NY case puts N-word use among blacks on trial

It's just a word. Period.

You people are weak to be affected by something that someone else says.

If one of my ancestors was lynched while being referred to as a WOP, n-word, mick, zip, those words would be more than just "words" to me.

then I wouldn't say that word to YOU....but don't try to assert your opinion on my freedom to use the word in my own circle.
It's just a word. Period.

You people are weak to be affected by something that someone else says.
If one of my ancestors was lynched while being referred to as a WOP, n-word, mick, zip, those words would be more than just "words" to me.
Were they though? If not, then I don't understand why you feel so strongly about the use of a word that over half of the time isn't even used in it's original connotation.
This argument will only go one direction.

A grown man or woman cannot expect others to identify with personal struggles.
like a husband calling his wife sweety pie..and she's fine with it.... therefore her boss/coworkers/random stranger should be able to say it also....

can't have your cake and eat it too am i right?

There isn't a restriction on them calling her that as well, but generally speaking it could be viewed as inappropriate. Same as the N word.

I like the way IT broke it down

Wasn't appropriate at the workplace, dude shoulda just chilled can just tried to talk it out in a sensible manner lol.
Same argument. We meyenuhs whale have an "N-Word" thread. Same topic week after week,.

But yea, I am black and I hate that ANYONE uses the word.

But one thing I do hate, is when black people use the word all free out in the open for "others" to hear it. I mean damn, if you are going to use it, be careful where you use it at. See folks on the train using it right in front of old white women. I am like come on man :lol:
This thread is not going to end well.
Love the word.

It's that ancient tongue that acts like peroxide in an open wound.

It disinfects old wounds and provides the right amount of discomfort, serving as a reminder of the injury until it's properly healed.

This unprofessional boss deserved to be taken to court, though.
A few years ago I worked 3rd shift at kohls. Worst job ever. Anyways, one night this old black guy (52-55) goes OFF on a younger black guy (21-23) and is in his face saying:

"You're nothing but a ghetto punk ner. Nothing but a POS ner. You need to just take your punk *** back to Chicago because that's where you belong you piece of trash ner." (The younger guy had recently moved here from Chi to be with his girl)

He just kept saying it over and over.

EVERYBODY just stopped and looked at each other. The 2 bosses didn't do a damn thing and the whole time I'm just thinking "fight. Knock his *** out" lol

The younger guy just started CRYING. He wanted to quit and the bosses wouldn't let his *** out of the store!! Once they lock the doors for the night and set the alarm, the doors aren't supposed to be opened for anything but an emergency! He was pacing around the store crying. I told him to call the cops and say they wont let him out. They were holding his *** captive...

He eventually calmed down, sat in the break room for the rest of the night and talked to the store manager in the morning. They didn't fire the guy...
Love the word.

It's that ancient tongue that acts like peroxide in an open wound.

It disinfects old wounds and provides the right amount of discomfort, serving as a reminder of the injury until it's properly healed.

This unprofessional boss deserved to be taken to court, though.
An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind my man
Let this be a lesson for all you dumb ***** who use the n word with no filter and zero regard for context or environment. It can be downright embarrassing. 
then I wouldn't say that word to YOU....but don't try to assert your opinion on my freedom to use the word in my own circle.

How would you know? If I overheard the word, would I be wrong to react?

And I can assert my opinion as I please.

1. If you overheard me say it in real life you wouldn't say anything
2. You can assert you opinion... I can keep saying the word. There's not much to say there. But opposing the free speech of another person is a faulty ideal in my country. (not sure if you're from America too)
Same argument. We meyenuhs whale have an "N-Word" thread. Same topic week after week,.

But yea, I am black and I hate that ANYONE uses the word.

But one thing I do hate, is when black people use the word all free out in the open for "others" to hear it. I mean damn, if you are going to use it, be careful where you use it at. See folks on the train using it right in front of old white women. I am like come on man :lol:

Same here :lol:
In all seriousness, I am glad.  Most people don't respond to ideas until it hurts them financially or legally.

It's time black people of any ethnicity/national origin stopped calling each other that.
In all seriousness, I am glad.  Most people don't respond to ideas until it hurts them financially or legally.
It's time black people of any ethnicity/national origin stopped calling each other that.

%%$$ please
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In all seriousness, I am glad.  Most people don't respond to ideas until it hurts them financially or legally.

It's time black people of any ethnicity/national origin stopped calling each other that.

%%$$ please
My fellow man of African descent, please.
In other words, ***** please.
I use the word $#@% as a way of showing familiarity with a persons' political, socio-economic, and cultural standing.

I don't use it with a person just because they have african heritage.... that would be awkward to use the word with every black person I meet.
In all seriousness, I am glad.  Most people don't respond to ideas until it hurts them financially or legally.

It's time black people of any ethnicity/national origin stopped calling each other that.

%%$$ please
My fellow man of African descent, please.
In other words, ***** please.
I use the word $#@% as a way of showing familiarity with a persons' political, socio-economic, and cultural standing.

I don't use it with a person just because they have african heritage.... that would be awkward to use the word with every black person I meet.
I don't call my friends of any race that unless I'm joking.

It's not necessary.
Same argument. We meyenuhs whale have an "N-Word" thread. Same topic week after week,.

But yea, I am black and I hate that ANYONE uses the word.

But one thing I do hate, is when black people use the word all free out in the open for "others" to hear it. I mean damn, if you are going to use it, be careful where you use it at. See folks on the train using it right in front of old white women. I am like come on man :lol:

All the problems in the world, and this is the topic every week.

Let this be a lesson for all you dumb ***** who use the n word with no filter and zero regard for context or environment. It can be downright embarrassing. 

I don't think they care what people think.

It's part of thinking you're expressing yourself as an individual, but society doesn't view you that way. They're just following what's in music, their peers and environment.

I tell people around me, I don't use the word and I don't like it to be used around me. It's your choice, but I demand respect. I make sure I tell them why, so maybe they'll take that jewel with them and evaluate their usage.
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