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Happy 70th birthday to Ricky Steamboat.

Ricky's Arm Drag is the most perfectly executed wrestling move of all time..Arn's Spinebuster is a close 2nd..
Bret Hart Russian Legs Weep
Can’t disagree with that..But if I had to pick a Bret move that is pure perfection I’d have to go with his turnbuckle “crash”..The way he goes in chest first (instead of turning his back) and the sound it makes gives off a sense of realism seen in very few wrestling moves..
Flair’s Figure Four
Okada’s Drop Kick
Sid’s Powerbomb
Walter’s chop
Muta’s Moonsault
Arby D’s Frog Splash
Stan Hanson’s lariat
Sasha’s Suicide Dive..

I think Orton’s dropkick is the best IMO.
only interested in the ladder match. might watch later. have to waste my time watching the lakers lose
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