NYC ballers Sept Laguardia community College, Come Ball with Niketalks finest, Date soon to be postd

Originally Posted by DatZNasty

I didn't know it was that far. I swear some website had me thinking it was part of a trio with JFK and LGA like in a comfortable radius of one another.

Nevermind I just mapquested it from the airport to where we ball at... Takes 47 minutes... Not as I bad as I thought it was...
Damn just got out of work SMH. I've got someone covering for me saturday morning so I should be there. 83% is what its looking like for me. Much respect toNasty for coming lol.

I'm gonna be on my Dennis Rodaman and rebound like crazy...
Originally Posted by DatZNasty


and cubanref we gonna see you thier again...
I never said stats. I just said jerseys. that way we can tell who is who and run like a tournament type thing.
If I can get my camera to work I'll def bring it. I'm terrible I may be better suited just using T3B's on the sidelines instead of playing
At the airport, no luck finding some balling sneaks (did cop some Windrunners) because I didn't get to the mall until like 10minutes before it closed, so Igot to rock the Sharks. I'll try to FeBreeze them or something because they smell like straight up !%%, the mix of the stink and the fact I keep them inthe car in this 110+ degree weathe. And I still have nowhere to stay, and I'll be there in 10hrs too.
Originally Posted by true 3 blue

Originally Posted by tommykairaa

reading is fundamental.
I saw what you edited earlier broham

Bring Mr UVA with you.
of course out of all the people you would catch it.

his hs is like 2 blocks away from my apt . to bad we nvr played each other
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

At the airport, no luck finding some balling sneaks (did cop some Windrunners) because I didn't get to the mall until like 10minutes before it closed, so I got to rock the Sharks. I'll try to FeBreeze them or something because they smell like straight up !%%, the mix of the stink and the fact I keep them in the car in this 110+ degree weathe. And I still have nowhere to stay, and I'll be there in 10hrs too.
what size kicks are you fam? a got a size 9 XIX SE's that i dont rock anymore. You can cut the toes open if its too small.
Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

Damn my man coming all the way from TX to ball, that's whats up.

I wish I didn't have to work Sat morning.
call out sick?

And Fresh i was just playing. One more day, lets go!
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