NyQuil appreciation

Apr 7, 2006

I currently have a cold and this*%@! knocks me out with the quickness.
i kno what you mean. this is the only stuff my dad believes in. I also got a lil cold right now. Knocks me out in like 30 min.
Originally Posted by GREENREDGREEN

Sometimes I try to test my will by trying to stay awake after taking a doubleshot of nyquil.

do you succeed or is it too much for ya?
im usually good for a couple hours, then i give up.

Last night I was able to watch a two hour movie, Control, after taking it. It did help that the movie was friggingreat.
if it's really that potent, maybe I should give it a shot then. I waste a good 30 min to an hour tossing and turning sometimes then end up watching tv totry to get sleepy. sucks when I'm trying to get a full 8 hours
I had a terrible cold a month ago and finally gave up and tried nyquil which indeed knocked me out and I slept 8 hours and made me feel a whole better eventhough I still had the coughing but it really works.
Does nyquil give nightmares to anybody?? A couple people i know can't stand it because they say it gives them nightmares
I like to play a game with Nyquil.

2 shots and then proceed to beating off.. The goal is to get done before you fall asleep.

I never win.
I have the worst case of insomnia but my good buddy Nyquill helped me fall asleep the day before I started my new job... I haven'tfell asleep at 11 p.m. since i was like 11 years old...
Originally Posted by breakinyourankles

Just popped a pill like 10 minutes ago

Browsing NT til it knocks me out.
i did the same! i jus got home from work n popped 2 tylenol pm rapid release...
Im CCCCCCCRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAARZYyyyyyyyyyyyyy dude just down cRaaaaaaaaaaaXy dudddddddddeeeeeeeeee hheehheee
definitley unappreciated... tastes like+@%% and dosent work ..take some xanax and
some pUrple...the cure rite there
Yezzir, definitely appreciated, like they say in the commercials, it really is the best sleep you get with a cold/sickness.
Does nyquil give nightmares to anybody?? A couple people i know can't stand it because they say it gives them nightmares

Yeah, that's a common side-effect. I get crazy dreams a lot of the time anyway but when I take Nyquil they just go nuts. I think it's because you stayin that groggy half awake state for a little longer in the morning - it takes longer for you to become completely alert.

Great sleep though.

The only downside can be the groggy 'hangover' feeling the next day. I've started taking a smaller dose and it reduces that a little - and notusing it often so you don't get used to it.
much appreciated.
but one time i had taken like four doses off it.
I took a double the first time, and then like 20 minutes later, i had forgotton if i took it or not, so i went and took another double dose..

the longest i ever slept in my life, haha. i was out for close to 17 hours.
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