Obama is gonna be a 1 term president in my opinion....

as far as "deading" me....ya gonna have to try alot harder then that
Who's going to beat him (if he decides to run again)? Its hard to beat an incumbent who doesn't do a terrible job.
Just to add my .02 cents ... I was kind of dissapointed at the date set for the initial troops to be sent home and I shot my friend in Norway an emaildiscussing this with her back and forth ... And she said something that definitely immulates a feeling that can be given from someone who does not live in theU.S.

She said this .... "Does he really have a choice? He's just trying to clean up after Bush.......lol
What would happen if he pulled everyone out.....full kaos ... Im looking at thousands of people gathered infront of Obama'shotel n there is a parade going past the hotel......n they all waiting from Obama to show up on the balcony.
Who can say he doesnt deserve the price when he has millions of people inspired the way he has........What other person in the world right now can inspire hopelike that.....For the first time u have a president thats bigger then just the united states"

I have to agree w/ her ............. Could we really just have pulled ALL of the troops out just like that ???
I dont think that we should be deciding whether or not Obama will be an 1 term president. Why pre-judge someone who hasn't even been in office half a termyet ?? Some people act as if these decisions can be implemented just as easy as turning off a light switch ...
FDR started off really rough and dude was in there for 12 years.. also who is the GOP candidate if it is someone crazy i.e. Cheney or Palin or Jeb Bush no wayhe loses.....

He is still at a good approval rating hell Reagan went to under 50% in November 9th his first year and stayed there for 2 years. Alot will happen between nowand 2012.. I have maybe 5% doubt he doesn't get a 2nd term.

Also with the health care bill being what is is lowering medicare from 65 to 55 he will get alot of votes there.. Although I think it isn't stong enough,it is a good bill.

Also remember these words "PROGRESS IS A SLOW PROCESS"
Originally Posted by akuratl02

Just to add my .02 cents ... I was kind of dissapointed at the date set for the initial troops to be sent home and I shot my friend in Norway an email discussing this with her back and forth ... And she said something that definitely immulates a feeling that can be given from someone who does not live in the U.S.

She said this .... "Does he really have a choice? He's just trying to clean up after Bush.......lol
What would happen if he pulled everyone out.....full kaos ... Im looking at thousands of people gathered infront of Obama's hotel n there is a parade going past the hotel......n they all waiting from Obama to show up on the balcony.
Who can say he doesnt deserve the price when he has millions of people inspired the way he has........What other person in the world right now can inspire hope like that.....For the first time u have a president thats bigger then just the united states"

I have to agree w/ her ............. Could we really just have pulled ALL of the troops out just like that ???
I dont think that we should be deciding whether or not Obama will be an 1 term president. Why pre-judge someone who hasn't even been in office half a term yet ?? Some people act as if these decisions can be implemented just as easy as turning off a light switch ...

Originally Posted by KRISPACINLA

Originally Posted by ManBearPig

it's comedy to see all these replies about how our troops SHOULD be in Afghanistan, yet when Bush was the president everyone was in shambles over us being there. hypocrisy at its finest.

We need to build more Nuclear Power Plants, and stick them in random parts of the midwest.
Originally Posted by RL Treyce

Originally Posted by akuratl02

Just to add my .02 cents ... I was kind of dissapointed at the date set for the initial troops to be sent home and I shot my friend in Norway an email discussing this with her back and forth ... And she said something that definitely immulates a feeling that can be given from someone who does not live in the U.S.

She said this .... "Does he really have a choice? He's just trying to clean up after Bush.......lol
What would happen if he pulled everyone out.....full kaos ... Im looking at thousands of people gathered infront of Obama's hotel n there is a parade going past the hotel......n they all waiting from Obama to show up on the balcony.
Who can say he doesnt deserve the price when he has millions of people inspired the way he has........What other person in the world right now can inspire hope like that.....For the first time u have a president thats bigger then just the united states"

I have to agree w/ her ............. Could we really just have pulled ALL of the troops out just like that ???
I dont think that we should be deciding whether or not Obama will be an 1 term president. Why pre-judge someone who hasn't even been in office half a term yet ?? Some people act as if these decisions can be implemented just as easy as turning off a light switch ...


Are you serious ????? You a %!@#$+* weirdo if a person whose second language is english mis-spells one word out of a whole paragraph and thats what you placein details ????
Must not be an Obama supporter ....
Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

Originally Posted by franchise3

100% guaranteed he gets re-elected.

Democrats will vote Obama. Republicans will vote whoever is nominated. But can you see the Independents flocking to and casting votes for a Sarah Palin? A Romney? A Pawlenty? The right has guys like Sean Hannity and a Lou Dobs talking about running. Yeah, ok. Good luck
If unemployment is hanging around 10% plenty of Americans will vote for anyone the GOP puts out there because he or whe will not be Barack Obama and that is scary because I could see Palin getting the nomination because she would appeal to the base and win the primary and in the General elections people who are broke and will have been flat broke for years by 2012 will largely be unmoved by soaring rhetoric about our standing in the world and all of the Orwellian "figures" we that will be read aloud about about how production of weather caulking has climbed and how Wall Street is thriving thanks to TARP vol. 16.

I am terrified of a Sarah Palin presidency but I am also terrified of Obama's legislative agenda which could very well keep unemployment at or near double digits through the entire balance of his term and doom him in the 2012 election.

Palin has no shot. Not even a 1% chance. Remember, she quit as Governor.

Obama is one of the best campaigners that we have ever seen. If unemployment stays above 10% by 2012, it could pose a problem for Obama but not as big as you think because he can run a flawless beast of a Presidential Campaign.

I think the biggest threat is Romney, he seems to be a beast on economics from the short clips of him that I've heard.

He also signed into law a failed universal health care system that has run up huge deficits.

The only way Republicans win in 2012 is if they run on strictly ideology, if they continue to run with moderates they will lose like they did with that moronJohn McCain.
Originally Posted by Los Yankees

Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

Originally Posted by franchise3

100% guaranteed he gets re-elected.

Democrats will vote Obama. Republicans will vote whoever is nominated. But can you see the Independents flocking to and casting votes for a Sarah Palin? A Romney? A Pawlenty? The right has guys like Sean Hannity and a Lou Dobs talking about running. Yeah, ok. Good luck
If unemployment is hanging around 10% plenty of Americans will vote for anyone the GOP puts out there because he or whe will not be Barack Obama and that is scary because I could see Palin getting the nomination because she would appeal to the base and win the primary and in the General elections people who are broke and will have been flat broke for years by 2012 will largely be unmoved by soaring rhetoric about our standing in the world and all of the Orwellian "figures" we that will be read aloud about about how production of weather caulking has climbed and how Wall Street is thriving thanks to TARP vol. 16.

I am terrified of a Sarah Palin presidency but I am also terrified of Obama's legislative agenda which could very well keep unemployment at or near double digits through the entire balance of his term and doom him in the 2012 election.

Palin has no shot. Not even a 1% chance. Remember, she quit as Governor.

Obama is one of the best campaigners that we have ever seen. If unemployment stays above 10% by 2012, it could pose a problem for Obama but not as big as you think because he can run a flawless beast of a Presidential Campaign.

I think the biggest threat is Romney, he seems to be a beast on economics from the short clips of him that I've heard.

He also signed into law a failed universal health care system that has run up huge deficits.

The only way Republicans win in 2012 is if they run on strictly ideology, if they continue to run with moderates they will lose like they did with that moron John McCain.

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa %%$$ Cheney would win?
This just isn't enough to say that he's going to be a one term President though. The Cap and Trade system is a fantastic idea that looks to better oursociety as a whole. He's doing what so many other Presidents, and so many people for that matter, seem to always neglect. Trying to make the world and ourcountry a better place for future generations.

While it will cost the people more money in the short run, it is not an insurmountable amount. From what I've read on the subject the projected numbers aresomething like 6% for gas, and around the same for electric. Of course this is all irrelevant anyway because we won't truly know the exact price until theplan is in effect. But again, this is a short term issue. If companies get off their +%%@* and find other, more efficient and less harmful ways to create theenergy we need then we won't need to worry about these factors in the long run.

If we all continue to have this "Pass it off to the next generation" mentality that we're stuck in there really will be no progress, and the sameissues that plague us today will be the same problems our children face.

He also signed into law a failed universal health care system that has run up huge deficits.
You're talking about Obama right now? You have to be kidding. If people continuously say things are failing before they even have a chance tobreathe, how can anything ever succeed?
LOL @ Ninjahood starting a post and trying to pass the idea like it was his own and then posting a couple of Youtube videos to support him. You're doing itbackwards homie. Shoulda posted the videos that got the ideas from and then wrote "agree" next to it. Cut it outttttt
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

He also signed into law a failed universal health care system that has run up huge deficits.
You're talking about Obama right now? You have to be kidding. If people continuously say things are failing before they even have a chance to breathe, how can anything ever succeed?

He was referring to Mitt Romney while he was Governor of Massachusetts. He signed a health care reform bill there in 2006.
Originally Posted by pdouly33

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

He also signed into law a failed universal health care system that has run up huge deficits.
You're talking about Obama right now? You have to be kidding. If people continuously say things are failing before they even have a chance to breathe, how can anything ever succeed?
He was referring to Mitt Romney while he was Governor of Massachusetts. He signed a health care reform bill there in 2006.

Ah, brainfart.
Thought this was pretty interesting.


[h4]Navigate:[/h4] Main Content [h2]Bush closes the gap - Ben Smith: Bush closes the gap[/h2] [h5]December 09, 2009[/h5]
[h5]Categories:[/h5] [h1]Bush closes the gap[/h1]
Public Policy Polling:

Perhaps the greatest measure of Obama's declining support is that just 50% of voters now say they prefer having him as President to George W. Bush, with 44% saying they'd rather have his predecessor. Given the horrendous approval ratings Bush showed during his final term that's somewhat of a surprise and an indication that voters are increasingly placing the blame on Obama for the country's difficulties instead of giving him space because of the tough situation he inherited. The closeness in the Obama/Bush numbers also has implications for the 2010 elections. Using the Bush card may not be particularly effective for Democrats anymore, which is good news generally for Republicans and especially ones like Rob Portman who are running for office and have close ties to the former President.

(via Political Wire)

Public Policy Polling:
Perhaps the greatest measure of Obama's declining support is that just 50% of voters now say they prefer having him as President to George W. Bush, with 44% saying they'd rather have his predecessor. Given the horrendous approval ratings Bush showed during his final term that's somewhat of a surprise and an indication that voters are increasingly placing the blame on Obama for the country's difficulties instead of giving him space because of the tough situation he inherited. The closeness in the Obama/Bush numbers also has implications for the 2010 elections. Using the Bush card may not be particularly effective for Democrats anymore, which is good news generally for Republicans and especially ones like Rob Portman who are running for office and have close ties to the former President.

(via Political Wire)

Ninjahood sees the bigger picture.

I hope he's president forever...the only things he can get done are:

(i) Send troops to Afghanastan; and
(ii) Get a cop and a college professor together for a beer.


I feel like an idiot for being all worried that he was going to raise my taxes.
Americans (and generally people) are myopic. They're neither forward thinkers or dwellers of the past when it comes to fiscal matters. They'll voteaccording to whatever conditions are present during the election period, and forget what's happened in the past.

Again, if Obama can't reverse the hemorrhaging in unemployment, he may lose. If he can, though, then he'll win in a landslide. There's nobody theGOP can throw that would win over the precious moderate voter, not until they cleanse themselves of the radicals.
Originally Posted by pdouly33

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

He also signed into law a failed universal health care system that has run up huge deficits.
You're talking about Obama right now? You have to be kidding. If people continuously say things are failing before they even have a chance to breathe, how can anything ever succeed?
He was referring to Mitt Romney while he was Governor of Massachusetts. He signed a health care reform bill there in 2006.

I don't even know why I bother on NT but every once in a while Ifeel the urge to step in and clear up subtle things.

Don't insinuate to those who don't know any better on NT, that Massachusetts has a terrible health care system compared to other states.
Can it be better? Hell yes.

The Massachusetts bill could be considered failed for reasons like,
  • Not providing enough coverage,
  • not lowering high premiums enough.
  • Under estimating how many would sign up, thus not providing enough resources to cover an increased burden on the health system.
  • under estimated cost for reasons that go hand in hand with the above, more ppl more cost
Nevermind the fact that the state of Massechusets currently has the least number of uninsured in the country at no greater costs than other states. Pleasedon't point to health deficit problems in their budget without addressing the deficits of other states as well.

When polled Massachusettsians voted that they would rather tweak the new system than ditch the whole universal approach. (can't find link)

  • 77% support providing subsidized coverage
  • 58% support requiring individuals to have insurance
  • 71% say the law has been successful at reducing the number of uninsured in Massachusetts
Harvard Study

What people like,
  • affordable healthcare,
  • mandated insurance,
  • government subsidies for those who can't afford mandates.
The three things I put in bullets is what Massachusetts is trying to accomplish with this bill. How they go about doing that rightfully deserve to be under asmuch scrutiny as possible to ensure its done in the most efficient way. But it's just a gross misrepresentation of realityto insinuate that what Mitt Romney signed in any way worsen the state of healthcare in their state.
Originally Posted by HOVKid

I hope he's president forever...the only things he can get done are:

(i) Send troops to Afghanastan; and
(ii) Get a cop and a college professor together for a beer.


I feel like an idiot for being all worried that he was going to raise my taxes.

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