NYC to get a whole lot more interesting 2020 VOL. eliminating cash bail

Charges aren't bring dropped. But it does make for repeat offenders to wreck havoc on an area without any sense of consequence

charges get dropped all da time b. stay outta trouble 6 months, it gets dropped, repeat cycle.

u sure u wanna bet? shoplifting Definitely gonna be supercharged.

Bruh, shoplifting is not what you meant by that comment. You were clearly insinuating violent crimes are going to surge. Which is 1000% false. New York is one of the most policed cities in the world, which is a major reason why crime is so low. Has nothing to do with cash bail.
ninjahood ninjahood once described his posting history as an attempt to keep the General page fresh. But I think there’s something else that ties his threads together.

I’ve often wondered if you get paid for the kind of race-baiting, anti-science, fear propaganda. I can’t call it.

But I do get the sense that something in your past scarred you. You seem to be invested in a story of crime waves, murder, mayhem. For you the 1980s, through which you did not live, has scarred your mind. The experiences of friends and family, reinforced by rap tales and movies, has made you into a frightened New Yorker who believes their safety is predicated on trusting a racist institution (which would gladly lock you up and deport you, and tell you, whoops!). There is no hope or optimism except through obedience to an authoritarian state. The irony of you railing against the ‘nanny state.’

How you could suggest that in NYC, one of the most heavily surveilled cities in the world, crime will be rampant is beyond me. You cite material from the PBA, the protective bullies association, as objective; completely unaware of the history of a vested interest of law enforcement to thwart bail reform efforts.

What happened to you? How did you become the useful idiot?
Bruh, shoplifting is not what you meant by that comment. You were clearly insinuating violent crimes are going to surge

son u really gonna act like you ain't read da thread title b? :lol:

stop assuming cuz you make get da point.
Ninja did live through the 80s, he was born in 83

ninjahood ninjahood once described his posting history as an attempt to keep the General page fresh. But I think there’s something else that ties his threads together.

I’ve often wondered if you get paid for the kind of race-baiting, anti-science, fear propaganda. I can’t call it.

But I do get the sense that something in your past scarred you. You seem to be invested in a story of crime waves, murder, mayhem. For you the 1980s, through which you did not live, has scarred your mind. The experiences of friends and family, reinforced by rap tales and movies, has made you into a frightened New Yorker who believes their safety is predicated on trusting a racist institution (which would gladly lock you up and deport you, and tell you, whoops!). There is no hope or optimism except through obedience to an authoritarian state. The irony of you railing against the ‘nanny state.’

How you could suggest that in NYC, one of the most heavily surveilled cities in the world, crime will be rampant is beyond me. You cite material from the PBA, the protective bullies association, as objective; completely unaware of the history of a vested interest of law enforcement to thwart bail reform efforts.

What happened to you? How did you become the useful idiot?
son u really gonna act like you ain't read da thread title b? :lol:

stop assuming cuz you make get da point.
You literally said the 90s. Stop being an idiot. You're not talking about shoplifting while posting a list of crimes that cash bail will no longer be required for. You can't even be consistent on what you're trying to prove. Goofy.
Arguing with da hood.
giphy (84).gif
  • Patronizing a person for prostitution in a school zone
  • Promoting an obscene sexual performance by a child
  • Possessing an obscene sexual performance by a child
  • Promoting a sexual performance by a child
  • Failure to register as a sex offender

hide your kiddies :lol: yikes
Here’s a useful summary of the new law:

Upshot: “The final bill that passed eliminated money bail and mandated release for 90 percent of all arrests statewide.”(8)

Approach to bail reform: “The overall framework of the new law takes a charge-based approach, where the level of the offense and the specific charge— whether it is a misdemeanor, nonviolent felony, or violent felony”(9). Eligibility is contingent on the kind of offense.

Possible Outcomes: recognizance; Pre-trial non-cash conditions (9)

Qualifications: those accused of misdemeanors are eligible, “except in sex-related misdemeanors and one specific domestic violence charge, criminal contempt, based on allegations of violating a stay-away order.”(9)

Those accused of felony charges not released on recognizance may be subject to electric monitoring (9).
anyone that can read understood when i said 90's i meant crime gonna tick up, not become da wild wild west da 80's bout stop assuming cuz already lookin like da backside of a 🐴
Shoplifting about to be running wild! That was your point :lol:
Here’s a useful summary of the new law:

Upshot: “The final bill that passed eliminated money bail and mandated release for 90 percent of all arrests statewide.”(8)

Approach to bail reform: “The overall framework of the new law takes a charge-based approach, where the level of the offense and the specific charge— whether it is a misdemeanor, nonviolent felony, or violent felony”(9). Eligibility is contingent on the kind of offense.

Possible Outcomes: recognizance; Pre-trial non-cash conditions (9)

Qualifications: those accused of misdemeanors are eligible, “except in sex-related misdemeanors and one specific domestic violence charge, criminal contempt, based on allegations of violating a stay-away order.”(9)

Those accused of felony charges not released on recognizance may be subject to electric monitoring (9).
Thanks for posting this. I always like reading arguments for the other side, even if I don't agree with it. I'll post more opinions on it tomorrow (I need to start getting ready for tonight's festivities).

But in short, the bill was well intentioned, but took a hard left (especially when judges were no longer allowed to consider public safety for bail/ remand conditions).
Does everyone in jail belong there? That's a resounding no. But Vera's goal for the bill to reduce the jail population by 90% is irresponsible.

You really think 90% of the people in rikers are there because they jumped turnstiles and got caught with a dime bag? C'mon son.
GTA 809 GTA 809

There actually isn’t really a constitutional basis for using bail for the sake of “public safety.”
The 8th amendment says that bail must not be excessive, and the point of bail is to ensure the defendant appears for trial. The emphasis on public safety begins during the 1980s war on drugs (at least at the federal level).

As far as Rikers goes, something like 85% of the 10,000 held at rikers haven’t been convicted; they’re awaiting trial in a gross violation of “innocent until proven guilty.”

I couldn’t find a detailed breakdown of the crimes for which defendants were accused. But at least in Queens in 2018, more than 1000 people were arrested and sent to city jails for misdemeanor charges. So, yeah, not everyone at Rikers hopped a turnstile but it’s a terrible ideological exaggeration to assume that all or even most are violent offenders.


Happy new year, b.

Man, we have a lot of work to do as a country.
So a person who grew up in a city full of immigrants can't differentiate nationality based on observation????

That's as ignorant as it gets...y'all people live in a bubble and thinks everyone who has experienced life outside of that bubble needs help. You people are mentally sick
Just FYI to anyone arguing with this dude: he’s a flat earther who repeatedly claims that math and science are fake concepts. I know he’s gonna come back at me with another insult about how he’s more intelligent than my entire lineage, but I don’t care; I’m just helping you guys manage your own time and effort by letting you know what type of person you’re dealing with.
I have nothing to say to you bro... No one cares about your opinion.... Lol go back to watching my every keystroke....
Except there are thousands of Guatemalan, Brazilian and Nicaraguan folks in and around the Boston area and other major cities that ride around in vans and over pack apartments. They also provide cheap labor, from masonry to roofing. paving, painting. Many happen to be legal citizens or on work visas, etc. So you can't tell if someone is "legal" based on looking at them. To say so is racist plain and simple. You saw someone you didn't approve of and attached a negative label to them based on the way they look.
So you telling me you can't tell the difference between guatamalans and Brazilians??? That's racist.... They looking nothing alike...
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