NYC ballers Sept Laguardia community College, Come Ball with Niketalks finest, Date soon to be postd

bring the ringers. its whatever


henz you in there this weekend?
Originally Posted by dreClark

Matt, you gon' be out there this time?
Ehh maybe...The first time I went I really wasnt into all the bickering and that %*+# got me out the mood.

But If Ream wanna go Ill make the trip...

BTW he made a NT screenname last month before the first game if that matters.
Originally Posted by yungmatt

Originally Posted by dreClark

Matt, you gon' be out there this time?
Ehh maybe...The first time I went I really wasnt into all the bickering and that %*+# got me out the mood.
Yeah, I heard about that. How you and them _'s was arguing.

But FWIW, When I was up there there wasn't that much arguing. I mean, aside from the fact that nobody is ever wrong and _'s know every rule in the NBArulebook and have instant replay in there head, it wasn't that bad.
arguing happened in game 1. I kept "fouling" Fresh. I'm sorry, but if i punch your elbow on a shot, thats good D.
I don't know them dudes like that, I don't care. I really need some new ball sneaks before I get there though, not on no show off tip, just mySharkleys smell like $%@
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

I don't know them dudes like that, I don't care. I really need some new ball sneaks before I get there though, not on no show off tip, just my Sharkleys smell like $%@
when r u getting in and how much you willing to pay? the sports authority on 3rd and 52nd has the hyperdunks for like $80
Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by yungmatt

Originally Posted by dreClark

Matt, you gon' be out there this time?
Ehh maybe...The first time I went I really wasnt into all the bickering and that %*+# got me out the mood.
Yeah, I heard about that. How you and them _'s was arguing.

But FWIW, When I was up there there wasn't that much arguing. I mean, aside from the fact that nobody is ever wrong and _'s know every rule in the NBA rulebook and have instant replay in there head, it wasn't that bad.

Trust me Dre I have played in more than enough tournaments to know what a real foul is
.. Refs in real tournaments dont call #$@$... And combine that withthe fact that I NEVER call a foul in any pickup game made me wanna just sit that #++* out

Originally Posted by henz0

@ reamo making a sn for eligibilty

Don't let me get up there and find out yall calling weaker fouls in NY then we do down here in Oklahoma. NY supposed to be the mecca of streetball and!%+#, and I assume yall don't call palming violations either like a nice crossover or hesitation move. Don't matter though, I'm 220, so I can playthe no blood no foul ball, works to my advantage.

when r u getting in and how much you willing to pay? the sports authority on 3rd and 52nd has the hyperdunks for like $80
Friday at noon. 80 is like at or near the maximum of what I'd usually pay. It's an outlet right next to the Dallas airport so I'llswing by there hopefully and get something.
Other than foul, the only thing I remember being called was a walk.

Matter fact, I think there was one carry. But I ain't even feel like arguing that b/c the rules on carry seem to change w/ every court I go to. Some sayit's when you 'cup' the ball or have your palm under it....some say it's when you bounce the ball over your head (even if your hand is on topof it)....some say it's both...some don't call it at all.

Dre is correct. Thats from my corporate league. I wear the same this all the time, its like a good luck thing. Plus I never wash the gear so defendersdon't get too close. i'll try to wear something different on saturday. my bad

balling outfit? what balling outfit? thats me @ the garden
Datz, if you want to bring a couple boys I am sure that is fine just don't bring a whole gang of dudes. Do we have an official roster for this weekend yet?
Originally Posted by l Knicks Fresh Knick l

you coming thru again?
Nah, I'm back home in NC
balling outfit? what balling outfit? thats me @ the garden

You just changed your picture. And what does the fact that you're at the garden have to do w/ anything

Ok maybe I shouldn't have said outfit. Uniform?
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Do we have an official roster for this weekend yet?
Whats good BOY?, naw its no officail list, i didn't wanna start a list again because people that say they are gonna show up, post once andnever come..

so i said forget it..

whoever say they coming they coming...

you can tell who's coming back who actually coming from who post alot...
Originally Posted by LosALMIGHTY

arguing happened in game 1. I kept "fouling" Fresh. I'm sorry, but if i punch your elbow on a shot, thats good D.
that was a good 1....

and people are wondering why i wear all that equipment... because of plays like this...
i threw the "garden" comment to save face after being laughed at. Thanks Dre. And I'm like 95% down for Saturday.
I'm like 75% for Saturday. I've been working late nights on Friday's the last month and a half so I've been sleeping in on Saturdays. Like Isaid 75%.
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