Obama is gonna be a 1 term president in my opinion....

Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

Originally Posted by yancancook90

Originally Posted by Kn0wledgeable

recently, i have been thinking the same thing. why is he getting the nobel peace prize though? even he thinks he doesn't deserve it. he has not done much change, yet at least

its ironic, he wins a Nobel Peace prize, but at the same time he is sending more troops in to Afghanistan to fight a war.

It's funny yall people don't realize he didn't win the Nobel prize for his work as the President. He was nominated well before he was in office
this cant be true, what did he do to be nominated for a Nobel Peace prize before he was in office?
I think he will be, but voluntarily. I think he only wanted to be president because it is the only the first step in what he wants to accomplish.

There is another term that is over in 2012, United Nations Secy Gen. Ban Ki-Moon's term is over in 2012. If Cap and Trade goes through, there is nothingelse for him to accomplish in this country. At least being UN Secy Gen. he can tell ALL countries what to do, I'm sure that will fulfill his ego.
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

I have no problem with a concerted effort to lower Carbon Emissions. I think it is pretty obvious that Human's carbon output has substaintially effected the Earth. I
You don't follow the news much, do you. Do me a favor, google "climate gate."
Originally Posted by yancancook90

Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

Originally Posted by yancancook90

Originally Posted by Kn0wledgeable

recently, i have been thinking the same thing. why is he getting the nobel peace prize though? even he thinks he doesn't deserve it. he has not done much change, yet at least

its ironic, he wins a Nobel Peace prize, but at the same time he is sending more troops in to Afghanistan to fight a war.

It's funny yall people don't realize he didn't win the Nobel prize for his work as the President. He was nominated well before he was in office
this cant be true, what did he do to be nominated for a Nobel Peace prize before he was in office?


First few paragraphs sum it up, they appreciated his diplomacy efforts.
You would have to be a fool if you think Obama would do anything that would hurt/slow the economy right now or in the near future. He hasn't even raisedcapital gains taxes.
Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

Originally Posted by yancancook90

Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

Originally Posted by yancancook90

Originally Posted by Kn0wledgeable

recently, i have been thinking the same thing. why is he getting the nobel peace prize though? even he thinks he doesn't deserve it. he has not done much change, yet at least

its ironic, he wins a Nobel Peace prize, but at the same time he is sending more troops in to Afghanistan to fight a war.

It's funny yall people don't realize he didn't win the Nobel prize for his work as the President. He was nominated well before he was in office
this cant be true, what did he do to be nominated for a Nobel Peace prize before he was in office?


First few paragraphs sum it up, they appreciated his diplomacy efforts.
oh ok i guess i can understand the committee's decision and logic
NinjaHood is the jack of all trades... knows cars, cell phones and now he's an economist.

Naw but Obama is looking more and more like Bush as his presidency progresses, I say that because he's a very re-active President... 11months into hispresidency and NOW he's focusing on creating jobs when the market has already started to regain its stability. His strategy on Afghanistation basicallymimics what Bush did in Iraq with the surge.. only difference he's trying to put a withdrawal date which seems like a farce to me. He's lettingd-ckhead Republicans kick him around like a little beyoch instead of establishing firm leadership.. no way a minority party should be dictating policy..there's a reason their the minority!!

Im not that impress with what he's done in his 1st year but hopefully he becomes a more effective President as years go on.
Originally Posted by cguy610

You would have to be a fool if you think Obama would do anything that would hurt/slow the economy right now or in the near future. He hasn't even raised capital gains taxes.

He has to at some point, he has no choice. With his budget he doesn't have much of a choice, either inflate the money or raise taxes because at some pointwe will default if he does nothing. Everyone will get an increase, whether it is in form of Federal Income Tax bracket or in form of a excise tax. I'massuming it will be probably in the form of an excise tax because people do not physically see it so they will not realize it, like when you get a paycheck yousee the deductions for Medicare, SS, and Fed.
im hoping hes a 2 year president ... america gonna scream for him to be impeached once 60% of their earnings go toward government funded programs ...
Obama is a HORRIBLE president. I mean, cmon, one month into his presidency and our economy was still shattered, he showed respect to other countries and he iskeeping his promise of sending more troop onto Afghanistan, where we SHOULD be and giving more money to science research. What kind of nonsense did we votefor? This guy is a fraud with his Muslim religion and Kenyan nationality.
He surely will be if he continues along the path he's been on. As someone who voted for him, I feel somewhat let down by most of his actions as president.
Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

I have no problem with a concerted effort to lower Carbon Emissions. I think it is pretty obvious that Human's carbon output has substaintially effected the Earth. I
You don't follow the news much, do you. Do me a favor, google "climate gate."

I realize, but that doesn't mean that Carbon Emissions don't have an impact...it's a set of research from one particular source. With all thecarbon that humans pump into this planet I have a hard time believing that it is not effecting the planet in someway. Either way it is a step toward treatingthe planet better, we have allready killed almost all our fisheries, created huge dead zones in the ocean, stressed our lands, we have to do something. Eitherway the planet has been getting water at an alarming rate recently, and the melting of the poles could have disastoruous impact. Is carbon the main cause ofthis??? Who knows? But I certainy believe it has a hand, even if it is a small one.
I gave up on presidential representation...i think its all a front....you think one person really controls the whole country..this aint the 1800 anymore..bigbrother is watchin lol
it's comedy to see all these replies about how our troops SHOULD be in Afghanistan, yet when Bush was the president everyone was in shambles over us beingthere. hypocrisy at its finest.
Originally Posted by MetallicNitro

Obama is a HORRIBLE president. I mean, cmon, one month into his presidency and our economy was still shattered, he showed respect to other countries and he is keeping his promise of sending more troop onto Afghanistan, where we SHOULD be and giving more money to science research. What kind of nonsense did we vote for? This guy is a fraud with his Muslim religion and Kenyan nationality.

Please tell me you're being sarcastic.
Originally Posted by JordanFan04

Originally Posted by MetallicNitro

Obama is a HORRIBLE president. I mean, cmon, one month into his presidency and our economy was still shattered, he showed respect to other countries and he is keeping his promise of sending more troop onto Afghanistan, where we SHOULD be and giving more money to science research. What kind of nonsense did we vote for? This guy is a fraud with his Muslim religion and Kenyan nationality.

Please tell me you're being sarcastic.

i mean if that wasn't blatantly obvious, i dont know what is.
Originally Posted by Cels The YoungGod

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by yancancook90

Originally Posted by Kn0wledgeable
Very true simply. Most people don't realize how much of a threat both Afghanistan and Pakistan are...these countries are where the war should have been the focal point of the war for a while now. War is inevitable and the fact that the American public does not believe so is what makes this country so weak. War should be fought on a battlefield not in the headlines...that is a very big problem...the media controls the public mind. When one soldier dies everyone cries for all of the troops to come back home.
Extremism can't be beaten in the battlefield, only with correct socio-economic development of these places to get rid of poverty,unemployment, and uneducation will extremism be beaten. If you fight extremism on the Battlefield you could be there 100 hundred years but they will continueto fight you
President Obama was CHOOSEN for the Nobel Peace Prize. It's not like he applied for it. It was out of his hands.

That's all.

Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Originally Posted by JordanFan04

Originally Posted by MetallicNitro

Obama is a HORRIBLE president. I mean, cmon, one month into his presidency and our economy was still shattered, he showed respect to other countries and he is keeping his promise of sending more troop onto Afghanistan, where we SHOULD be and giving more money to science research. What kind of nonsense did we vote for? This guy is a fraud with his Muslim religion and Kenyan nationality.

Please tell me you're being sarcastic.

i mean if that wasn't blatantly obvious, i dont know what is.

Thanks champ.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

think about it like this duke, forget that obama listens to jay-z

if you put a tax on carbon dioxide emissions, something that most other countries aren't gonna do and in my opinion is built on dubious science, your gonna:

-increase da cost of electricity by a ton, over 80% of da US is run on coal.

-gas will essentially have a tax on it as well so da type of cars we drive be changed drastically.

-food will skyrocket, manufacturing companies looking to escape da taxes will leave overseas

-da lower & middle class would have all these cost passed on to them so they'll be hit hard.

and a bunch of other stuff...

You seriously should stick to sidekick, champion apparel threads and posting pictures that crash servers. When it comes to economics and politics, you are outof your league. Go to college and study before you create a thread like this my dude
Originally Posted by Los Yankees

Originally Posted by cguy610

You would have to be a fool if you think Obama would do anything that would hurt/slow the economy right now or in the near future. He hasn't even raised capital gains taxes.

He has to at some point, he has no choice. With his budget he doesn't have much of a choice, either inflate the money or raise taxes because at some point we will default if he does nothing. Everyone will get an increase, whether it is in form of Federal Income Tax bracket or in form of a excise tax. I'm assuming it will be probably in the form of an excise tax because people do not physically see it so they will not realize it, like when you get a paycheck you see the deductions for Medicare, SS, and Fed.

Agree on the first sentence. I don't know about everybody getting a tax increase though. I do want to see them take a pro-dollar(higher taxes andinterest rates) approach when the economy eventually rebounds.
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