NYC > ____

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen
I understand everyone loves their city but you go too hard. You acting like you built NY homie. Settle down pompus prick. Like stated earlier until youve been in every city your argument is just an opinion. So go home and watch old Ewing highlights and take a designer drug and calm down.

(steps back). I love visiting New York, best place in the world for 2 of my interests (basketball and Sneakers). Got plenty fam up theretoo (BK what up!). However, I LOVE down South, clean air, lots of land, lower taxes, lower prices for gas, and thick girls.
Florida > New York.
Cali > New York.
Texas > New York.

New York is overrated and only cherished by those who live there. Relatively NOBODY outside the state of New York likes New York.
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Ok lil homie believe what you want. But I dare you to make a (whatever borough you're from)> Thread.
Hypothetically you're from Queens watch how much the other boroughs say how trash you are and how you say how trash the rest are.
This x>y stuff is stupid. It's just you sound the stupidest but carry on

I don't feel as if any of New York boroughs are trash though, thats the thing...

I don't even feel as if Cali or LA are trash, I like both....

I simply feel New York is better in just about every aspect.

I sound stupid, but yet people seem to agree with me....Hmmmm...Must be alot of stupid people on this board then...

I guess you're the only smart one round here,

Originally Posted by steven42lh

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen
I understand everyone loves their city but you go too hard. You acting like you built NY homie. Settle down pompus prick. Like stated earlier until youve been in every city your argument is just an opinion. So go home and watch old Ewing highlights and take a designer drug and calm down.

(steps back). I love visiting New York, best place in the world for 2 of my interests (basketball and Sneakers). Got plenty fam up there too (BK what up!). However, I LOVE down South, clean air, lots of land, lower taxes, lower prices for gas, and thick girls.
Word he sure ethered me by citing my obvious love for Patrick Ewing and my blatant addiction to drugs....

Originally Posted by carlosdapaperboy

Florida > New York.
Cali > New York.
Texas > New York.

New York is overrated and only cherished by those who live there. Relatively NOBODY outside the state of New York likes New York.
nycknicks105 wrote:

Originally Posted by carlosdapaperboy

Florida > New York.
Cali > New York.
Texas > New York.

New York is overrated and only cherished by those who live there. Relatively NOBODY outside the state of New York likes New York.

Originally Posted by carlosdapaperboy

Florida > New York.
Cali > New York.
Texas > New York.

New York is overrated and only cherished by those who live there. Relatively NOBODY outside the state of New York likes New York.

Memphis >> New York
Atlanta >> New York

see what I did there?

Son, you're from Arkansas. Arkansas!
True...NYC ftw...born there...but i live in jersey...a couple mins away from NY...i plan on moving there after i graduate college
Originally Posted by chris steez

True...NYC ftw...born there...but i live in jersey...a couple mins away from NY...i plan on moving there after i graduate college
cliffside,edgewater,fort lee, ridgefeild, palisades, leonia,
No doubts NYC is the spot. I love the all night venturing one can do. The history and culture, Central Park, the tall buildings, the pizza/deli joints, NYC isdope as hell. However I don't think I could live there, winters are just brutal.
Look man. I'm from DC I wouldn't want to be from anywhere else in the world.

But The one time I went to NYC it was @@!#@!$ incredible. Blew my mind.
it really depends what kind of lifestyle you like...LA is more spread out, gotta drive to get places...NYC, hop on the subway and it'll get you there...ilike the busyness of NYC better, but it's all opinion. so stop your %%@#+%* arguing.
Cali> NY

too many damn slums in ny..bad weather..dirty.. overcrowding.. cold water beaches..theres a reason why celebs move to cali..
I really hate it when it turns into a wescoast vs NYC, chicago vs NYC, SOuth Vs NYC.. Tokyo Vs NYC...its ridiculous
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