NYC ballers Sept Laguardia community College, Come Ball with Niketalks finest, Date soon to be postd

I'm in Newark right now, 4 stars and %%$!, !%!$ a Harlem comfort stay. I was gonna get a bus or something back into the city and do something, but I got aheadache. Finding this damn Hotel was harder than finding anything in NY. My bad if I seem standoffish, I'm just shy, that's why I be on the internetso much. Plus I was crazy dehydrated, when I did try to say something %%$! was evaporating before I got it out.

Tommykarei, are you the dude who was on my team early when we played Los (not almighty, with LBJ4s) and the lefty dude 2 on 2?

And Henz was dude in the Niketalk shirt? I didn't know that.

Who was tall skinny? I was lightweight mad and amused when son hit me with the Shamgod, because I still be doing that.

*Checks the archive*
NOOOOOOOO my game finishing layup is not thuererererere.

nah datznasty, i'm the asian kid with the black tee and navy blue shorts.
Originally Posted by nbasoon

still no video of me scoring second straight time lol
I feel you, i was ghost in the vids too, besides a few BRICKS lol..

I was too busy winning to notice the camers

Its all good, the people who were there know whats up...

Not like i dominated or nothin but i def had my GOOD moments...
Francis, blame Ballinsam. He messed up my highlight too

@ that employee telling us we couldn't record/take pics. What type of @@#$%*%! was that? *%%%@$ did not have anything to say the previous 2times.
Originally Posted by tommykairaa

NOOOOOOOO my game finishing layup is not thuererererere.

nah datznasty, i'm the asian kid with the black tee and navy blue shorts.

Letting me off the hook with that video not being there.
Originally Posted by MJsaver

Originally Posted by nbasoon

still no video of me scoring second straight time lol
I feel you, i was ghost in the vids too, besides a few BRICKS lol..

I was too busy winning to notice the camers

Its all good, the people who were there know whats up...

Not like i dominated or nothin but i def had my GOOD moments...

u had a winning record i didnt so i need something i can be proud the block smitty had on me is up there lolol
DatzNasty that was me on your team with the 2 on 2 before everyone got there.

Allen I'm in the picture I quoted attempting to shoot on the page back.
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by tommykairaa

NOOOOOOOO my game finishing layup is not thuererererere.

nah datznasty, i'm the asian kid with the black tee and navy blue shorts.

Letting me off the hook with that video not being there.

its all good.
Francis, blame Ballinsam. He messed up my highlight too

@ that employee telling us we couldn't record/take pics. What type of @@#$%*%! was that? *%%%@$ did not have anything to say the previous 2 times.
its done what can you do

but word what a cornball coming in tellin us we can't film or take pictures. its lagcc.
Word, Smitty just pinned that.

My set jump shot when I'm camping outside is Sam Perkins like, but when I'm driving or fading away (the last shot I took in that 2nd vid), that'smore my style.

Everybody runnin' today was
I would be the durant looking boy lol. :smile:

NBASOON that was nothing man, you was killing the whole game. I got a feeling every time we have one of these me and you going to be going ateach other lol.
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

I'm in Newark right now, 4 stars and %%$!, !%!$ a Harlem comfort stay. I was gonna get a bus or something back into the city and do something, but I got a headache. Finding this damn Hotel was harder than finding anything in NY. My bad if I seem standoffish, I'm just shy, that's why I be on the internet so much. Plus I was crazy dehydrated, when I did try to say something %%$! was evaporating before I got it out.

Tommykarei, are you the dude who was on my team early when we played Los (not almighty, with LBJ4s) and the lefty dude 2 on 2?

And Henz was dude in the Niketalk shirt? I didn't know that.

Who was tall skinny? I was lightweight mad and amused when son hit me with the Shamgod, because I still be doing that.

Try to get back into the city, at least get the best of your trip even if its just being in Times Square or something.
word mez....i beat my man off the dribble got to the basket i didnt expect him to jump cuz every other he didnt..........
thought i had an easy layup lol
Originally Posted by Proshares

DatzNasty that was me on your team with the 2 on 2 before everyone got there.

Allen I'm in the picture I quoted attempting to shoot on the page back.
Yea I noticed after I read again. I still got 2 days so I'll be able to come back to NY and do something, gonna go ahead and keep the caranother day even though I'm getting raped on the price (basically 100$/day) all because I don't have a credit card
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