NYK '14 offseason thread

What ninja turtle are you?

  • A. Raphael (the gritty one)

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  • B. Michaelangelo (silly one)

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  • C. Leonardo (the leader)

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  • D. Donatello (The smart one)

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I watched that Amar'e documentary on Netflix, solid stuff. I doubt he retires (not for another year or two at least), he legit wants to make a comeback and contribute and I hope he can stay on the court long enough to at least be a role player for us.
We all knew he was going to opt out to get more money. My problem is I don't want to hear about I want to test the market. I don't want to hear for the entire season and win or lose in the playoffs, will Carmelo pair up with Kobe or LeBron? Will this be the last time we see Carmelo in a Knicks jersey. He should just shut the hell up OR say I love being a Knick and it's where I want to be.
Glass half full

Melo will have to ball out this year if he is tryna get paid hopefully that translates into some wins
Glass half full

Melo will have to ball out this year if he is tryna get paid hopefully that translates into some wins

I don't think he needs to,

He is going to make paper regardless,

Can see this being a major distraction throughout the season, The little things like LaLa never being in NY anymore must take its toll on him aswell unless the marriage is in crisis like the gossip pages like to say and he is happy with the freedom :lol:
Professional pride. If he feels he can do something, he's going to play. It's unfortunate what happened to STAT, but he'll always be good in my book. He took a chance on the Knicks when no one would, but things just didn't quite turn the corner for him.
He took a chance with the knicks? No sir, he took a big *** CHECK from the Knicks. Lets remember this, he was playing in Phoenix before NY. Its not like he was coming from a huge market or famed franchise. Some people act like he did us a favor by signing here.

$100 million to be in NY? Umm, sure, I'll go.

Regarding Melo, I dont think he'll leave the Knicks. Hasnt he been quoted as saying he wants to retire a knick? Im sure he sees the organization makes him a priority and basically tailored the whole team to his strengths & weaknesses.
He did do us a favor regardless of what his motivation was when he signed here. Half this team wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him signing first. We might be mad at Amare's situation but trying to act like he wasn't the first step in this team's turnaround is just fronting.
 ^ This. Remember what the Knicks were before Amar'e came here? It was a gamble to get things started. This is after that debacle with Zeke. How soon people forget 
.  He knew the team still needed to be built to compete, so he took the first step that no star player wanted to take for the Knicks. He gets tons of credit for that. It's not his fault management threw $100 mil his way, who wouldn't take it, but with him I sensed it was more than that. So to respond to your comment @MrDozo, yes he did do the Knicks a favor by signing. @8PM at MSG  is correct, this team would not look like this presently if Amar'e wasn't here. It basically was a domino effect that landed Melo.

Also, players saying they want to retire as a _____________ is just athlete and contract speak. How many times have we heard that across sports and the player either gets traded or signs elsewhere, so that statement is just noise for the time being. 

I watched that Amar'e documentary on Netflix, solid stuff. I doubt he retires (not for another year or two at least), he legit wants to make a comeback and contribute and I hope he can stay on the court long enough to at least be a role player for us.
I have to check this out. He came from a rough beginning. 
We all knew he was going to opt out to get more money. My problem is I don't want to hear about I want to test the market. I don't want to hear for the entire season and win or lose in the playoffs, will Carmelo pair up with Kobe or LeBron? Will this be the last time we see Carmelo in a Knicks jersey. He should just shut the hell up OR say I love being a Knick and it's where I want to be.
This. If his intent all along is to be a Knick, why say this before the season starts and make it a season long distraction?  By him saying he's going to opt out, everyone is going to question him after every good and bad stretch. He brought the questioning on himself. Did he not pay attention when Lebron pulled this? My suspicion is that he isn't THAT dumb, my thought is that he is putting pressure on management to get a plan together now to put a team around him that will win. My read on it is that by him doing this now, he doesn't totally believe in this squad as presently constituted. Why say this after a training camp and some practices? That means he took a look at the team and was like idk. Yeah, he gets more money by opting out, but I don't believe that is the sole reason for saying this.  
Glass half full

Melo will have to ball out this year if he is tryna get paid hopefully that translates into some wins
Melo will be Melo and will be given a max contract no matter where he goes and regardless of team record. He's a max player period.  
why Melo gotta say this NOW. smh. now fans and the media gonna ride this thing out til the end of the year. :smh:

i mean, i wanna look at it like its a good way to put the pressure on the team to do work this year, but damn just play ball and worry about that shh next summer.

knicks go on a slump they gon say, "Melo's leaving, where is he gonna go?"

knicks on a streak, "Knicks playing good, but will he get tempted by the offers this summer?"

lose lose situation for us.
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why Melo gotta say this NOW. smh. now fans and the media gonna ride this thing out til the end of the year. :smh:

i mean, i wanna look at it like its a good way to put the pressure on the team to do work this year, but damn just play ball and worry about that shh next summer.

it was from September. It was just printed/released now.
1. Amare will always get an unlimited pass from me. I do think he needs to retire, but i dont blame him for wanting to try to prove a point. Very humble dude. Gained so much respect for him off the court last couple of years.

2. Melo wont leave NY (as long as he's with LaLa :lol:). That talk needs to stop.
1. Amare will always get an unlimited pass from me. I do think he needs to retire, but i dont blame him for wanting to try to prove a point. Very humble dude. Gained so much respect for him off the court last couple of years.

2. Melo wont leave NY (as long as he's with LaLa
). That talk needs to stop.
You do realize his wife is doing movies now....in LA. Just a thought....
why Melo gotta say this NOW. smh. now fans and the media gonna ride this thing out til the end of the year. :smh:

i mean, i wanna look at it like its a good way to put the pressure on the team to do work this year, but damn just play ball and worry about that shh next summer.

knicks go on a slump they gon say, "Melo's leaving, where is he gonna go?"

knicks on a streak, "Knicks playing good, but will he get tempted by the offers this summer?"

lose lose situation for us.

yeah it just becomes a distraction especially in a media-driven location like ny where the press tends to speculate on even the most insignificant things

no bueno caramelo
Yeah, but obviously the media is gonna ask Melo if he's looking forward to be a free agent or what his thoughts are on that. What is Melo supposed to say? "No, I don't like/want to be a free agent"? I mean, dude has to answer some questions.

Melo even told the media that he won't talk about free agency this year.
 ^ This. Remember what the Knicks were before Amar'e came here? It was a gamble to get things started. This is after that debacle with Zeke. How soon people forget :smh: .  He knew the team still needed to be built to compete, so he took the first step that no star player wanted to take for the Knicks. He gets tons of credit for that. It's not his fault management threw $100 mil his way, who wouldn't take it, but with him I sensed it was more than that. So to respond to your comment @MrDozo
, yes he did do the Knicks a favor by signing. @8PM at MSG
 is correct, this team would not look like this presently if Amar'e wasn't here. It basically was a domino effect that landed Melo.
Also, players saying they want to retire as a _____________ is just athlete and contract speak. How many times have we heard that across sports and the player either gets traded or signs elsewhere, so that statement is just noise for the time being. 

I have to check this out. He came from a rough beginning. 

This. If his intent all along is to be a Knick, why say this before the season starts and make it a season long distraction?  By him saying he's going to opt out, everyone is going to question him after every good and bad stretch. He brought the questioning on himself. Did he not pay attention when Lebron pulled this? My suspicion is that he isn't THAT dumb, my thought is that he is putting pressure on management to get a plan together now to put a team around him that will win. My read on it is that by him doing this now, he doesn't totally believe in this squad as presently constituted. Why say this after a training camp and some practices? That means he took a look at the team and was like idk. Yeah, he gets more money by opting out, but I don't believe that is the sole reason for saying this.  

Melo will be Melo and will be given a max contract no matter where he goes and regardless of team record. He's a max player period.  

We have no idea what our team would look like today if we didnt offer Amare $100 million. I respectfully disagree with your statement, Amare didnt do us a favor by taking a huge paycheck from us. Who know what other "star" player or players we may have signed to gain momentum in changing this franchise. $100 million is a lot of bread and can lure some big fish.
Dont get me wrong, Im glad he did sign with us. I wonder how many other teams were ready to offer Amare that kind of $ given his health history.
Yeah, but obviously the media is gonna ask Melo if he's looking forward to be a free agent or what his thoughts are on that. What is Melo supposed to say? "No, I don't like/want to be a free agent"? I mean, dude has to answer some questions.

Melo even told the media that he won't talk about free agency this year.
He could have avoided that scenario altogether by making his decision closer to that time. Hell, he could have saved it until after the season was over. There's no mystery there. That's what's funny about Lebron, Dwight Howard, and Melo. They could have all avoided the circus, but they chose not to. Notice what happened with Lebron and Dwight, right? It wouldn't surprise me if Melo bounces man. It's a leverage tactic that they use to get a better supporting cast. Clearly it doesn't work. 
 ^ This. Remember what the Knicks were before Amar'e came here? It was a gamble to get things started. This is after that debacle with Zeke. How soon people forget 
.  He knew the team still needed to be built to compete, so he took the first step that no star player wanted to take for the Knicks. He gets tons of credit for that. It's not his fault management threw $100 mil his way, who wouldn't take it, but with him I sensed it was more than that. So to respond to your comment @MrDozo
, yes he did do the Knicks a favor by signing. @8PM at MSG
 is correct, this team would not look like this presently if Amar'e wasn't here. It basically was a domino effect that landed Melo.
Also, players saying they want to retire as a _____________ is just athlete and contract speak. How many times have we heard that across sports and the player either gets traded or signs elsewhere, so that statement is just noise for the time being. 

I have to check this out. He came from a rough beginning. 

This. If his intent all along is to be a Knick, why say this before the season starts and make it a season long distraction?  By him saying he's going to opt out, everyone is going to question him after every good and bad stretch. He brought the questioning on himself. Did he not pay attention when Lebron pulled this? My suspicion is that he isn't THAT dumb, my thought is that he is putting pressure on management to get a plan together now to put a team around him that will win. My read on it is that by him doing this now, he doesn't totally believe in this squad as presently constituted. Why say this after a training camp and some practices? That means he took a look at the team and was like idk. Yeah, he gets more money by opting out, but I don't believe that is the sole reason for saying this.  

Melo will be Melo and will be given a max contract no matter where he goes and regardless of team record. He's a max player period.  
We have no idea what our team would look like today if we didnt offer Amare $100 million. I respectfully disagree with your statement, Amare didnt do us a favor by taking a huge paycheck from us. Who know what other "star" player or players we may have signed to gain momentum in changing this franchise. $100 million is a lot of bread and can lure some big fish.
Dont get me wrong, Im glad he did sign with us. I wonder how many other teams were ready to offer Amare that kind of $ given his health history.
If you are alluding to Lebron, that was NEVER going to happen. Make no mistake about that. You disagree with what I said, no problem. The Knicks were radioactive fam. You think any notable free agents wanted to come here after that sexual harassment suit that cost the Garden $11 mil? That wasn't a good look. Look how Zeke and Marbury were showing out that whole time that mess was going on. Donnie Walsh was the saving grace that cleaned up that mess. He cleared that cap space to overpay someone because the image of the Knicks was in shambles. Nobody was going to come to the Knicks with no solid supporting cast and limited pockets to sign max players, so yeah Amar'e signing gave some legitimacy to the Knicks, like it or not. At the time you had to look at who was the next one after Lebron, and Amar'e was it. They overpaid him too. Any fool saw that was a bad contract for the Knicks, but they were so desperate to be relevant again, they were willing to risk it. Who pays that amount of money for damaged goods? No team was in $20 mil of that offer he got from the Knicks, he was a fool NOT to take it. 

That KG and PP pic is wild disrespectful 
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"I think he’s the best shooting guard in the league." - Metta World Peace on Iman Shumpert.
We have no idea what our team would look like today if we didnt offer Amare $100 million. I respectfully disagree with your statement, Amare didnt do us a favor by taking a huge paycheck from us. Who know what other "star" player or players we may have signed to gain momentum in changing this franchise. $100 million is a lot of bread and can lure some big fish.
Dont get me wrong, Im glad he did sign with us. I wonder how many other teams were ready to offer Amare that kind of $ given his health history.

If memory serves me correctly, the Phoenix Suns medical staff (arguably the best in the NBA) ran several extensive tests on his knees, and the results concluded that he wouldn't play past 5 years. Amare has been playing with "borrowed time" since day 1 of his signing with NY. He may have been 100% healthy when he signed, but the doctors and trainers knew just how fragile his knees were. He was bound to get hurt again.

The Knicks took an incredibly risky gamble on Amare just for the sole purpose of luring Lebron to NY. A lot of you guys forget that we were the first team to sign a "superstar". It just so happens that the "tactic" didn't pan out as expected. That's where Plan B started. The front office went after Melo and hoped Amare would be the Amare they expected, but injuries plagued the man ever since the beginning of the Boston Celtics series back in 2010 when he was warming up and foolishly tried to touch the top of the backboard, consequently throwing his back out. The man just has NEVER been the same since then. He suffered one injury after the other and could never "get right". As Melo and Tyson said, "It's really sad" to see Amare go through this, because he does put in the time and effort into his game to try to be better and contribute to the team. I honestly don't know any other player in the NBA, other than Kobe Bryant who changes their game over the course of a Summer and plays effective basketball (that brief moment last season when he came off the bench and averaged 13-15 ppg right before he got hurt again).

I guess the real question is. How can we be upset with Amare? The man obviously puts in the work, judging from what we read and see about him going to Houston to work with Hakeem two summers in a row and training with the Knicks staff after every practice. His knees just can't hold up. Is that his fault?

We should all ask ourselves, should we be upset with Amare?
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If you are alluding to Lebron, that was NEVER going to happen. Make no mistake about that. You disagree with what I said, no problem. The Knicks were radioactive fam. You think any notable free agents wanted to come here after that sexual harassment suit that cost the Garden $11 mil? That wasn't a good look. Look how Zeke and Marbury were showing out that whole time that mess was going on. Donnie Walsh was the saving grace that cleaned up that mess. He cleared that cap space to overpay someone because the image of the Knicks was in shambles. Nobody was going to come to the Knicks with no solid supporting cast and limited pockets to sign max players, so yeah Amar'e signing gave some legitimacy to the Knicks, like it or not. At the time you had to look at who was the next one after Lebron, and Amar'e was it. They overpaid him too. Any fool saw that was a bad contract for the Knicks, but they were so desperate to be relevant again, they were willing to risk it. Who pays that amount of money for damaged goods? No team was in $20 mil of that offer he got from the Knicks, he was a fool NOT to take it. 

That KG and PP pic is wild disrespectful :lol:

And that is why I say Amare did not do us a favor. You kind of proved my point there.
I definitely agree with you in that Amare did bring legitimacy to the franchise. Thats for sure.

And I was not alluding to Lebron at all. Just the market in general.
And that is why I say Amare did not do us a favor. You kind of proved my point there.
I definitely agree with you in that Amare did bring legitimacy to the franchise. Thats for sure.

And I was not alluding to Lebron at all. Just the market in general.

I don't think any other team did offer him a $100m deal.

Also, IDK how many of you know this, but his first choice was to go to Miami. He's been holding a grudge against Lebron and Wade since 2010, because he feels like they chose Chris Bosh over him to join the "Super Friends". That's why he was so pissed off about that game 1 loss to Miami in 2011 and punched a fire extinguisher casing.
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