NT, would you ever spank your child?

Okay, so you guys are going to spank your child, then what? It's not like they learn anything.


i learned lots from all them a** whoopens.
Originally Posted by cubanref

It depends on the child, but I think you have to in order to teach a child discipline. As a child you have to have some kind of fear of your parents in order to respect them. Once you get hit for doing something remotely wrong or stupid, you will think twice before you do it again lol. My brother was the bad one so I would get it just cause I was in his pressence lol. Taught me a lot in life and that's why I'm always out before a situation gets worse, or better yet I rarley put my self in a bad situation lol. Too many people yelling abuse over a simple spanking these days, that's why we have all these bad little kids running all over the place.

Once I got older and did something stupid, my parents would give the "I'm so dissapointed in you look/ talk" and that was much worse then any spanking I've ever recived cause you feel so bad for letting your parents down

But to answer your question yes

Originally Posted by memphisboi55

Okay, so you guys are going to spank your child, then what? It's not like they learn anything.


i learned lots from all them a** whoopens.


I don't know how some of you were raised, but in my family.. There is no such thing as being "Grounded".. It was a, Get an +$@ whoopin', orget the hell up out the house.
If it's necessary. My dad always told me a hard head make a soft..... and I feel I turned out alright.
I grew up in Taiwan (1/2 Taiwanese, 1/2 white) where spanking was pretty much accepted-- even in public schools. Truthfully, I compare kids here and kidsthere, it's uncommon to see a child talk back or disobey their parents over there. I'm not sure if it because of the form of discipline, or if it someother factor of the culture-- but overall, I can say children are better behaved in Taiwan. I grew up being spanked, never abused or beaten-- and there wasalways good reason for it. My daughter is currently 13 months old and me and my wife (who is filipino) plan to use physical discipline when necessary once sheis old enough to understand it.
Originally Posted by illmatickal

Originally Posted by cubanref

It depends on the child, but I think you have to in order to teach a child discipline. As a child you have to have some kind of fear of your parents in order to respect them. Once you get hit for doing something remotely wrong or stupid, you will think twice before you do it again lol. My brother was the bad one so I would get it just cause I was in his pressence lol. Taught me a lot in life and that's why I'm always out before a situation gets worse, or better yet I rarley put my self in a bad situation lol. Too many people yelling abuse over a simple spanking these days, that's why we have all these bad little kids running all over the place.

Once I got older and did something stupid, my parents would give the "I'm so dissapointed in you look/ talk" and that was much worse then any spanking I've ever recived cause you feel so bad for letting your parents down

But to answer your question yes


Pretty much how I feel on it. My dad whooped my butt for doing stupid stuff when I was young. I tell you right now, once I learned what the consequences were,I didnt do it again.
I was never spanked, and I turned out fine.

There are a lot more things that factor into raising a good human being.
My sister and 2 nephews moved into my crib for the last 4 months.

Frequently spanking a kid does NOT raise a kid to be disciplined.

The reason why?

Because eventually it doesn't phase them anymore.

My nephew is 5 and laughs at my sister when she smacks him.

He's one of the worst behaved kids I've ever seen, and I worked at a special ed preschool over the summer.

The reason is because his parents smack him as a short term way to get him to stop what he's doing. But he's been smacked so many times that itdoesn't really bother him anymore. So this whole time his parents have used smacking as a short term solution for misbehaving, but in the long termthey're gunna see so much more misbehavior.

If they make the effort to sit him down and teach him, even though it's going to be very difficult and time consuming, in the long run it would actuallysave much more time because of how less the frequency of misbehavior to cause disciplining would be.

My sister and her husband both love their kids, but they're horrible when it comes to disciplining them.
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