NYK '14 offseason thread

What ninja turtle are you?

  • A. Raphael (the gritty one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B. Michaelangelo (silly one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C. Leonardo (the leader)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D. Donatello (The smart one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I don't see what you're so disgruntled about. The Knicks past few coaches have been bad and really not much to talk about. We were all sick of Pringles and even when the team got better with Woodson ppl were still able to point how his clear flaws as a coach and bad habits he continued with when he coached the Hawks.

If the next coach doesn't get the team's attention, holds them accountable, is able to manage players, establish a workable offense midseason, and most importantly has a better focus on defense or just outright sucks he will get blame for not improving the situation as he should.

Then again I think there's a good chance the next coach will be an interim coach and it'll pretty much be we can only go up from here mentality and that person won't get much blame and will probably go back to their previous job if it's a hire within the org.

The coach isn't the only problem the team has but he is a problem, that's undeniable. I mean weren't ppl saying we overachieved last season? That's pretty much saying we were a 2 seed despite our coach.
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the one major concern i have is Woodson running Melo to the ground.

dont know the stats, but Melos been playing a lot of minutes.

Melo playing a lot & we still losing. Woodsons gotta understand that Melo cant be the 'offensive savior' man Woodsons an idiot
ESPN gives us a seemingly outlandish projected record.

Chuck and Shaq dogging us. 

Rest of the media following suit.

And we're proving them all right
Had fun at MSG, it really does look great from almost every angle. Things I noticed the most this game was Beno's complete inability to keep anyone in front of him. His contributions on offense aren't worth what he's giving up on defense. Bargnani disappears for large periods of time. Shump has lost his confidence for real and its affecting him on offense and defense. So many things wrong with our squad that I get annoyed when people say Melo has to make his teammates better. At times, its like he's out there alone. And we take entirely too many jumpshots. No one seems to have any interest in attacking the rim.
Wow I can't believe you guys would pay to see these games. I couldn't do it.
I give up on Iman Shumpert.

He's not who we thought he was, i think its as simple as that. Sure you could say injuries played a factor or Woodson killed his confidence, but at the end of the day he's nothing more than an above average defender who can hit the occasionally hit a 3.
I give up on Iman Shumpert.

He's not who we thought he was, i think its as simple as that. Sure you could say injuries played a factor or Woodson killed his confidence, but at the end of the day he's nothing more than an above average defender who can hit the occasionally hit a 3.
I hear you, but confidence can never be taken for granted.  IT is the difference between bad and decent, decent and good, good and great, star and superstar players.  It dictates how you move, your incentive to play, your shot, your defense.  Pretty much everything stems from a player's confidence, assuming they have skill. 
condidence aside shump needs to be in an actual offense.  hes not the type to force the issue (which is a good thing) yet that's the only type of offense we run.  its gonna hurt when he thrives elsewhere on a team that actually runs an offense.  iman is the type of player u need on a contending team, jr is not
The only bright spot for our year so far has been the play of Hardaway Jr.

I knew giving JR that contract was a mistake. We could've just re-signed Copeland to a much cheaper deal if all we wanted was an offensive player off the bench.
I give up on Iman Shumpert.

He's not who we thought he was, i think its as simple as that. Sure you could say injuries played a factor or Woodson killed his confidence, but at the end of the day he's nothing more than an above average defender who can hit the occasionally hit a 3.

I hear you, but confidence can never be taken for granted.  IT is the difference between bad and decent, decent and good, good and great, star and superstar players.  It dictates how you move, your incentive to play, your shot, your defense.  Pretty much everything stems from a player's confidence, assuming they have skill. 

I understand how important confidence is.

But in all honesty have you seen ANYTHING from Shump that makes you think he can take that next step? Consistency? Flashes of brilliance? Because i havent. I think he's a good role player, maybe a Thabo Sefolosha like.

He's a 14-5-2 guy at best.
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