NY case puts N-word use among blacks on trial

just because someone sees the controversy behind the word doesn't mean he/she wants to use it.
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These threads always have people pouting like babies over a word they feel they can't use. Like someone said you can say it if you wan't, just be aware of the consequences. I'm black and I don't use the word but the lol's are brought when other people cry about it.
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I'm going to be short with you b/c I'm at work commenting in the little spare time I have.

1) I didn't say any such thing. I just acknowledged what is, not what is ideal, thus my use of the word "ideally." We live in a world and country that is very complex. Your simple approach to such a complex thing is lacking in a number of ways. We didn't en masse decide to pass the n-word down as an heirloom. Circumstances which we did not create dictated that. As I inferred in my post above.

2) It's not a question of appropriateness. Its a question of historical context. You are asking WHY we are at this point, instead of HOW we got to this point. It's not happenstance that the n-word has become so ingrained in black vernacular. So to look at its users as some sort of boon to social progression is a bit ridiculous.

3) Not even given an ounce of effort? You act as if its all blacks who use the n-word. There are plenty who do not. And there's obviously many who are outspoken about its use, such as yourself. As I stated earlier, it makes little difference to a racist. While we're here sopping up spilt milk with tear laden napkins, those who wish us ill are continuing to conspire in new and ever-changing ways to keep us confined. We aren't politicians who must build sound platforms to win elections. We are people and we are flawed. So if you mean to infer that our progress as a people is tied to our use of a word, I'm going to have to wholeheartedly disagree.

4) Again, here we disagree. Eradication of the n-word won't make for a less racist future. It's not the n-word that is creating racism. What the hell will trimming the hedges do if your tree is dying at the root? And believe you me racism starts at the root of America.

5) You think use of the n-word by blacks is the steampower behind that mentality? That's laughable. Racists don't think we're inferior because we use the n-word. They think we're inferior because they're racist.
Stopped paying attention to this thread entirely, but from this post it seems as if someone just got hit with dat ether.

Why? If you can use it as a term of endearment, why can't another--specifically a rich old white guy living in affluent Westport?

This is exactly why I said you can't eat your cake and have it too.

There's absolutely no logic, whatsoever, in the selective controversy that comes with the N word usage by different races. The word is either degrading, and it usage must be abandoned entirely, by ALL races, or it's non-degrading, and should be accessible to all races. Pick one.


Don't use it, period. it's not a term of endearment, its a term of hatred towards African Americans
What the hell was dude thinking using it at work? Just goes to show that not everyone is comfortable with it being used. Glad he got sued b/c this should be a lesson to MANY people out there and will hopefully serve as a reminder about decorum in the workplace.
It's funny to me, instead of white people being active and trying to stop somethings they have a say in...racism, discrimination, bigotry....

They worry about what we call each other?

**** that, who cares about crime, education system, unequal drug laws, unemployment rate for even educated black people....

Dammit, you should stop saying the N word, because you're confusing us.

And you wonder why we doubt your sincerity
I wish you would stop generalizing. Many of us don't use it.

Have you ever put any thought about why some black people use it and trying to change that. Instead of just looking at the end result.

Heed your own advice. 
I hate the word and almost got in a fight in middle school because one of my black friends called me that. I just dont stand for it, if I'm chillin around black people and they say it I just ask them not to say it around me. They always are cool with it. 
We should also stop using the word "gym" it is short for "gymnasium" the latin word for naked.
Named so because that's the place young boys hung out naked and pedophile older greek men looked on.
what the HELL does that have to do with anything.  
It's all about context. Strangely enough, given his background and his breakdown of HOW he used it. I get it. I also get how she can be offended by it because she can misunderstand his context. That being said, if that's how he felt, he definitely not should have used those words in a professional context. I know my people, and if you know them like I know them, when they are in charge, they tend to get a little comfortable and lose sight that they are in a professional setting, even being professionals themselves. That act is human. I know for a fact this thread will go awry, but it comes down to the context in which it was used in my opinion. I also stopped at the part where it said a 61 year old Black man of Puerto Rican desecent. Ninjahood is rolling over in his grave lol. Peace.
I think he is reffering to historical context
But what does latin orgins of a word have to do with slang term of the N word that was meant for hatred of blacks.

It shouldnt be used, just my humble opinion. 

my post was a testament to the change that language takes over time...

'gymnasium' was "slang" that changed meaning over time... I believe the word '*****' has done the same.

Some people may not like the word personally...and I respect their opinion, I do not use the word around people who are offended. But for another person claim there should be a limit on what I can say within my circle of friends is absurd.
Why? If you can use it as a term of endearment, why can't another--specifically a rich old white guy living in affluent Westport?

This is exactly why I said you can't eat your cake and have it too.

There's absolutely no logic, whatsoever, in the selective controversy that comes with the N word usage by different races. The word is either degrading, and it usage must be abandoned entirely, by ALL races, or it's non-degrading, and should be accessible to all races. Pick one.


A year ago I would of disagreed with this, now this is the way I see it.
It clearly says it's not acceptable in the workplace. Highly doubt it'll change anything in the community.

Slippery slope though. I mean why not continue to to curtail free speech and blur the line between that and hate speech. Probably only a matter of time before they start categorizing the word as hate speech then we'll see a spectacle.

Anyway, good to see this particular form of ignorance and the rationalizing of it's use brought to light in a court of law and documented.
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Why? If you can use it as a term of endearment, why can't another--specifically a rich old white guy living in affluent Westport?

This is exactly why I said you can't eat your cake and have it too.

There's absolutely no logic, whatsoever, in the selective controversy that comes with the N word usage by different races. The word is either degrading, and it usage must be abandoned entirely, by ALL races, or it's non-degrading, and should be accessible to all races. Pick one.


A year ago I would of disagreed with this, now this is the way I see it.

like a husband calling his wife sweety pie..and she's fine with it.... therefore her boss/coworkers/random stranger should be able to say it also....

can't have your cake and eat it too am i right?
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