NT: Would you not date someone because of their race?

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

i don't get how some of you would date but not marry a certain type...

what if you're 5 years in and you know you can't marry this person?

any relationship has the chance to lead to marriage so why bother if you know you can't/wont marry this person

^ Well I think that was pointless of them to date to begin with 
. Even if I didn't settle down with someone who is of my preference but it worked out for that long, then why not give it a shot? Then again, it was my experience that deterred me from exploring it any further 
& most guys(of all races) i talk to usually tell me i'm the only black girl they would ever date
I've always had a thing for people outside my race. More excitement to it. Although I am put in a position right now where my current bf told me he wouldnt be able to marry because I'm not arabic.
Am i the only white dude who just doesnt feel white chicks? i mean there are a few, but on the whole, not really my thing.
I have my prefrences.
But I have ethnicities that I'm not really intrested in.
But I would never COMPLETLY rule any one out.
As long as I'm attracted to them I would approach any type of woman.
Originally Posted by JayeLove

I've always had a thing for people outside my race. More excitement to it. Although I am put in a position right now where my current bf told me he wouldnt be able to marry because I'm not arabic.

so why does he bother? doesn't seem fair to you...how long you two been together? almost selfish on his part IMO to start something w/you knowing he wouldn't take it that far...

m i the only white dude who just doesnt feel white chicks? i mean there are a few, but on the whole, not really my thing.
i've heard a few white guys say they don't like white women cuz they remind them of their mothers which i found funny that their mothers could turn them off from a whole group of women
I'm Hispanic and personally I am down with the brown 100%
. Like i've dated Asian girls and Spanish girls and black girls (never a white girl not many of those in PG), but out of all the girls i've dated black girls hands down are for me. my girl is black and I love it. I def wouldnt have it anyother way. but i'd never discriminate cause of race Pu*sy is Pus*y right
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by JayeLove

I've always had a thing for people outside my race. More excitement to it. Although I am put in a position right now where my current bf told me he wouldnt be able to marry because I'm not arabic.

so why does he bother? doesn't seem fair to you...how long you two been together? almost selfish on his part IMO to start something w/you knowing he wouldn't take it that far...
Exactly right? We've been going out for 2 years and he told me this last week. I told him to let me go, make it easier for the both of us, he doesnt want to.

Originally Posted by JayeLove

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by JayeLove

I've always had a thing for people outside my race. More excitement to it. Although I am put in a position right now where my current bf told me he wouldnt be able to marry because I'm not arabic.

so why does he bother? doesn't seem fair to you...how long you two been together? almost selfish on his part IMO to start something w/you knowing he wouldn't take it that far...
Exactly right? We've been going out for 2 years and he told me this last week. I told him to let me go, make it easier for the both of us, he doesnt want to.


   damn...if you don't mind me asking what made him tell you that...good luck in whatever happens...i'm sure it won't be easy
Originally Posted by bluedeniro

Originally Posted by SShanique

So, all she needs is a good sense of humor? Geez.
key word i said was consider, i mean relationships are pretty lame IMO they never last, because im not serious at this point in my life. Someone with a sense of humor is the easiest way to build a authentic relationship with females for me. I know you and I could have some deep intellectual convos "miss shanique", but when you bust out the used pop-cycle sticks and super glue. i might have a couple sarcastic things to say. would you 
 or would you 
, and then go on niketalk and make a thread about it? 

You're cute. 
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

i don't get how some of you would date but not marry a certain type...

what if you're 5 years in and you know you can't marry this person?

any relationship has the chance to lead to marriage so why bother if you know you can't/wont marry this person
I think I've learned enough on this forum to say with confidence, "They just want to SMASH!" 

I am a black male and I like all women, I tend to be attracted to more hispanic women than any other though.
Wow black women are constantly put into a unfair sterotype of being loud, angry, controling, and to "dark skinned". I think most of you guys who say this are being a little bit excessive and narrow minded. To give a black female all those unfair characteristics is an understatement for the black male wouldn't you think?

Oh yeah and to answer the OP's question I love my Black and Spanish women.

I'm a black male btw.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by JayeLove

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by JayeLove

I've always had a thing for people outside my race. More excitement to it. Although I am put in a position right now where my current bf told me he wouldnt be able to marry because I'm not arabic.

so why does he bother? doesn't seem fair to you...how long you two been together? almost selfish on his part IMO to start something w/you knowing he wouldn't take it that far...
Exactly right? We've been going out for 2 years and he told me this last week. I told him to let me go, make it easier for the both of us, he doesnt want to.


   damn...if you don't mind me asking what made him tell you that...good luck in whatever happens...i'm sure it won't be easy
Just wanted to know why he doesnt want to have marriage and kids and he said its not that he doesnt want to, its cause he cant with me.. Things are quite different now with us

Originally Posted by bluedeniro

Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

I never get love from black chicks

i feel weird cosigning this, but on the l, black chicks just be too argumentative with they own men. They wanna argue instead of being happy and in a healthy relationship, they wanna call their friends so they can have something to complain about. They want to you (Lokey) Disrespect them, just so we can get the cooperation we deserve as men, They act worse than Record Company A&R's, if we not thug-gin or C_ning then we soft or weird or different. Ever Black girl ever dated say's the same thing your different. Since when did acting like a regular man, called being different.
I feel you on this alot. 
have you met his parents and all that? i just can't believe someone would place another person in that position w/o telling them up front...like i said its very selfish
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