NYK '14 offseason thread

What ninja turtle are you?

  • A. Raphael (the gritty one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B. Michaelangelo (silly one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C. Leonardo (the leader)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D. Donatello (The smart one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
dude gettin killed from all sides man :smh: :lol: :smh:

The 27 Worst Fashion Mistakes Of Carmelo Anthony’s Career








There were a couple that weren't that bad. Some of them were the worst fits I've ever seen though :x
First dolan has to take a back seat cut it out man, get a great gm who can manage these ridiculous contracts/players. Get a no nonsense guy like look at danny ferry in ATL he cleaned house now he prepared for the future with picks and cap space. The only name that comes to mind is either jerry west or phil. I dont think neither want to deal with dolan and his antics. Let the GM handle the team, second is woody really going to be the coach for the future? If not let him go and get a coach. I will always say bring back JVG. Now you start with a respectful GM and a respectful coach. These players are spoiled thats the problem. You dont hear of Duke or Kansas players going to the AD or president of the school saying hey i need more playing time. You dont hear that from winning teams like the spurs/heat/pacers. They speak with the coach or gm never gets to owner level. With the ******* the knicks got they dont talk to woody or mills they go straight to dolan. Thats why i think he so hands on bc of the lack of respect the gm or coach gets. You have one of the highest salaries in the nba get a great coach/gm and get the players to buy into a system. With pat riley it was defense, same with JVG. Now when u watch the knicks its like watching And 1, but with better shooting. Woody cant say **** to any player cause he might get fired. In order to build a franchise you have to have the correct management thats with any business. If management sucks the franchise will not do well.
First dolan has to take a back seat cut it out man, get a great gm who can manage these ridiculous contracts/players. Let the GM handle the team, say **** to any player cause he might get fired. In order to build a franchise you have to have the correct management thats with any business. If management sucks the franchise will not do well.

I thought we did all this when we had Donnie Walsh as our GM. Damn, I miss him more and more every day :frown:

Feels batman
I thought we did all this when we had Donnie Walsh as our GM. Damn, I miss him more and more every day :frown:

Feels batman

We did take a step forward with getting donnie walsh, but i think it was donnie walsh who did not want to give up sooo many assets to get carmelo and he realized no matter what position he took Dolan was the owner/president/gm/coach. Donnie walsh had good control over indiana drafted well, rarely gave out max deals and knew how to rebuild from the miller/jackson/smits days. He had a black eye for the jermaine oneal/ron artest/s.jackson brawl but now look he cleaned house and got positive players role models on and off the court. Larry Bird learned a lot from him. Knicks need a GM, Riley would have been perfect but dolan didnt want to give that much power to riley. So since Riley has left for more control over a team knicks 0 championships miami 3 chips. Miami destroyed and rebuilt from the Zo days to dwade/shaq to the big 3. Knicks havent done nothing 0 chips, 0 lottery picks you can build around, i think like 6 head coaches. These are facts no bs Dolan has to back off if he wants knicks to succeed.
We did take a step forward with getting donnie walsh, but i think it was donnie walsh who did not want to give up sooo many assets to get carmelo and he realized no matter what position he took Dolan was the owner/president/gm/coach. Donnie walsh had good control over indiana drafted well, rarely gave out max deals and knew how to rebuild from the miller/jackson/smits days. He had a black eye for the jermaine oneal/ron artest/s.jackson brawl but now look he cleaned house and got positive players role models on and off the court. Larry Bird learned a lot from him. Knicks need a GM, Riley would have been perfect but dolan didnt want to give that much power to riley. So since Riley has left for more control over a team knicks 0 championships miami 3 chips. Miami destroyed and rebuilt from the Zo days to dwade/shaq to the big 3. Knicks havent done nothing 0 chips, 0 lottery picks you can build around, i think like 6 head coaches. These are facts no bs Dolan has to back off if he wants knicks to succeed.

I agree with you, although it was incredibly difficult to read through your post. Space your sentences out, bro :lol:

The only good thing about Dolan is that he likes to spend money, but that easily gets negated because of how invasive he likes to be. Micromanagement can't be applied to every business model. I mean, look at Jerry Jones too. Same nonsense.

We can complain about players, coaches and staff all we want. The reason problem is our owner and that is something that just can't be fixed over night. Not unless he sells the teams to me :lol:
Sorry about my word spacing but when im upset on the way the knicks are i cant help it. You mentioned Jerry jones, until he steps aside from being owner/president/gm/coach they wont win either. That goes the same with Al Davis of the raiders.

When 1 owner has soo much interest in a team it tends not to succeed. Look Mavs won a few years ago but cuban gave gm authority to Don Nelson and he didnt hover over carlise the way he hovered over avery johnson.

Ownership is paying people to make sure your business is successful especially when it comes to these multi billion dollar teams. Jerry buss was a great owner but he has great management in jerry west/kupchak.

Since the last year that Riley coached knicks have been horrible. Its been 19 years, missed playoffs 8 times (lottery picks where are they?), Lost in 1st round 4 times, and made 1 finals appearance in a questionable season (strike season).

With any NY team it has a win now mentality, I swear it it wasnt for the yankees and giants winning NY would be a disaster. Please Dolan hire a new management staff that could help us win. Bring back JVG, hire ex players like oakley or xavier mcdaniels to toughing the team. Just Bring NY basketball back bc if you dont BK and a russian billionaire is looking for fans and money.
@IanBegley: #Knicks say Udrih, Shumpert, Anthony, Martin & Bargnani will start vs Det. Felton (lower back/left hip) will not play. JR Smith off bench.

Beno gets the start over Pablo...
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