NT's NFL MOCK Participation Draft - Round 2: Bills are up (ravens skipped)

screw it just came too late for this
edit - are seahawks available? I'll take them
Dudes better be ready when there picks come up, didnt last year's first round take 8 days?

Wont happen
Commissioner GunnaGoodell will skip over picks as if Mike Tice sittin at their Draft Table
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

MB3 or bust.... I wouldnt take Roy Williams for a bag of nickles
sorry sir running back is a position of need and trading away one for none in return wouldnt be wise for my organization ... my offer stands as stated above with no exceptions ... maybe next week you will see the light and breathe air into my more than generous offer

Unless Roy Williams becomes his former self in a week and magically gets 5 years younger you might be on to something.

maybe if you offer up 22 instead of 28 Ill consider taking that biscuit off your hands

Looks like Dallas aint gonna come through.

Any team need a 1400 yards 10 td type reciever ? I am trading one
Houston is looking to move up a few spots in the first... Into the 11-15 range. Get at me.
Originally Posted by The Wizard

gangsta, you need to put one more player on the trading block...
Wiz who else needs to be on the block? Edit: Lito? I need a young LB and a pick for lito or a SS and a higher pick. Theone has to releacesomebody. Gunna...............
Gunna, I'll be in in about 20 minutes time if you're ready.

See if I get a couple offers, if not, I'll make my pick around 11:40 PST.
CP1, its up to you, once you get the ball rolling we can kick this off ...

**I Got my Mel Kiper pics and comments ready**
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