NYK '14 offseason thread

What ninja turtle are you?

  • A. Raphael (the gritty one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B. Michaelangelo (silly one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C. Leonardo (the leader)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D. Donatello (The smart one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I didn't read anything that was worthy of a fine...unless I missed something??

That's definitley worthy of a fine :lol:

Saying you're gonna get the goons to run up on him? That's def not great lol

I'm still so pissed off from last night man. Glad I went but really hurting all day.
@HerringWSJ: Knicks disbelief w the FT disparity. Felton started explaining his thoughts & got cut off by team PR official. -

Its gotta be creepy playing for the Knicks.
At this point I think it's best for shump to leave. He's one of my favorite knicks but hes not gonna reach his full potential with Dolan and Woodson against him. His confidence is shot and you can tell by his demeanor on the court.

If the kings offered up Isaiah Thomas I would take that in a heartbeat. Then flip Felton for anything asap
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I feel like shump could be the knicks 2nd option if he reaches his potential. But trading him still has me like 
after thinking about it, i'd take any of their PGs + Jimmer + Patterson

they can have felton
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PSN is still :x so far. Why the hell would I buy 2K digital copy its gonna take me 3 months to download 41GBs
Those execs comments on melo are disingenuous

Lebron wasnt a "winner" until he went to an historically stacked team with one of the best GM's who also has a no income tax incentive to lure players

Garnett and Allen were career losers until they joined a player IDENTICAL to melo in Paul pierce. Piece was called selfish and a loser so many many times. Throw in Thibbs...

All that intangibles talk is mostly just that. Talk.

You need incredible talent to win. Helps space the floor and defenders can't zone in on one guy
Those execs comments on melo are disingenuous

Lebron wasnt a "winner" until he went to an historically stacked team with one of the best GM's who also has a no income tax incentive to lure players

Garnett and Allen were career losers until they joined a player IDENTICAL to melo in Paul pierce. Piece was called selfish and a loser so many many times. Throw in Thibbs...

All that intangibles talk is mostly just that. Talk.

You need incredible talent to win. Helps space the floor and defenders can't zone in on one guy

You can also throw in Dirk, they were saying the same about him until he won as well. Winning always cures the reputation bias in any sport.
We need a bonafide 2nd all star scorer period. JR can be that dude occasionally but has not be consistent enough so far. We saw a glimpse last year during the late part of the season until the 'elbow'.
Those execs comments on melo are disingenuous

Lebron wasnt a "winner" until he went to an historically stacked team with one of the best GM's who also has a no income tax incentive to lure players

Garnett and Allen were career losers until they joined a player IDENTICAL to melo in Paul pierce. Piece was called selfish and a loser so many many times. Throw in Thibbs...

All that intangibles talk is mostly just that. Talk.

You need incredible talent to win. Helps space the floor and defenders can't zone in on one guy

You can also throw in Dirk, they were saying the same about him until he won as well. Winning always cures the reputation bias in any sport.

I don't think dirk had nearly the same level as talent as Miami and Boston so I left him out. But yes his reputation changed overnight.
The Knicks PR tweeted a pic of tonights jerseys...they're orange :x
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Woody is ruining Shump.

Saw it in the Pre-Season.

Shump was the only one playing with intensity in this one game. He just made 2 back to back steals and then he fell asleep on defense the next 2 plays.

Woodson called a TO and started chewing him out. Shump got back in his face and Kenyon and a couple others had to calm him down.

He played that tough love, "Rook" card too many times and he may have lost the kid.

That's truly unfair to do to a young player that was all about team, does all the intangibles without caring the spotlight about and potentially sacrificed his career to come back and help the team way sooner than expected.

Just look at how Chicago handled D. Rose and how we handled Shump.

This team needs a major shakeup but I know that isn't coming right now. I just hope that we can get it together and make this season respectable because the potential is still there.

Feel bad for Carmelo Ewing.
I just don't see how Shumpert can be a "headcase". He gives 100% every time he steps on the floor, even if he may gamble on defense too much.

His confidence is shot because of a new trade rumor everyday, too. Every game since the rumors started his shooting % has been way down.

Instead of just playing his game, he's playing like he's trying to prove Dolan and Woodson wrong by gambling for steals instead of just playing good perimeter D.
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