NT: Would you not date someone because of their race?

I've noticed that black women don't tend to date out of there race that much, anyone else notice that ?

its because they're so stuck on black men, scared to date outside their race. They feel black men are obligated to be with em.
Jrose wouldn't
Originally Posted by Tetsujin23

I've noticed that black women don't tend to date out of there race that much, anyone else notice that ?

its because they're so stuck on black men, scared to date outside their race. They feel black men are obligated to be with em.

no one is scared...BW aren't being approached by non black men anymore than they are approaching non black men...i have a few ideas as to why but i dont' want to change the direction of this thread...
I've recently seen more black women coupled up with men of other races.

As for me, I've dated outside my race, country and jurisdiction. Never had a problem with it.
Nah, I can honestly say I've been attracted to at least a couple men if not more of every race that comes to mind.

...and to be perfectly clear I would date them..I don't discriminate
I'm Mixed Asian and have dated all kinds of people (Black, White, Latino, and Inter-ethnic Asians) etc.

However I feel, there's a fine line to define between (dating prospects/long-term commitment prospects). Especially when it comes to commitment and don't get me wrong I too don't really give a pass as "religion" being the end all no all. Some people do allow that out of fear of 'ex-communication' from close knit families and the sort. But when it all comes down to it, it becomes preferential. I even did a research paper on this prior to graduating, to get a better understanding of relationship preferences and the sort.

There were several times I saw myself settling down with chicks other than Asian girls in the past, but all the racism and family 'politics' (outside religious matters) really deterred me from being comfortable in that aspect. Yes, love should "conquer all" but it was all this twisted hate and ignorance from outside parties that really made me a non-believe that those type of interracial relationships would work for me in the future. Hell, unless the girl is Asian or Mixed Asian, I feel there's more of a chance, thus developing my preference. But who knows, I'm still pretty young (mid 20s) so it may change. I don't even prefer to date my own Asian ethnicity, but someone I'm currently talking to seems to clique' so maybe that will change as well.
I think it'd be stupid to let something as insignificant as race/ethnicity prevent you from getting into a relationship with someone.
Reg NT Girl: I cant date outside my race
NT: Close minded

Cute NT Girl: I cant marry outside my religion
NT: Oh I understand

Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

Originally Posted by SdotRusherz

Originally Posted by Frische Produkte

Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

Originally Posted by BlackStilettos

Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

Originally Posted by BlackStilettos

I'm black, and I am only attracted to black men. I'm not apologizing for that.
you dont have to apologize for being a narrow minded individual
You try to offend by calling it 'narrow minded', and I just laugh.
I'm not attracted to men outside my race, and you resorting to name calling won't change it.
first of, im not offending you.  secondly, there is no name calling, in my post.  You are a narrow minded individual. My guess is that you ARE attracted to other types of guys, just that you don't think they would be attracted to you.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]
  @ "Narrow minded" being considered "name calling".. Where are these females coming from? The quality of chicks on this site is rapidly declining by the week.[/color]
i think shes from that Justin Timberlake message board.  its hit or miss with, females coming from that site. 

Yes, she posts on JJB.
@Frische Produkte: NZ is good
there's no place like home. Plus it's summer here. A lot of American's comment on how beautiful it is. And I have to agree, but obviously I'm a little bias

@LarryIndiana219: I dunno man, it just seems kinda closed-minded. No offence dude. I know race and everything is a whole other ball game in the States, but why not dabble a little? It's not like you have to learn or whatever. Not all NRWP are all having to share and all that though. Maybe over there but damn, here we're just all cool with everyone.
Originally Posted by tim teufel

in today's age if you have this mentality chances are you will grow old and be lonely.

why? there are millions of people for every racial/ethnic/religous category...to think you can't find 1 is ridiculous
Originally Posted by DanzInRealLife

@LarryIndiana219: I dunno man, it just seems kinda closed-minded. No offence dude. I know race and everything is a whole other ball game in the States, but why not dabble a little? It's not like you have to learn or whatever. Not all NRWP are all having to share and all that though. Maybe over there but damn, here we're just all cool with everyone.
... and I'm not turning nothing down but my collar.. BUT.. my rational mind naturally assumes I'd have better long term success with someone more my type, literally. Unlike a lot of you guys, I'm not from an all that diverse area. And where I'm from, a strange face might get at you so you gotta be aware and familiar with your surroundings and what not. So hey, I like what I like and what I'm familiar with, that's all it is. I'm attracted to all types of women, but I need a girl who can roll a blunt, lie on the stand, fry chicken, count grams, etc etc etc. That's just what I'm familiar with man. Ain't nothing wrong with that, is it?
I'm not afraid to date outside my race, but I just hate being judged... not that I really give a damn though.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by Tetsujin23

I've noticed that black women don't tend to date out of there race that much, anyone else notice that ?

its because they're so stuck on black men, scared to date outside their race. They feel black men are obligated to be with em.

no one is scared...BW aren't being approached by non black men anymore than they are approaching non black men...i have a few ideas as to why but i dont' want to change the direction of this thread...

Well, as a black woman, I get approached by a lot of non-black men.  Maybe it's because I'm cute and non-threatening, very approachable.  Or maybe it's because I wear tight clothes.  Tight in a sophisticated way, not tight in a slutty way. 

One thing I don't understand that some people have mentioned is the preference for the black girl to be light skinned.
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Reg NT Girl: I cant date outside my race
NT: Close minded

Cute NT Girl: I cant marry outside my religion
NT: Oh I understand

It's true. I was almost ready to disagree, but I see what you're saying.
i just hate that you have to ease the quote on quote white girls to be comfortable on how i roll, but as long as the female (any race) has a great sense of humor she can be considered for dating/non-married wifey status. I mean if your young and single and haven't at least tried at least 4 different races of women you selling your self short IMO.
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