NYC ballers Sept Laguardia community College, Come Ball with Niketalks finest, Date soon to be postd

No luck on your hotel hookup? I'm on about to book a room in somebody's house right now then because like everytthing else, NY hotel pricesare OD
Originally Posted by LosALMIGHTY

Aside from True 3 Blue and Kampout Kid, cats can ball

just playin
That !#@$ isn't a travel

Yall just hatin. How come none of yall RAN or played any D?
this will be epic.

btw does anyone else think that we should start a new thread for the next day. Like a gameday thread so we dont have to search 8 pages for whateve rI waslooking for.
I'ma reach out to my hotel connect but he is being a ho %@$ right now but if it is going to be really hard to find a cheap hotel in NYC. If you don'tmind sleeping there, you should look into hostels, it will be under 50 dollars a night and if all you are really doing is sleeping there it wont be a problem.
Yea I just came across hostels and some people on CL renting out rooms. I guess that's my best bet. I'll not commit to nothing until the last minutethough. Got the flight locked down and that's most important.

And btw, I don't think the short white dude with the Jordan shorts on travelled. I finally watched all the videos. It was a regular 1-2 cadence (right foot-left foot, "jump" and shoot) for a righty. It was just slow as %!%%.
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Does anyone play organized ball? Everyone just seems to be standing around if they dont have the ball.

Nope. This is the first time any one of us have ever played basketball. We just talk about it on Niketalk or play each other on x-box live and buy sneakers. Sooverall I think we did pretty good for first timers.

That !#@$ isn't a travel

Yall just hatin. How come none of yall RAN or played any D?
There was d played, it just didn't come up on any of the vids. And it's hard to run on a 10 ft long court. If you hit a 3 your alreadyback on d on that court


True good looks on the gif.

Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Does anyone play organized ball? Everyone just seems to be standing around if they dont have the ball.

Yo 10 peice nuggets do you ever watch sportcenter or any recaps of games, and notice how they only show HIGHLIGHTS,

notice we didn't do that because we aren't sportcenter or dont have time to be editing things n %$*$ like that...

YO tru from now on, we only gonna show 10 ten plays or something, just to show these people up...

AFTER LIKE THE BILLIONTH TIME, The recordings were after game 4... We are human and get tired..

.. Just make sure the cameras rollin from game 1..

Tru seems to know what he's doing with the editing n @+@%.. So maybe only post up the buckets, & noteworthy plays
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Yea I just came across hostels and some people on CL renting out rooms. I guess that's my best bet. I'll not commit to nothing until the last minute though. Got the flight locked down and that's most important.

And btw, I don't think the short white dude with the Jordan shorts on travelled. I finally watched all the videos. It was a regular 1-2 cadence (right foot -left foot, "jump" and shoot) for a righty. It was just slow as %!%%.
Exactly... i knew I aint walk...
Originally Posted by henz0

.. Just make sure the cameras rollin from game 1..

Tru seems to know what he's doing with the editing n @+@%.. So maybe only post up the buckets, & noteworthy plays

Originally Posted by dreClark

^ So that Pt. 4 vid is a wrap, eh?

Yea, my bad. Next time if you're in town or some %$!%.

But yea, I got yall with the vids unless I'm playing of course in which someone else gonna have that covered.

Relax homie
Im feeling like Chris Brown in the Celebrities wearingheat thread, acting as if I personally keyed up your whip. Relax.
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