NT, would you ever spank your child?

I used to get hit with extention cords, wet dish rag (when I pissed mom off in the kitchen), hot wheels race tracks, shoes, a switch from the tree and theeffin belt buckle!

We used to put on like 3 pairs of pants when we knew we was in trouble lol.

80's Baby FTW!!!
I believe in it. A lot of these kids today were never punished so they grow up feeling they can do and get away with anything. When they finally get punishedthey act like it's the end of the world.
like i said once before in one of these threads, if your child doesnt flinch when you make a sudden movement, then you have failed as a parent.

i often see crazed little children in public and all their parents do is say stop it.
those kids need a good smack or two. and they need some fear in theirlives.
Originally Posted by Face82

I used to get hit with extention cords, wet dish rag (when I pissed mom off in the kitchen), hot wheels race tracks, shoes, a switch from the tree and the effin belt buckle!

We used to put on like 3 pairs of pants when we knew we was in trouble lol.

80's Baby FTW!!!
I believe in it. A lot of these kids today were never punished so they grow up feeling they can do and get away with anything. When they finally get punished they act like it's the end of the world.
haha exact same thing i did. too bad my dad caught me one time, gave me the standard whoopin, then came back as soon as the cryin stopped for thesecond whoopin. it was horrible.
Originally Posted by carlosdapaperboy

Originally Posted by geminifly

If they cutting up I will beat the Black off they a##! Black folk know about them racecar tracks, switches, house shoes,
belts, extension cords and whatever moms could get a hand on!

I'm Latino but my parents was the same.

Im Filipino but my parents/grandparents was the same
mann...i doubt it.....theyd have to be OD buggin out or somethin
... my children will be raised with love, yall can keep the extension cords
I am a strong believer in spaking. I spank my son when he is acting up or throwing a temper-tantrum. I believe they have to be scared of the consequences thatcome with their negative actions, and spanking or getting hit is one consequence that kids really fear. Giving them time-outs or yelling really doesn'taffect some kids.
nothing wrong with disciplining your child cuz i know my bad @** was spanked when i was little. plus my mom, an aunt, and a few cousins areteachers/administrators and they work with some devils that need a good spanking. that's just how i feel cause not everyone responds to time outs, beinggrounded, or a stern talking. some kids can "relate to the belt" is how i call it. there is a fine line between discipline and abuse and some peopledo cross it though.

in short: spank-hell yeah
abuse- hell no (jail time)
Theres a million ways to discipline kids without hitting them. I got 5 little cousins that I live with and love like my own....We barely spank them. Prettymuch just when they're way too out of hand or hitting the adults.

We ain't on sum chin check stuff though. Just a slap across the thighs with our hands. Nothing painful.

But let me not get started on my childhood. My moms used to &*$% me up yo!!
nothing wrong with disciplining your child cuz i know my bad @** was spanked when i was little. plus my mom, an aunt, and a few cousins are teachers/administrators and they work with some devils that need a good spanking. that's just how i feel cause not everyone responds to time outs, being grounded, or a stern talking. some kids can "relate to the belt" is how i call it. there is a fine line between discipline and abuse and some people do cross it though.

in short: spank-hell yeah
abuse- hell no (jail time)
spank-hell yeah
abuse- hell no (jail time I would never hurt my child like that.)

Why does jail time' have to be the reason for not abusing your child? I'll never abuse my son because I love him and I never want him to know whatthat's like, not because I'm afraid of jail time.

I spanked my son once. It was just one moderately firm swat to the back side. I only did it after every other form of discipline I attempted failed. I feltbad about it immediately after. I am going to ttry as hard as I can to avoid doing it again.
  • What children really learn from being spanked:
  • They learn that violence is an acceptable way to handle situations.
  • They learn that the people charged with protecting them can and will hurt them.
  • They learn that love = pain.
  • They learn fear.
  • They learn to lie to avoid painful punishment.
  • They learn what it's like to be humiliated.
  • They learn anger and hostility, resentment and hatred.
  • They learn size is might.
  • They learn that they are "bad".
i wAs just about to post that hell yeah i would but then i saw this.

* What children really learn from being spanked:

* They learn that violence is an acceptable way to handle situations.

* They learn that the people charged with protecting them can and will hurt them.

* They learn that love = pain.

* They learn fear.

* They learn to lie to avoid painful punishment.

* They learn what it's like to be humiliated.

* They learn anger and hostility, resentment and hatred.

* They learn size is might.

* They learn that they are "bad".
and i would still if they are out of hand. but nothing harsh just a smack on the thigh or something to get their full attention.
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