NT'ers with acne: What do you use?

tazorac is freakign amazing. It cleared my horrible acne in about 1 week. Also use coal face soap if your face is oily
Carlos Tevez:
Where can I obtain what you use? Ive been getting a minor amount of acne on my cheeks and chin.
A while ago, I made this same exact thread.

I got a dermatologist appointment. LONG !%% WAITING TIME. I had to wait 6 months. Worth it.

I got prescribed Doxycycline Hyclate 1000mg. I took it twice a day, on a full stomach, with good skin. Really depends on what kind of face you have. I have anoily face, and I had cystic acne on the face when I saw the dermatologist. I have a few breakouts here and there, but it is all because of a lot of factors;stress, diet (yes, diet does matter), and like Carlos Tevez said, genes that determine how much acne you will receive. It is very small and unnoticeablehowever. Even missing a few days of the medicine is harmless, and isn't detrimental to acne.

On top of that, I was prescribed Duac, a topical cream, and was recommended Cetaphil facial cleanser.
Been on Accutane for 5 weeks now. Haven't had any terrible side effects except dry skin and chapped lips. I find it really hard that people get suicidalthoughts off the drug. I swear people who do get those thoughts are from a self-esteem perspective that this "last resort" is not working for them.Maybe.

5 weeks in: Skin drying out, still breaking out but less and less. On a 5 month course right now. I trust the benefits of this drug. Read so much about itonline that I am very confident I will be helped.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

remember...even though accutane works really good...your acne can come back..it dried my $#$% out sooo bad i stopped taking it a few weeks early just so my lips werent severely cracked

Ya it does dry you out pretty bad, my dermatologist told me there was an 80% cure rate on it, I'm just hoping I'm one of those so I'm done withthis stuff.
Originally Posted by FrankReynolds420

Go to the dermatologist. I have just a little bit on my cheeks but it made me really self-conscience. So I went there, they prescribed me a pill to take and some $$+ called Ziana to apply before bed time. The first 2-3 weeks, it made it look worse because it draws the bacteria out of you. Now I just have a few acne scars and i'm getting a chemical peel in 3 weeks.
im thinking of going this route please let me know which peel you will get and results
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

About 2-3 yrs ago I had bad acne and someone made a thread similar to this. This dude on here by the name of "MF Doomer" recommended Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin b5) so I said "what the heck?" and gave it a try. One week later my acne completely disappeared and it has not come back since. By far the most useful suggestion I've ever read by an NTer. It completely dries up your facial skin and acne is minimized. I can now eat literally whatever I want and not have to worry about getting acne. I still get the occasional pimple but it's not as bad as when I was getting 10 pimples at a time during my high school years.

From my experiences, solutions for people suffering from acne can be broken down into two categories. The first group can easily treat their acne by washing their face and applying a topical cream such as benzoyl peroxide (the main ingredient in Proactive) or prescription creams such as Retina-A.

The other group of people need to consume pills orally to contain their acne. For years I used a million different prescription creams...I bought over-the-counter benzoyl peroxide...I bought Proactive...and I saw absolutely no improvement at all. I went to a dermotologist and he just wrote me more prescriptions for cookie-cutter facial creams that I told him were useless to me. In the end, I figured out that I (and other people in my situation) needed something like Accutane. I avoided accutane after hearing horror stories from two of my friends and luckily I discovered that pantothenic acid was perfect for me.

Ignore the misconceptions that acne is caused by "not washing your face" or from certain types of food such as chocolate or french fries or something. That is all BS. Acne is a genetic problem caused by your hormones. 'Group A' can treat it by using cream, 'Group B' can treat it using pills. I did find though that some types of food tended to trigger my acne such as dairy products and caffeine but I can consume both now without any problems.
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]Not washing does tend to cause an outbreak of pimples, not much acne thou[/color]

[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]What he said...i have cystic acne from having a weak immune system...so whenever my stressful times ibreak out with pimples and a few cysts SUCKS BIG $%*!.....but i use the benzoyl cream and take a antibiotic to clear it up....just got back on it so my skinsslowly clearing[/color]
Originally Posted by Dynamic X

A while ago, I made this same exact thread.

I got a dermatologist appointment. LONG !%% WAITING TIME. I had to wait 6 months. Worth it.

I got prescribed Doxycycline Hyclate 1000mg. I took it twice a day, on a full stomach, with good skin. Really depends on what kind of face you have. I have an oily face, and I had cystic acne on the face when I saw the dermatologist. I have a few breakouts here and there, but it is all because of a lot of factors; stress, diet (yes, diet does matter), and like Carlos Tevez said, genes that determine how much acne you will receive. It is very small and unnoticeable however. Even missing a few days of the medicine is harmless, and isn't detrimental to acne.

On top of that, I was prescribed Duac, a topical cream, and was recommended Cetaphil facial cleanser.
Congrats on doxycline working.

I was so frustrated during all of high school because I tried all this stuff...doxcycline, tetracycline, retina-a, treatonine, benzoyl peroxide, etc. etc. andnothing worked at all. I also hate the crap about "try it for 6 weeks before determining if it works". I think that if you dont see an improvementafter 2-weeks then one should move onto a next solution.

Just figure out what kind of skin you have. Oily skin = you'll most likely need oral pills to contain your skin oil and decrease the size of your pores.

If you have normal skin but still get acne, you'll probably be fine with something as simple as benzoyl peroxide. Oh yeah, Proactive is just a very wellmarketed product. Over here it costs like $70+ but you can get its equivalent for around $20. All you need is a skin cleanser (I like cetaphil), anoncomedogenic skin moisturizer (I like cetaphil) and benzoyl peroxide (Oxy5 is a good one). Wash your face with the cleanser, wait 10 mins for your face todry. Then apply benzoyl peroxide only to the places you get acne and the moisturizer to the rest of your face. Do it twice a day, before bed and when you wakeup. Saves plenty of money and just as effective as Proactive (exact same ingredients too).
Originally Posted by FrankReynolds420

Go to the dermatologist. I have just a little bit on my cheeks but it made me really self-conscience. So I went there, they prescribed me a pill to take and some $$+ called Ziana to apply before bed time. The first 2-3 weeks, it made it look worse because it draws the bacteria out of you. Now I just have a few acne scars and i'm getting a chemical peel in 3 weeks.

Chemical peel?
Originally Posted by Dynamic X
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]Pill @!#@ works great...but mine says to take it on an empty stomach....@!#@ will haveme folded...a derm told me i have'em cuz my beard, gave me something i use everyday that really did nothing...the dox pill i got from my everyday doctor,broke it down for me, @!#@ worked wonders...from dec-sept nothing[/color]
I currently use Cetaphil, and love it..the soap and skin moisturizer....

I have mild scarring though from old acne, would be suggested/recommended to clear those dark scarring spots up?
Originally Posted by DanniTheKid

[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]I used to have scars from my acne, popping $#+@ and what not....the benz cream cleared it up and theantibiotic ive used also helped...but dont quote me on that...[/color]
Chemical peels are just that. They deeply cleanse your skin, peeling off the first layer, smoothing the look of your skin. tightening it, rejuvenating it etc.I'm going for my first one in 4 weeks. A beta one is $90 but needs multiple treatments, and clay one is $170. I got to save up some dough
My face is usually clear. But from time to time, i get that ONE huge acne that just kills my confidence. I don't think i've ever gotten more than justone at a time.
anyone ever had on of these done , i have read a few good thing about it online . also price isnt too bad
I WOULD not suggest doing a chemical yourself, it is definitely something that needs to be in the hands of a doctor/dermatologist... ..

I researched chemical peels, and I'm kinda scared of them. The success rate and the number of treatments you might undergo until you see results
i dont have a problem witch acne really, but the marks they leave afterwards are annoying as @#$%...like ill have the SMALLEST pimple that everyone gets fromtime to time and itll leave a red mark on my face for weeks...with one or two bumps poppin up on my face every 2-3 weeks, @#$% adds up
however, the people who get acne are the ones who are the most conscious aboutit, i doubt girls wont talk to you cause you got a couple of bumps on your face. its only when you got what the picture OP posted has
Originally Posted by Mac A Roni

Originally Posted by Dynamic X
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]Pill @!#@ works great...but mine says to take it on an empty stomach....@!#@ will have me folded...a derm told me i have'em cuz my beard, gave me something i use everyday that really did nothing...the dox pill i got from my everyday doctor, broke it down for me, @!#@ worked wonders...from dec-sept nothing[/color]
I ate a Yoplait and then took one of those pills before going to school, and I felt like I was about to throw up. I was dry heaving and my mouthwas salivating a lot.
. Went to the bathroom and spit about half a gallon before deciding to go back.

I've been eating eggs, bacon, yogurt and bread in the mornings ever since.
I've been using acnefree and it worked for a little while. Now my face is starting to break out again. My best advice is to drink alot of water i try toget 3 liters a day and that helps stay clear when i do that. But any way to help scarring and redness?
bros.... mix baking soda and water into a paste and apply it onto your face. rub it in for like 2-3 mins then wash it off. use 2-3 times a week. i'm deadserious and it works
Originally Posted by FrankReynolds420

I heard accutane is like last resort, and it's pretty common for it to cause serious side effects, like suicidal thoughts.

if by common you mean one example where a senators son commited suicide and the senator blamed the medication. sure
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