Obama is gonna be a 1 term president in my opinion....

JFDOOM wrote:
Who cares? he's black

ignorance is the most expensive commodity.
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

im hoping hes a 2 year president ... america gonna scream for him to be impeached once 60% of their earnings go toward government funded programs ...
So you voted for Bush that second time?
Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by Los Yankees

Originally Posted by cguy610

You would have to be a fool if you think Obama would do anything that would hurt/slow the economy right now or in the near future. He hasn't even raised capital gains taxes.
I would love to see higher interest rates just to stabilize inflation, but personally Ben Bernanke is working for someone elses interest not ours or Obama. Higher taxes for whom, though? With a health care bill people in some states will see a tax on 60% of their income. How much should the top marginal rate be in your opinion?
He has to at some point, he has no choice. With his budget he doesn't have much of a choice, either inflate the money or raise taxes because at some point we will default if he does nothing. Everyone will get an increase, whether it is in form of Federal Income Tax bracket or in form of a excise tax. I'm assuming it will be probably in the form of an excise tax because people do not physically see it so they will not realize it, like when you get a paycheck you see the deductions for Medicare, SS, and Fed.

Agree on the first sentence. I don't know about everybody getting a tax increase though. I do want to see them take a pro-dollar(higher taxes and interest rates) approach when the economy eventually rebounds.
The gas emissions tax won't work as you think Ninjahood. They will get an estimate of what a company produces right now. And in a few years they expect youto cut it down like let's say 15%. So it's not an immediate tax.

But I guess as consumers we will pay for those costs anyway eventually.
Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

Originally Posted by yancancook90

Originally Posted by Kn0wledgeable

recently, i have been thinking the same thing. why is he getting the nobel peace prize though? even he thinks he doesn't deserve it. he has not done much change, yet at least

its ironic, he wins a Nobel Peace prize, but at the same time he is sending more troops in to Afghanistan to fight a war.

It's funny yall people don't realize he didn't win the Nobel prize for his work as the President. He was nominated well before he was in office



it's comedy to see all these replies about how our troops SHOULD be in Afghanistan, yet when Bush was the president everyone was in shambles over us being there. hypocrisy at its finest.

i pretty sure it was IRAQ that people didnt agree with. Afghanistan actually had ties to Al queda and all the other stuff...
I actually think his popularity is going to come back to hurt him. He was sooo popular and so many different people loved him that the approval rating can onlygo down. As it inevitably goes down, people are going to start criticizing him and it will highlight his flaws or what he hasn't done.

I just think people's expectations were so high that no matter what he does, it will be hard to not be considered a failure by a lot of people.
100% guaranteed he gets re-elected.

Democrats will vote Obama. Republicans will vote whoever is nominated. But can you see the Independents flocking to and casting votes for a Sarah Palin? ARomney? A Pawlenty? The right has guys like Sean Hannity and a Lou Dobs talking about running. Yeah, ok. Good luck
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

think about it like this duke, forget that obama listens to jay-z

if you put a tax on carbon dioxide emissions, something that most other countries aren't gonna do and in my opinion is built on dubious science, your gonna:

-increase da cost of electricity by a ton, over 80% of da US is run on coal.

-gas will essentially have a tax on it as well so da type of cars we drive be changed drastically.

-food will skyrocket, manufacturing companies looking to escape da taxes will leave overseas

-da lower & middle class would have all these cost passed on to them so they'll be hit hard.

and a bunch of other stuff...

You seriously should stick to sidekick, champion apparel threads and posting pictures that crash servers. When it comes to economics and politics, you are out of your league. Go to college and study before you create a thread like this my dude
go find something that refutes what i just said.
I honestly can see this happenin as well. The GOP aint make the black dude the head for no reason. They playin every card the Dems play so he might be the onerunnin in '12. There a lot of bitter ppl that are mad that McCain didn't win so their focus is restorin the White House to the "right" party
If things improve as far as jobs, healthcare, and takin down the big companies, then I can see a second term. He should also rethink the pull out date ofthe Troops. I'd say if it has to be done, then 1 yr should be good enough and bring em home for Christmas '10
ninjahood wrote:
cuz if this cap and trade bill passes and everything becomes exorbitantly more expensive son is gonna get kicked outta da white house faster then

jazz jeff getting kicked out uncle phil's mansion.


Great image
but I do feel bad for laughing because he isour President after all.

Politics is full of sports cliches (actually it is overcrowded with them to the point of being annoying) and two years and eleven moths is a lifetime. Allsorts of things could happen that could sink him or give him a huge jump in the polls.

However, there are three likely scenarios, one is that by the beginning of 2012, unemployment will be close to 5%, Afghanistan will be somewhat more securedand Iraq will be secure and our forces will have seriously been drawn down there. If that is the case, President Obama will be reelected comfortably.

The Second likely scenario is that Afganistan will be a mess and it will be proving impossible to build a strong and minimally corrupt national government.Meanwhile unemployment is back below doudble digits but inflations could be rising and while offcial unemployment statistics are at seven to nine percent butwith so many discouraged workers the real figure is very high and he will be a one termer.

The Third Scenario would be the status of Afgahnistan and Iraq are inbetween the first and the second and unployment is at about 6 to eight percent. This wouldbe a close call because peoep lwill fee like they gave him four years and while the economy is not as bad as it was in 2009, lots of people are working parttime and having jobs that pay less and/or that have workin gconditions that are below what they once had. IN taht case it would come down to how the Presidentplays the situation. If he even appears to be more focused on foreign policy, is taking nots of trips overseas, summering in the Cape and worst f all toutinghis accomplishmen tand how "great the economy" and he would all but be touching the third rail if he mentions how good stocks are doing any timebefore full employment is reached.

Then There is also that one in a billion chance that he could get caught molesting young boys and his approval ratings would be less than one percent (with hisaprroval coming from Pedo Bear and the guys who have been on "To Catch a Predator"), BTW I am not insinuating in any way that President Obama is achild molester. I am not trying to pull a Glenn Beck because if, I were it would go like this,

"I do not know if he touches little boys. After all I am not a journalist but I citizen pamphleeter like Benjamin Franklin. I am like the Founders whowere just ordinary men, men like like Patrick Henry who wants you to wake up America! I question with boldnes because like Albert Gallatin said in 1801 'it is the perogatives of free men to ask if our commander and chief used his large, windowless carriage to lure spry lads of a young age age into said carriagefor various acts of sodomy and mariment... Ladies and Gentlemen I do not recognize this country WHEN THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITES STATES COULD HAVE BEENTOUCHING LITTLE BOYS IN A VAN PAID FOR BY TAX DOLLARS...

"I am a recovering alcoholic and in AA we are taugh tto admit that we have problem and Mr. President the path to recovery starts with you calling this redphones and explaning to us why you are not a pedophile because this country not like how i twas when I was a kid when even good men like Kennedy cheated ontheir wives with adult women. Kennedy was a Democrat and that it proof taht it is not about party it is about the afct that we just don't know if thepresident doesn't not not to slick his hands down the pants of nubile grade schoolers, those not lucious, smooth young boys... Thank you America...

" now lets go to chalk board to diagram scenarios of how he may have lured the kids into his van with either Puppies, Candy or promises of freeiPods"
Originally Posted by ManBearPig

it's comedy to see all these replies about how our troops SHOULD be in Afghanistan, yet when Bush was the president everyone was in shambles over us being there. hypocrisy at its finest.

Looking at the current field of competition in the Republican Party, I think Obama will be okay.
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos
You seriously should stick to sidekick, champion apparel threads and posting pictures that crash servers. When it comes to economics and politics, you are out of your league. Go to college and study before you create a thread like this my dude

Originally Posted by chitown4eva

Originally Posted by KRISPACINLA

Originally Posted by ManBearPig

it's comedy to see all these replies about how our troops SHOULD be in Afghanistan, yet when Bush was the president everyone was in shambles over us being there. hypocrisy at its finest.

I was moreso in shambles when he missed Afghanistan on the map and pointed to Iraq.

IMO he pretty much left an enemy unchecked for a long time and allowed it to bubble for a minute while he engaged something totally outta left field overunproven intel.

And it's not like these issues are gonna be his only material to evaluate him on in 2012. We should wait for 2011 maybe...just maybe.
Originally Posted by franchise3

100% guaranteed he gets re-elected.

Democrats will vote Obama. Republicans will vote whoever is nominated. But can you see the Independents flocking to and casting votes for a Sarah Palin? A Romney? A Pawlenty? The right has guys like Sean Hannity and a Lou Dobs talking about running. Yeah, ok. Good luck
If unemployment is hanging around 10% plenty of Americans will vote for anyone the GOP puts out there because he or whe will not be Barack Obamaand that is scary because I could see Palin getting the nomination because she would appeal to the base and win the primary and in the General elections peoplewho are broke and will have been flat broke for years by 2012 will largely be unmoved by soaring rhetoric about our standing in the world and all of theOrwellian "figures" we that will be read aloud about about how production of weather caulking has climbed and how Wall Street is thriving thanks toTARP vol. 16.

I am terrified of a Sarah Palin presidency but I am also terrified of Obama's legislative agenda which could very well keep unemployment at or near doubledigits through the entire balance of his term and doom him in the 2012 election.
Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos
You seriously should stick to sidekick, champion apparel threads and posting pictures that crash servers. When it comes to economics and politics, you are out of your league. Go to college and study before you create a thread like this my dude

Originally Posted by chitown4eva

Son said "go to college"

I sincerely hope by the time 2012 comes around people look at candidates like Rand Paul, Peter Schiff, or Gov. Gary Johnson if they choose to run forpresident. These three will blow any of the top candidates out of the water Republican or Democrat. If none of these people are the nominee, then third party Igo again.
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

Originally Posted by franchise3

100% guaranteed he gets re-elected.

Democrats will vote Obama. Republicans will vote whoever is nominated. But can you see the Independents flocking to and casting votes for a Sarah Palin? A Romney? A Pawlenty? The right has guys like Sean Hannity and a Lou Dobs talking about running. Yeah, ok. Good luck
If unemployment is hanging around 10% plenty of Americans will vote for anyone the GOP puts out there because he or whe will not be Barack Obama and that is scary because I could see Palin getting the nomination because she would appeal to the base and win the primary and in the General elections people who are broke and will have been flat broke for years by 2012 will largely be unmoved by soaring rhetoric about our standing in the world and all of the Orwellian "figures" we that will be read aloud about about how production of weather caulking has climbed and how Wall Street is thriving thanks to TARP vol. 16.

I am terrified of a Sarah Palin presidency but I am also terrified of Obama's legislative agenda which could very well keep unemployment at or near double digits through the entire balance of his term and doom him in the 2012 election.

Palin has no shot. Not even a 1% chance. Remember, she quit as Governor.

Obama is one of the best campaigners that we have ever seen. If unemployment stays above 10% by 2012, it could pose a problem for Obama but not as big as youthink because he can run a flawless beast of a Presidential Campaign.

I think the biggest threat is Romney, he seems to be a beast on economics from the short clips of him that I've heard.
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