NT's FIRST? *NO *** CHALLENGE* 68% of you are still not ***ping after 1 Week

Originally Posted by starzinoureyes

gladly taken the L? pfffffffffff

i went out like a champ.

team abstinence ftw?
yep, we're troopers.

Originally Posted by starzinoureyes

dearest air kalo,

had i been "s", fapping would be the last thing on my mind.

however, i thank you for stating the obvious.

sincerely yours,

Originally Posted by starzinoureyes

dearest air kalo,

had i been "s", fapping would be the last thing on my mind.

however, i thank you for stating the obvious.

sincerely yours,

be.. i mean starzinoureyes

Just jokes, shawty.

i've just gotta hold out til august 8th. im going n a 2 week trip to fort drum for training. i won't have a chance to fap. that's why im going towin.
damn a day passes by and people cant control them self.

but forreal i gotta stay out the house when there is no one home.
wooooo! i woke up this morning went for a jog, showered and now im reading a book.

the complete opposite of what i usually do.
Still in there! When I had the urge last night I threw on some Jonas Brothers crap and all urges disappeared.

Let's do this
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