NYK '14 offseason thread

What ninja turtle are you?

  • A. Raphael (the gritty one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B. Michaelangelo (silly one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C. Leonardo (the leader)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D. Donatello (The smart one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Cut Udrih and pick up my boy Gilbert Arenas. I want as much entertainment as possible this year. Let Amare play 30 min a game.
Aight trade Melo

Srs, the refs have it out for this man.

You don't become a professional ref without being an authoritarian. Dudes like Melo are an authoritarian's nightmare. There's no way Melo is ever winning a title as the man, because the man won't allow for it to happen.

It's not a coincidence at this point, and it's not something you can just play through. Night after night a different group of guys ******g you over. You're trying to go out there and do your job and there's an obvious conspiracy against you (whether it's discussed or implied is anyone's guess.) The dude is human, it's basic psychology that this will effect anyone (why are they doing this, what did I do to bring this onto myself, why me, I'm just trying to do my job as a ball player, they're out to get me, etc.)

Melo isn't a perfect player himself with his sus shot selection, but he and this team are much better than the refs are allowing them to be.
And f*** Breen for telling him to just play through it. Players who actually get calls don't even do that. I'm glad he's arguing instead of just accepting the mistreatment and being obedient.
Damn losing to the Pistons hurts.

Melo leaving for sure now, why would he stay here?
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Laying down in bed just crying myself to sleep. Why is life so cruel to me... first kingfoam gets the ps4 b4 me now this....life is unfair
I dont see the knicks winning the next 5 with 1 against indy at home and the other 4 on the road. Maybe a win against washington but i doubt that the way they lost against detroit is horrible.

Watching the game you can see most of the players quit. I have a few statement to make regarding the state of the knicks.

1- Let Amare play, if he sucks then it is what it is. He says he can play then f it let the man get 30. If he messes his knees thats on him.

2-Trade MELO he is not resigning, the lakers have a lot of cap space and people want to play for the lakers. Why let him walk for nothing?

3-After some research Knicks dont have a 1st round pick till god knows when so you have to start with cutting salaries.

4-Dont trade shump unless your getting a solid young player we dont need these "VETERANS" who can help us out.

5-This is a future reference for the Knicks make sure any player you want to give a max deal to, you can get insurance on their contract.
The video staff needs to compile a video of the no-calls and send it to the league. I forgot what team/player did this before.

I'd take a couple fines the next couple game also to bash the refs as much as possible.

I'm not gonna totally place the blame on bad reffing, because we should be playing way better on the defensive end, but it has to be soo depressing for these guys when they don't even get a fare shot at competing. Once a couple of no-calls and bad calls happen, that notion in the back of their heads, that the refs are against them, rears its ugly head and distracts them from playing ball.

It's a shame. I've hated Dolan for some time now, but now it's passed hate. Sorry to say, but I'm really hoping for an illness so he can step down or something. Nobody else is to blame. You just KNOW his actions, and the way the media portrays this douche is the reason for his team getting hosed like this.
Carmelo is not going to the Lakers. That team has bigger issues than we do. They also have bad ownership, it's Kobe's town for the next 10 years and D'Antoni is there. They also have less talent than us. People don't want to go to the Lakers anymore.
People fail to realize that Bargnani is the best player on this team. No reason for him not to attempt 20 shots a game.
Bargs has been beasting, has been the most consistent player on the team thus far. His on the ball defense has been pretty good, its the PnR that has been killing him.
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