NYK '14 offseason thread

What ninja turtle are you?

  • A. Raphael (the gritty one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B. Michaelangelo (silly one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C. Leonardo (the leader)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D. Donatello (The smart one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Papi owes him many thanks, but this ain't the baseball thread so I'll shut up now 
I'm just ready for a brand new roster, Melo or no Melo.
Agreed. Here's how I feel on every single player on our roster.

Carmelo - Superstar quality player. Took major strides this year despite everyone around him either stagnating or taking steps backwards. I'm down to resign him but only with a major overhaul of the team that will play to his weaknesses. Transition defense and offense and improved decision making at the point would do wonders for a team featuring Melo. One of our biggest problems the last few years has been getting easy points. We work too hard for everything. This is why we need to improve our transition game. I believe the Knicks are last in the league in fast break points. Melo is built for the half court, but that doesn't mean you can't surround him with players who can get out on the break. THJr has shown signs of being great in transition. Part of the reason I'm excited about his potential. 

THJr - I said it months ago and it still holds true today, THJr's potential to be a starter is tied to whether he learns to defend better. As it stands he'll make for a great 6th or 7th man off the bench. If he ever puts it together on defense he'll be a starter somewhere. His offensive potential is great. Can get out in transition and finish, shoot a high percentage from 3, can drive and finish, can stop and pop, crafty with the ball and around the rim, moves well off the ball. If you pair him up with other players who play uptempo you'd see some great things from him. Paired with Shump/Prigi/Felton/JR in transition does little for his game. We definitely need to keep building on him. He could turn out to be more than we've hoped for. Hell he has already honestly. But yeah, that defense MUST improve. I'd like to see him outside of Woodson's "system."

Amare - For better or worse I can't be too mad at Amare'. He's fought hard to become serviceable (a debt of gratitude is owed to The Dream). That contract isn't his fault. Still, if we can move him, we have to. It's just too much money riding on shaky ground. His value has to be up a little as of recent but I doubt he'll be anywhere else but the Knicks, so at least there's hope he'll continue to be productive for us.

Prigi - If only we had him sooner. You can see how truly great he must've been even now as his skills are declining. Still, he's a great PG to have coming off the bench. He can stay as long as he wants, as far as I'm concerned.

Shump - I can't envision any scenario where his offense improves. He's just not a natural scorer. With all that athletic ability and those young legs you'd think he'd be more dynamic, but no. And his shooting is the definition of inconsistent. While his defense is appreciated I wouldn't be mad a moving him. There are lots of players in the league we can get to do what he does, so losing Shump wouldn't be a big deal.

Felton - He has to go. Period. Felton is what you want out of a bench point guard, not a starter. And even as a bench PG his ability to create is shaky. Outside of PnR with Tyson how many easy opportunities does Felton create for everyone else? Very little. And I hate how easily he defers to Melo/Amare/Jr. Your PG has to be a natural leader and should want the ball in his hands to dictate the pace and action. Too many times Felton has let Melo bring the ball down court or brought the ball down, given it to Melo and got out the way. He's HORRIBLE at getting the ball to players in the positions where they can be the most effective. Not to mention the fact that he's a defensive sieve and useless in transition. We gave him a chance, he blew it, let's move on.

Toure - Decent potential but not enough to keep him around. Wish I had more to say about him but he couldn't get off the bench. He'll be gone in a packaged deal, I'm sure.

Cole Aldrich - Better than I first thought. Dare I say a solid bench player. Young and tough with size. Wish we saw more of him this season but I haven't seen enough to make me think he needs to stay.

Jeremy Tyler - This is the guy the Knicks will regret trading. Something tells me he will Channing Frye us and start flourishing the minute he's on a team that utilizes his talents. Athletic big with great scoring ability around the rim. Runs the floor decently and seems eager to contribute. I kinda want to keep him.

Tyson Chandler - The writing has been on the wall with Tyson for a long time. He's not nearly as good as his reputation says he is. Not at all a gamechanger. He gives our defense a solid foundation but that's literally it. There's no hustle to his game. There's no defensive intensity. Seems more concerned with conserving fouls than protecting the rim. Offensive game is dictated by PG play, which we know has been putrid on this squad. When you watch a guy like Joakim Noah and then watch Tyson Chandler the difference is crystal clear. The fact that Tyson makes more a year is laughable. I'm over this guy and would welcome a trade.

KMart - Enjoyed his time as a Knick but if you can't go, you gotta go. Wish we had his intensity and hustle in Tyson's body. 

JR - If Phil were coaching I might be willing to see if he could Dennis Rodman this situation and get the most out of a guy that is painfully talented yet lacks the IQ to manifest it on the court day in and day out. It's probably better that we just cut ties. Whoever we bring in as coach probably won't be able to get to him. I give Woody credit for trying but JR is gonna JR and in order for the Knicks to stop Knicking we gotta bring in high IQ reliable guys. JR's tomfoolery has a place in my heart for some reason but if it's up to me, JR's out.

Shannon Brown - Thanks for your time bro. One.

Bargnani - A trade that didn't make sense from day one. Brought everything we didn't need and little of what we did. Showed some skill on the offensive end and is better on defense 1v1 than most of us gave him credit for but ultimately he's not the kind of player fans can get behind or that I think will work well in the triangle. He's gotta go.
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I had a good time in this thread despite the horrible season we all had to endure....

Hopefully we get to see a title before we die bros... :smh:
@ATLHawks: Congrats to both UConn and Kentucky on a great game! Proof that 7 and 8 seeds can go all the way in basketball playoffs...
Why is this thread still active? The thread and team is a joke.

Boricua >>> Dominicana

Ban whoever voted for Boston in this thread

Easily the wisest post in this thread all season, you guys are welcome.
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