NYK '14 offseason thread

What ninja turtle are you?

  • A. Raphael (the gritty one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B. Michaelangelo (silly one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C. Leonardo (the leader)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D. Donatello (The smart one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Not gonna lie. I though sas stood for san antonio spurs i was like why are they talking about Rose 

Don't cancel Christmas yet y'all.
Real talk, I'd seek to rid myself of the stench of JR before I'd consider trading Shump. At least if Shumpert has any bad habits, he's young enough and coachable enough to change them. You can't say the same for Earl.
Why does the team bend over backwards for JR Smith? Why is he held in such high regard? Between him, Shump, and THJr., I think Shump has the most upside. Dude is getting a raw deal. Not sure what happened between him and the franchise.
Why does the team bend over backwards for JR Smith? Why is he held in such high regard? Between him, Shump, and THJr., I think Shump has the most upside. Dude is getting a raw deal. Not sure what happened between him and the franchise.
Rumor has it JR has kneepads that say James on the right knee and Dolan on the left knee in the back of the equipment room. 
They are trading him because they can get the most for him. Like someone said we dont keep any of our draft picks. We haven't groomed a player since god knows when.

this team needs a real head coach who is going to stay for at least 5 years to build some chemistry and develop talent in the rookies. No identity with this team what so ever
I know it's not a popular sentiment, but trade Carmelo. Talking about getting the most if you trade Shump, but Carmelo is the most tradable asset. Face it, the direction they have been going in isn't good. I don't think any players would want to come here to play with Melo. There are no tradable assets (other than Melo and Shumpert) that will get this team on track. I think long term, right now you don't want to trade Melo, I can see why, he's a pure scorer. But in the long run, it won't amount to much, he'll score and do what Melo does, but there are only two outcomes to this in my opinion. He plays his prime here and subsequently wastes it, and the team doesn't get any better than they were last year, OR he leaves for nothing. Both indictments on Dolan's intelligence as an owner. 
I've seen rumors from Shumpert for Jameer Nelson and Melo's BFF Arron Afflalo.
That's actually a good look. Throw Felton in for good measure and pray the money matches 
. But then again, the Knicks will look like old Denver again 
, but I like Affalo.
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i dont even care who comes with this trade for stat as long as rondo is involved

in mills we trust. :smokin
Now it seems we might be finally getting rid of Amare, for Kris Humphries and Gerald Wallace
I'm all for getting rid of Amare, but he is a FA after 2015 (asuming he takes his player option which he will).

We would still owe Gerald Wallace another 10M until 2016, I would much rather be clear of all players after 2015 and start fresh.
im not buying that we dont have enough talent... i agree the teams in the nba have gotten better but at the same time so did we... we just came off a 54 win season and got new players and got younger.... here is my assessment why we suck the chemistry is terrible and the defense is non existent and the effort is just not there...and also not to mention the ball movement is just horrible but i guess that just shows we really do need a better point guard...theres just too many things going on to what lead to this like melo talking about opting out, grunwald being fired, dolan guaranteeing a championship, jr getting suspended, kenyon and amare not being in rythem, felton playing hurt and chander being injured are all reasons we are not that good its not an excuse but its the truth... but even if we had the same start as last year we still havent addressed our weakness which is a big man that can actually defend and rebound but thanks to chris smith for taking that 1 spot
I was just in Modells looking to get a jersey, but I feel like Chandler is the only player that's "safe" from the trade/free agency rumors.
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Trading Shumpert... :smh:

F*ck Dolan is right.... Everybody swtich to FIos its great and you don't line his pockets...

I agree with the Keep Amare instead of getting G. Wallace/Humphries the only way I do that deal is if we get Rondo which they all ready said they aren't doing that..... I'd rather have the least amount of money on our books to rebuild properly which is what a good GM/Owner would do but you know Dolan ain't going to let that happen.... :smh:
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