name until they meet you at a party. Be charming from there and yambs shall come
-Even though youre cool with everyone keep a VERY tight circle when it comes to your personal biz. Dont be smashin no loud mouth girls bc you dont want the drama associated with that
-Assume every girl is a jump, because the minute you do not she will most likely be a skeezer. If you gettin wifed up than dont ask about her past. IN COLLEGE YOU DO NOT WANT TO KNOW ABOUT THEIR PAST. Wear condoms and if u gon wife and rawdog her, both of yal get tested as a "prenup" so-to-speak
-KEEP 1-2 COOL *** CHICKS AROUND THAT YOU DONT SMASH. Sex can rly complicate things with chicks sometimes and to be honest youre gonna burn alot of bridges with girls who youve smashed but no longer are smashing. comes with the territory. There will be girls that hate you just bc you dont want them anymore, be cool about it. But through all your trials and tribulations with women keep 1-2 chicks on the side that you can just chill with and just enjoy their presence. The chicks will cook, clean, do favors for you in a second and dont jeapordize that by smashing. Sex will change the dynamic, feelings will get involved. These girls can be ugly too, you not smashin so it dont matter. Sure youll get girls you are currently smashing to do stuff for you, but these chicks are handy when all falls down. trust me.
And my last and most important tip is:
-JUST KISS HER BRO. Ive seen way too many dudes get put in the friendzone bc they wont make a move. If you are at least 85% sure she wants it and shes showing all the signs, isolate her and talk, MAINTAIN GOOD EYE CONTACT AND SMILE, and then when that awkward pause comes wrap your arm around her lower back just above her butt and start tongue-ing her down like its a movie kiss. ALL YAMBS START WITH A KISS, feel her up a lil bit, suggest you leave and remember your condoms.
Now go get em tiger :wink: :nthat:

And playa of the year award goes to firered18.8) Pimp on pimpin'.
thats because Im tired of people being idiots and chasing women and casual sex while our country spirals down the ******g toilet :smh:
....your right...I will do me and I will advise brothers to fight this senseless convention...and I will laugh at you when I'm right and successful and you'll be asking me what I did to get where I am 8)
the college lifestyle is cool for the sheep...but people shouldn't have to be forced into accepting that idiotic lifestyle...or feel left out because they don't embrace foolishness.
I'm giving this kid genuine advice..'.not GO GET THE YAMBS'..that **** is petty weakness that weak individuals pass off as strength out of their own ignorance.
Im not gonna compromise what I have to say because everybody else experienced the norm
. With that being said...have fun..be social...just remember what you're really there for...because it's too easy to get distracted and mislead by false standards.
:wow: what a joke :rofl: :smh:

This actually makes sense
believe it or not dude makes a point..
In a way I kinda look at it like this. It just all has to do with priorities
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thats because Im tired of people being idiots and chasing women and casual sex while our country spirals down the ******g toilet

....your right...I will do me and I will advise brothers to fight this senseless convention...and I will laugh at you when I'm right and successful and you'll be asking me what I did to get where I am

the college lifestyle is cool for the sheep...but people shouldn't have to be forced into accepting that idiotic lifestyle...or feel left out because they don't embrace foolishness.
I'm giving this kid genuine advice..'.not GO GET THE YAMBS'..that **** is petty weakness that weak individuals pass off as strength out of their own ignorance.
Im not gonna compromise what I have to say because everybody else experienced the norm
. With that being said...have fun..be social...just remember what you're really there for...because it's too easy to get distracted and mislead by false standards.
what a joke
I'm right with you fam. I don't know if some of these guys on NT get it in or not, but I know their buns rate has no bearing on my life and what I have to do.

OP do your thing, be a friendly, hard working, affable person, and you'll find more than just yambs at the finish line.
From experience donot I repeat get in the habit of smashing women that you would not be proud to show your boys...no matter if they are with you when it goes down

Control your hormones especially on drunk nights before you wake up next to a 35 and up woman in the middle of nowhere

Be friends with everyone

Just be yourself you'll be surprised what girls actually like you or are feeling you

Don't try to be a fake player and spit game 24/7 just cool it out..its much easier

FOCUS on you 24/7..your in school for yourself only not your momma,not your pappy, etc....

Grind all the time..the feeling of dominating your classes,jobs,any goals for that week then copping a bottle of your favorite drink that weekend is un unexplainable..not to mention getting fresh and having some yambs..man you'll think your iceberg slim..besides the girls will notice

Don't get nervous when the big booty super aggressive hood chicks throw it at you lol


Unfortunatly social media plays a major role in college today so use it your advantage..but its better doing it the old fashion way

Dress nice even if your wearing sweats and a hoody..just make sure they are washed and wrinkle free..I believe personality outweighs gear in college but it all depends on where your located at

Join a frat too

Read books too..you'll be surprised how many guys in campus don't read..easy girls will think your a intellectual lol

Branch your yambs to girls from other campuses..the joints at your school will get jealous and want you even more

Be mysterious..
My advice is don't spend the money on a go away school is if gunna f up...just do what I did go to community college and his up the local college party and get the drunk easy sorority buns
I lost mine my first year in the navy. Some girl took mine. Lasted 5 seconds and went raw. Lost my kids inside her.

She got off me and told me not to worry she was on the pill. She put on her shorts and left. I felt like a lil "B".

We never did it again. I dont think I ever say her again.

To this day I wish I was a little more experienced.
thats because Im tired of people being idiots and chasing women and casual sex while our country spirals down the ******g toilet :smh:
....your right...I will do me and I will advise brothers to fight this senseless convention...and I will laugh at you when I'm right and successful and you'll be asking me what I did to get where I am 8)
the college lifestyle is cool for the sheep...but people shouldn't have to be forced into accepting that idiotic lifestyle...or feel left out because they don't embrace foolishness.
I'm giving this kid genuine advice..'.not GO GET THE YAMBS'..that **** is petty weakness that weak individuals pass off as strength out of their own ignorance.
Im not gonna compromise what I have to say because everybody else experienced the norm
. With that being said...have fun..be social...just remember what you're really there for...because it's too easy to get distracted and mislead by false standards.
:wow: what a joke :rofl: :smh:

WTF are you talking about? Dudes are giving that advice because it's fun to smash a lot of girls in college. It has nothing to do with weakness. If you go to a non-commuter school there will be so much new P around for 4 years and if you're not waiting for marriage then go get it! It's not like people are suggesting skipping midterms for yambs. You can do both

Dude college isn't only about fun but I had a f'in great time in college. Still made it to med school and graduated this past year summa cum laude.

You can have a GREAT time in college and still be successful. You just have to know when to buckle down and when to turn down that party. But if you don't have fun in college you're seriously missing out.
thats because Im tired of people being idiots and chasing women and casual sex while our country spirals down the ******g toilet :smh:
....your right...I will do me and I will advise brothers to fight this senseless convention...and I will laugh at you when I'm right and successful and you'll be asking me what I did to get where I am 8)
the college lifestyle is cool for the sheep...but people shouldn't have to be forced into accepting that idiotic lifestyle...or feel left out because they don't embrace foolishness.
I'm giving this kid genuine advice..'.not GO GET THE YAMBS'..that **** is petty weakness that weak individuals pass off as strength out of their own ignorance.
Im not gonna compromise what I have to say because everybody else experienced the norm
. With that being said...have fun..be social...just remember what you're really there for...because it's too easy to get distracted and mislead by false standards.
:wow: what a joke :rofl: :smh:

You sound boring as hell. College is about what, learning? Definitely not.

The most important thing that comes from college is networking. And you're not going to be doing that sitting at home studying when you can be meeting people, doing keg stands, laughing, enjoying your life. It's a 4 year vacation that I truly miss. But I'm onto bigger and better things now.

I like how you said you're giving him genuine advice when all you've said was everyone who suggests having fun at college is an idiott. You should be a maturing adult who abstains from alcohol and sex so you can be hipster cooler than your peers. :lol:rollin

I already landed my job out of school and I'm ******g happy what I'm doing, making great money. And all I need is about 2-4 years at this place and I'll be seeing a bump between 15-20 thousand on my salary. So keep talking about the future, I'm living in the now. I'd love an annual report on your success, cause I'd love to clown you every year.

check it bro, you can be like smooth over here. and money tells me he was nothing like this person he wants you to be in college. And be different for the sake of being different

Or you can enjoy the vices of life such as alcohol and sex while you still can. Because once you graduate, the real world starts and you don't have time for all the fun and games.

Drink. Drink some more. Do some keg stands. finger girls on the dance floor. Hook up with a new girl every week. Stay up all night sunday for a paper you should've done before you went out. **** it don't even do the paper, make up an excuse and get an extension. Just make sure you handle your business during the week so the weekend you can just chill and party it up.
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thats because Im tired of people being idiots and chasing women and casual sex while our country spirals down the ******g toilet

....your right...I will do me and I will advise brothers to fight this senseless convention...and I will laugh at you when I'm right and successful and you'll be asking me what I did to get where I am

the college lifestyle is cool for the sheep...but people shouldn't have to be forced into accepting that idiotic lifestyle...or feel left out because they don't embrace foolishness.
I'm giving this kid genuine advice..'.not GO GET THE YAMBS'..that **** is petty weakness that weak individuals pass off as strength out of their own ignorance.
Im not gonna compromise what I have to say because everybody else experienced the norm
. With that being said...have fun..be social...just remember what you're really there for...because it's too easy to get distracted and mislead by false standards.
what a joke
Being a conquering keyboard Zulu warrior won't change anything.

At the end of the day, its very unlikely someone on the internets is going to take your advice, no matter how valid it is.
I'm in the same boat OP, school starts in a month. With all these stories, I think I'm putting my expectations too high. Hopefully that's not the case dough 8)
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