NYC Nt'ers where do you ball at...? VOL whats good (The NEXT LEBRON HAHA)

Oct 5, 2008

My fellow NYC NT'ers whats up dudes in the Northeast forum started asking where in NYC you ball at?

a couple of people replied back, but not everyone goes into that forum as much as they would here, and opening this thread might help open more doors..

this is the thread that other's started and just trying to pass the word on....

NYC Nt'ers: Where do ya play ball at? = the link on where isall started..

Sorry mods if this might be in the wrong forum, but just trying 2get people 2gether and maybe even start a fund raiser or something like that...

In this quote is words written by me, on starting to organize the Balling
Aight yo, this thread has been going on for 2 Months now and no 1 has organized something..

im not much of an organizing type but this can't be to bad... well here it goes.

why dont we call meetup in a common place somewhere in manhatten

or as a 2nd option, all ball in 4 boroughs

BX, BK Manhatten and Queens..

but here is the only thing, it can't be sooooo deep up in each borrough... at least 15 min into a borrough.. (just to make it fair for everyone)

for people either driving or taking the train...

can we all come 2gether and start discussing places in each burrough on where to ball at..

by the time we decided on where to ball at it should be warmer outside..

and i haven't thought of this yet, but when we do get to the Park, how will we tell who is who?

do we greet each other like.. yo im Fresh and so on and so forth..

i will PM everyone who answered in this thread..

1 place where i think would be cool to start off is

that Park in BK where some1 suggested it (i think its tillary street) that is really close in BK and right off the bridge.. (im in the BX so no1 from thier should complain)

It would be nice if someone got the address to that tillary street for us, for people not to familiar with it.

then we can ball somewhere in manhatten , Queens and then The BX...

we can rotate every weekend or something like that...

I have 2 places in the Bronx where we can ball at

147st St mary's park or either on 152 and Grand concourse.. (these places are about 5-10 mins off the Willis Ave bridge and are easy to find...

Address would be a great thing, because of people may not be familiar with certain places in each bourrough

any other inputs or idea's please feel free to write...

oh and one more thing... letting people know your email address might help also...

people don't really come in here and check this thread that often....

my email address is [email protected]

lets get this done guys...
Originally Posted by NoSlickRemarks

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

south bronx
Start naming parks though!
they all suck, they are all in the middle of projects, the parks in jersey are MAD nice but I doubt any of ya would cross over
How about Queens??? We can all ball in Astoria Park. It's 5 mins from Manahattan and the same for people from the BX. It's also good for the people inBK.
I'm right by astoria park there are lots of courts there. Some that are right under the bridge sucks though, there are other parks right around there aswell which are good. Astoria project parks dudes always get physical and fights always breakout.
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

Originally Posted by NoSlickRemarks

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

south bronx
Start naming parks though!
they all suck, they are all in the middle of projects, the parks in jersey are MAD nice but I doubt any of ya would cross over

prob never been pass 161st

and its too easy to get lost in jersey, but Ill def try to hit up where ever you guys are planing.

and basaball get no love in NT???
Astoria is seems like a good spot...find a good park and I'm there
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