NYC > ____

been to NY once on a school trip. i was speechless when i stepped off the bus into times square
Question for you NY dudes..

How is Yonkers? My fam lives there and I been wanting to go visit. Whats it like?

I got love for NY but I love San Francisco even more.
yea ny is pretty awesome
To make a thread about one city being better then another one is corny. I mean I understand a NYC appreciation thread is cool. But real talk nobody cares abouttheir city more then the people that live there. Honestly the only people that care about NYC are those who are those who are from the tri-state.
Originally Posted by carlosdapaperboy

Florida > New York.
Cali > New York.
Texas > New York.

New York is overrated and only cherished by those who live there. Relatively NOBODY outside the state of New York likes New York.

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen


Its funny how Cali people have to compare their entire state to our city to even feel like its a comparison...

Even then its not...

The boroughs of Queens, Manhattan, and Brooklyn > your entire state...

Funny, you can go anywhere in the world and see people rocking Yankee hats and they don't even watch baseball...Even in Cali...

But you never see no LA hats or nothing no where cept Cali...

I'm just saying...

You want more examples of our blatant superiority? People see that NY and automatically connect it to America and greatness...

1) Im not saying that I dont agree that NYC is the best city in the US, but your argument that people often say Cali>NYC is flawed. Most of the time (notnecessarily in this thread), the argument is NY or Cali, not NYC or Cali. So for the most part, people compare the state, in which case I would have to agreethat Cali>NY. If you are comparing cities, NYC>any Cali city. But if you are gonna sit here and say that NYC>>>the entire state of Californiaall I can do is laugh.

2) Your Yankee hat argument is stupid as well. Wearing a Yankee hat when you arent a Yankee/baseball fan has more to do with culture and the style of the hat.A lot of people in the hip hop culture rock Yankee hats and they arent from NY. You honestly think that random people around the world wear NY hats because itsthe greatest city in America? No....that is definitely not the reason. It has more to do with the fact that Yankee hats are probably the best looking hat youcan buy.
Originally Posted by carlosdapaperboy

New York is overrated and only cherished by those who live there. Relatively NOBODY outside the state of New York likes New York.
True. Tourists come here just to further validate their hatred towards NY.

Bottom line; there isn't a single city in the U.S. that offers what NY offers. PERIOD. Some like it, some don't.
sigh, ya needa calm down. a dude from cleveland made a thread saying NYC >...ya need to remember that
Originally Posted by dland24

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen


Its funny how Cali people have to compare their entire state to our city to even feel like its a comparison...

Even then its not...

The boroughs of Queens, Manhattan, and Brooklyn > your entire state...

Funny, you can go anywhere in the world and see people rocking Yankee hats and they don't even watch baseball...Even in Cali...

But you never see no LA hats or nothing no where cept Cali...

I'm just saying...

You want more examples of our blatant superiority? People see that NY and automatically connect it to America and greatness...

1) Im not saying that I dont agree that NYC is the best city in the US, but your argument that people often say Cali>NYC is flawed. Most of the time (not necessarily in this thread), the argument is NY or Cali, not NYC or Cali. So for the most part, people compare the state, in which case I would have to agree that Cali>NY. If you are comparing cities, NYC>any Cali city. But if you are gonna sit here and say that NYC>>>the entire state of California all I can do is laugh.

2) Your Yankee hat argument is stupid as well. Wearing a Yankee hat when you arent a Yankee/baseball fan has more to do with culture and the style of the hat. A lot of people in the hip hop culture rock Yankee hats and they arent from NY. You honestly think that random people around the world wear NY hats because its the greatest city in America? No....that is definitely not the reason. It has more to do with the fact that Yankee hats are probably the best looking hat you can buy.

Originally Posted by carlosdapaperboy

Florida > New York.
Cali > New York.
Texas > New York.

New York is overrated and only cherished by those who live there. Relatively NOBODY outside the state of New York likes New York.

i can't believe duke said texas and florida was better then NYC
I love NY, great state, NYC, great city, but it just dosen't compare to CA, NorCal is more subtle (besides the bay), quiet, nice. While SoCal is more upbeat, fantastic weather ALL the time, warm beaches ect ect. I like both states, but respectively I enjoy California more than New York.
IMO i think NYC has the slight edge over Los Angeles based solely on the drinking hour. If you could drink in Los Angeles till 4 am i think LA would then takethe slight edge over New York City. The ability to party longer creates a lot of different options in a big city and thats the 1 major factor where we in LAfail.

Dont get me wrong either, i love New York City i lived there for a short period about 8 or 9 years ago and often have said if i didnt have a kid id probably beliving out there again. The reason i left the first time was because of the winters though. Just way to cold for me, and i personally love dressing in winterstyle clothes too but something about the frigid air just gets to my bones.

The weather in San Diego > anything in the entire country however.
Originally Posted by justhotkicks

Bottom line; there isn't a single city in the U.S. that offers what NY offers. PERIOD. Some like it, some don't.
like NYC or not....THIS you can't dispute.
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