NYK '14 offseason thread

What ninja turtle are you?

  • A. Raphael (the gritty one)

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  • B. Michaelangelo (silly one)

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  • C. Leonardo (the leader)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D. Donatello (The smart one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
At least the team showed gut and determination today. The Heat just had an answer for us every time we made some sort of push to take the game at the end. Bosh, Allen and Battier hitting those 3's all took the air out the Knicks.

We played hard and showed pride today. Miami is a championship caliber team. You can say we showed those attributes at the end of the season to make the push to the playoffs. It's tough to get out of the hole we got into, but so many problems compounded on all of that.

Woodson has a good record coaching this team, but he's limited in terms of what he can do with the too. The roster and his stubbornness to be creative are all debilitating. The whole year--we played with no system and no one played well enough on a consistence basis to really give the team a substantial spark on either end.

It's just frustrating to see guys like Shumpert, Amare and JR all playing solid now when it's too late. On the bright side, these are good signs going into next season.

I'm hoping Phil Jackson can retool the team and bring in the right pieces in place for us to be a competitive team next year. If Melo resigns with the team, he'll need plenty of help and role players who are specialists in certain things, you need those players in a good team.

With the Hawks winning tonight, it's obvious that we're out the playoff race. I just want to see the Knicks show some pride and play competitive to the very end.

Bummed out that Melo will miss the playoffs for the first time in his career.
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Then how do you explain the teams with George Karl in Denver? He had a coach, point guards, and some better help the front court than what he has now. His game is what it is and his production is the same whether the team does well or bad. HE has to realize that he must change his game if he wants to win. He's 11 years in, how are you going to tell us not to judge him. At this point, he has to reflect and ask himself what he wants to do to get to a championship. I always liked Carmelo but at some point when you see a player running in place, the issue it the player and not what's around him. Gotta stop being a Carmelo apologist and call it for what it is.

Finally someone with common sense. Lets call it what it is melo isnt a superstar. Every year its the same story with the same end result. As knick fans we had to be delusional to think melo would bring us a chip at somw point. Hell this man cant even get us out of the first round except last year.put any other superstar caliber player on this exact team and were a third seed at the very least. 33 wins is not acceptable in this terrible conference.
Just find it funny how people can say he's selfish after a game in which he had 6 assists yesterday, and overall has moved the ball quite well. Best season I've ever seen him have. He may have selfish tendencies/habits here and there, but it doesn't necessarily make him an overall selfish player.

He had one good caliber team in Denver when Billups was there, and they made it to the West finals. Not his fault his team always ran into the Spurs/Lakers who ran the entire decade.

This team is very flawed, you can win with Melo, but not with garbage around him.
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Like I said, NOBODY would win anything with this bum *** supporting cast. It's foolish to think otherwise. Even when Bron was in Cleveland his teammates played with more heart and pride and we're arguably less talented than our bunch. The veterans who pretty much coached the squad last year are gone and these guys have 0 heart. Simple as that.
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Which players in the NBA would have this current Knicks team in the playoffs? LeBron, KD, CP3 who else? Let's be serious, this team and coaching staff sucks. And I don't view his Denver teams as anything to brag about. His second best player for years was Nene. K-Mart was always injured. J.R. was more of a chucker and fool than he is today. AI, come on, we know the deal with AI. Nuggets were their best with Chauncey. I just don't see how Melo is the problem this season. Years past, maybe, but this year, he's the only one going out there giving the same consistent effort with every game.
Just find it funny how people can say he's selfish after a game in which he had 6 assists yesterday, and overall has moved the ball quite well
It's not people saying it. It's tim and beh, known trolls, picking at the carcass of this season.
Look, I'm not a troll. I've stated many times that I was once a Knick fan and still being a basketball fan, I follow the team. It's not my fault I speak the truth, and with this team, the truth hurts. This whole time, I try not to be that guy with the team that says "I told you so", but I said this would happen from the very beginning, but some in here didn't want to hear it. That's fine to be a fan of them, but be realistic about your team. Have realistic expectations. Hell, I'm a Mets fan, but I'm not crossing my fingers and being delusional about my squad, but I ride for them still. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a Knick fan, but you're absolutely kidding yourself if you ever thought that this team would ever beat Miami when it matters as it's presently constituted. I understand some in here started following the team last decade and for those fans, I truly feel sorry because they haven't seen the consistently good Knick teams. When the Knicks were good and competitive with the top teams, it was great. There's no greater feeling than watching the Garden in mid to late May and in June. But, after seeing what I've seen with the Knicks and experienced the frustration that many of you are going through now (and then some), I just decided that I liked basketball too much overall to continue being frustrated year in and year out with this team. If you choose to stay, that's fine, but it's your choice.

You call me a troll, but I've always respected this thread for what it is. I don't spit on you guys' loyalty to your team, but for some loyalty seems to exceed good judgement and common sense. I said Woodson wouldn't work from the jump because of his track record as a coach. Y'all called me crazy. Now what did y'all do? Gave the man a whole new name in here out of frustration and want his head on a stick blaming him left and right. I didn't say anything. Y'all loved Amar'e signing, I said it was a stupid contract and wouldn't work out and I was called crazy. I knew in the first 5 minutes that Melo and Amar'e wouldn't work at all. I didn't know what I was talking about according to Knick fans on this board and the ones I know personally. Now look at what the pairing got you. Nowhere. Deep down I want the Knicks to succeed. It's great but if you want something solid you have to make sound decisions as an organization, something this franchise clearly has trouble doing. If you don't want to face the truth, so be it. You're buying your own frustration. 
In the end isn't that the point with the future of this franchise? Do you want to invest 5, 6 more years of Melo + trying to build a supporting cast when the 2 best players in the world for that time are younger, healthier and play the same position? We're past the point of blowing it up and we will head down that road...I'm just over it. Glass ceiling.
Which players in the NBA would have this current Knicks team in the playoffs? LeBron, KD, CP3 who else? Let's be serious, this team and coaching staff sucks. And I don't view his Denver teams as anything to brag about. His second best player for years was Nene. K-Mart was always injured. J.R. was more of a chucker and fool than he is today. AI, come on, we know the deal with AI. Nuggets were their best with Chauncey. I just don't see how Melo is the problem this season. Years past, maybe, but this year, he's the only one going out there giving the same consistent effort with every game.
Those other players you mentioned impact their teams in other ways in more than just scoring. That part of it is pretty obvious. You can fill a stat sheet, but the impact must be felt also. Look no further than Stephon Marbury. He averaged around 20 and 8 when he was with the Knicks. Those are great numbers for a point guard on paper, but they didn't do anything for the team. What gets lost with certain stats sometimes is the timing of the stats. If a player ends up with 20 points and 10 boards, but had 15 and 9 through halftime with his team down by 15, how much has he really impacted the outcome of the game if said player got his numbers when the game wasn't on the line?
Melo's a scorer man, that's why we brought him in. His job is to put up points and grab rebounds. Only thing I want from him from a passing standpoint is to not be a blackhole and he's done that this year. He makes the right reads and passes but they don't always lead to anything because of the scrubs around him and the lack of motion in the offense that SN employs.

I don't have any problems with Melo this season. I have problems with SN switching everything when we don't have the personnel. I have a problem with SN not running an offense. I have a problem with Raymond Felton not knowing how to defend. I have a problem with JR chucking 20 3s in a game. Knicks problems are far greater than Carmelo Anthony and what he should be doing on the court.
Melo's a scorer man, that's why we brought him in. His job is to put up points and grab rebounds. Only thing I want from him from a passing standpoint is to not be a blackhole and he's done that this year. He makes the right reads and passes but they don't always lead to anything because of the scrubs around him and the lack of motion in the offense that SN employs.

I don't have any problems with Melo this season. I have problems with SN switching everything when we don't have the personnel. I have a problem with SN not running an offense. I have a problem with Raymond Felton not knowing how to defend. I have a problem with JR chucking 20 3s in a game. Knicks problems are far greater than Carmelo Anthony and what he should be doing on the court.
I agree. I've been hard on Melo before, but you're right this season isn't on him at all. They need to understand how to mold the talent around him. When you think about it Melo is a similar version of Allen Iverson. You have to have be able to put talent around him tailored to his abilities. He needs an experienced PG that can defend. He needs frontcourt help that plays strong defense and rebounds just as much or more than he does. You're right, Melo scores, that's it. That's what he does, but it's up to management to thoroughly evaluate and put the rest around him, but that's the frustrating part with the Knicks. They get in their own way by making stupid decisions. 
It cracks me up when knick fans actually say melo had a "" great season"" anyone remember that time stat was balling out of his mind and was getting mvp chants? That was leadership. Something I havent seen on this team ever since.were coming down the stretch with a possibility of making the playoffs and this man decides not to show up and even actually look like he quit yesterday. Sorry that doesn't sit well with me
I just still can't over how Sn let's JR chuck more than 10 threes a game as often as Smith does. It's ridiculous. No player should ever take 20 shots from 25 feet out. That's not basketball. That's screwing around in the park with your friends.
I just still can't over how Sn let's JR chuck more than 10 threes a game as often as Smith does. It's ridiculous. No player should ever take 20 shots from 25 feet out. That's not basketball. That's screwing around in the park with your friends.
He wasn't efficient either. That's why I posted that stat line right after the game yesterday. On any other team in their situation, he would have been benched. It shows JR's mentality (which isn't going to change). 32 points on 22 shots from the three point line? It wasn't like he was 18-22, that's forgivable, but doing that and you aren't the best player on the team and you need everything to get that last playoff spot? Woodson showing lame duck coaching status right there. 
beh236 ain't a troll. he's been pretty fair and hasn't been condescending in this thread like some alleged knicks fans who've posted in this thread.

tim teufel is  just a bit on the negative side

melo has been a selfish at times, but i think he's felt that he's had no choice throughout most of his career. most of the criticism he gets is way od.

his critics wouldn't have anything to knock him about if he had a cast of capable players around him
That's not basketball. That's screwing around in the park with your friends.

Sad but true. I've always been a fan of his talent and what he's capable of but he just does not get it. beh235 beh235 is correct also. I think at any level of coaching this guy would've been benched. That box score blew my mind :lol:
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I've never seen a dude average career highs in a good amount of categories, & get turned on by fans. Dudes out here mentioning Stat, JR etc., well they've just started to come to play basketball recently. Stat is more understandable why, to his defense, he just started getting the minutes he wanted. But you can't tell me this team would have been in a better position if Melo wasn't on the team this year. They left Melo stranded plenty of games. & I've seen Melo pass the ball plenty of times, but no one knew how to score for a while. I also despise the fact that coach _____ has no creative offensive plays down the stretch. This team was just mentally weak & showed up too late. It's everyone's fault honestly.

& I hope Melo isn't as badly injured as I think he is. Dude has been playing "out of this world" type of minutes this year.
At this point the question is does Melo trust them enough to put talent around him that fits? What is the direction of this team? My personal feeling is that it's going to be more of the same. Melo will stay and they'll tread water. I don't see Rondo coming here at the moment, but things can change. That PG spot is so vital. They can't draft anyone, minimal cap space, and no value that you can afford to trade away and be fine. So they'll be stuck until 2015. I think they should have just traded Melo, but that was before the Phil situation came about. Idk, I think Phil might see this get mad and be out of his contract in 3 years. It's not a ready made situation like Phil is used to. It would definitely take more than 5 years to build something for Phil's liking, but who knows?
I've never seen a dude average career highs in a good amount of categories, & get turned on by fans. Dudes out here mentioning Stat, JR etc., well they've just started to come to play basketball recently. Stat is more understandable why, to his defense, he just started getting the minutes he wanted. But you can't tell me this team would have been in a better position if Melo wasn't on the team this year. They left Melo stranded plenty of games. & I've seen Melo pass the ball plenty of times, but no one knew how to score for a while. I also despise the fact that coach _____ has no creative offensive plays down the stretch. This team was just mentally weak & showed up too late. It's everyone's fault honestly.

& I hope Melo isn't as badly injured as I think he is. Dude has been playing "out of this world" type of minutes this year.
It was only a matter of time. I don't understand why people turned on Amar'e. He gets a pass from me forever because he showed good faith and took that first step into an ugly situation (and the $100 million 
At this point the question is does Melo trust them enough to put talent around him that fits? What is the direction of this team? My personal feeling is that it's going to be more of the same. Melo will stay and they'll tread water. I don't see Rondo coming here at the moment, but things can change. That PG spot is so vital. They can't draft anyone, minimal cap space, and no value that you can afford to trade away and be fine. So they'll be stuck until 2015. I think they should have just traded Melo, but that was before the Phil situation came about. Idk, I think Phil might see this get mad and be out of his contract in 3 years. It's not a ready made situation like Phil is used to. It would definitely take more than 5 years to build something for Phil's liking, but who knows?

Phil knew what he was gettin into when he took the job. He wanted this challenge, & now he's got it.
It was only a matter of time. I don't understand why people turned on Amar'e. He gets a pass from me forever because he showed good faith and took that first step into an ugly situation (and the $100 million :lol: )

Yea I feel Amare. I tore my ACL recently, I know how hard it is to get back in shape from a knee injury, let alone NBA shape. So I can't really be mad at him. I'm more mad at this overall roster. It's awful.
I felt the amare turn was unwarranted as well. (Except for the fire extinguisher issue :lol:) Injuries aren't predictable and of course he's overpaid but he put great effort into getting back in playing shape when he could've just sat and kept collecting checks. The future doesn't really look too bright for this team in my eyes but I'm willing to wait and see what Phil does. At the least we've got Dolans grimy hands off the team. That's all I've ever wanted lol
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