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Do You Prefer Yearly or Monthly Threads?

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47% of U.S. voters do NOT consider pro wrestling to be a "real sport", according to an Emerson College poll.

Voters were asked if they hold a generally favorable or unfavorable opinion of Major League Baseball (MLB), the National Basketball Association (NBA), and professional wrestling, such as World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE). The MLB is most favorable as 48% of voters hold a favorable view, followed by the NBA with 46%, and WWE with 32%. Eighteen-percent (18%) hold an unfavorable view of the MLB, 26% of the NBA, and 35% of the WWE.

The plurality of US voters (47%) do not consider professional wrestling to be a “real sport”, while a third (33%) do consider it to be a sport. Twenty percent are unsure or have no opinion.

Kimball noted, “The consideration of wrestling to be a real sport decreases with age: 55% of adults under 35 see it as a real sport, compared to 44% of those between 35 and 49, 22% of those between 50 and 64, and 14% of those over 65.”

Damage CTRL sucks, RIP to that terrrible group.

Trust me it pains me to say Damage CTRL sucked, it does. I use to think Io was 2nd to Sasha in-ring skill wise. Dakota has been a disappointment. Bayley the only one who really hasnt been hurt, once shes free of the other two, shell stiill be a women main eventer. Which is lame cause i jsut saw her non biased interview with Ariel and Damage CTRL was her dream faction.

They do suck. They’re boring as a group. IYO SKY needs to be free because she is much better individually

CTRL gimmick feels forced
Been telling y'all they gave Damage CTRl waaay too much TV time. They forced IT. Bayley is the only one that can talk so it always just seemed like Bayley and the other two. HHH doesn't think the viewers are smart enough to understand IO Shirai why would they "get" her a singles competitor?
Damage Control was always a weird pairing in the first place.

It seemed SUPER forced and the pieces just didn't make sense toGETHer.

What did those 3 have in common other than being women?

Stupid WWE
Damage Control was always a weird pairing in the first place.

It seemed SUPER forced and the pieces just didn't make sense toGETHer.

What did those 3 have in common other than being women?

Stupid WWE
The thing they all had in common was not being Sasha Banks.
I get that bayley wanted to elevate the other two, but now that the titles are off them, Dakota and io might not even be on the mania card.
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