NT Yuku Complaint Thread.

this yuku thing is disgusting i cant do so many things i dont know how to qoute people or do anything i wish it would go back i was fine with the old simple nt

I sure do miss my "LA" light up next to my name.

Is there any way we can get those little icons back?

and after I post in the buy/sell forum I always get the 404 error page making me think that the post never even went through... it's kind of confusing.Think you guys can make a page explaining the "posting under review"?

Also, when I tried to "Preview" my post before submmitting my buy/sell thread everything just dissapeared. I'm too scared to try it again to seeif it was a fluke or a legit problem.
I miss my personal icon.
Scrolling is soo slow now.
Need the title on every post.
Reminds me too much of that other place.
Every time I attempt to make a listing in the size 10.5-11 section, I get this crap on my screen!


What a downgrade!
The worst for me is having to scroll all the way to the bottom of a large picture or a series of pictures to see what's on the X-axis.
Hey Peyton, my post count is off along with my location in Google Map. It has me located in the Ocean off of Korea

Any help would be appreciated.
Originally Posted by soysauce23

I sure do miss my "LA" light up next to my name.

Is there any way we can get those little icons back?
Word! I had "SHUGES" scrolling next to my name. No more thanks to Yookoo.

Any word on the censored emoticon/smiley returning? I hate seeing random $***. (<----- like that)

And finally, can the font get bigger??
Originally Posted by KOBE IS NOT GOAT

Originally Posted by SHUGES

And finally, can the font get bigger??

Too me it looks like the same size as it was on Ezboard.

Unless you want it this big.
Nah, trust me. It's DEFINITELY smaller. Mad tiny. +%$! is annoying. Heaven forbid anyone who doesn't skip a line here or there when making apost.

Reading a big wall of text with this new format is the worst.
Originally Posted by wanksta23

get rid of the tags on the top

you can minimize it by clicking on the "-" to the right.

What happen to the active users list? was it removed? can it atleast be put on the front page where it hurts no one? I actually enjoyed checking the stats andthings...
Originally Posted by H4ppyTime Harry

Originally Posted by wanksta23

get rid of the tags on the top

you can minimize it by clicking on the "-" to the right.

What happen to the active users list? was it removed? can it atleast be put on the front page where it hurts no one? I actually enjoyed checking the stats and things...

It took up too much space. NTers browsing NikeTalk on their phones complained that the "Active Users" list added stuff to scroll through to getto the next page. NT is very conscious of the mobile phone users. A lot of the changes here (like the 100x100 default size of avys and keeping it at 150,000bytes) are to "help" the mobile phone users browse NikeTalk with ease.
I only got one complaint...new post don't show up as red as they did when we were still on ezboard... On the old board, I knew if someone posted somethingnew if the last page changed color...now its more like a guessing game.
Do these things get heard? i hate when long urls just change to ... in the middle, what the hell am i supposed to do with that?
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