Obama is gonna be a 1 term president in my opinion....

Originally Posted by pdouly33

Originally Posted by IncredibleEv

nobody campaigns better than Obama...he'll get re-elected

his foreign policy is spotty but you have to expect that after what happened this decade, i disagree with sending more troops but i have faith in his long term plan

as far as the economy...will be a major issue of the 2012 election i predict, if it's on an upswing he's a lock
As it stands right now, the 2012 election will have little to nothing to do with foreign policy.
yeah i mean i pretty much implied that...although i think it'll be a factor
Originally Posted by rocman23

should just legalize and tax marijuans
i havent read anything else pass page three but this right here, i believe would single handedly get us out of this economic crisis. sounds crazy,sounds absurd, but if you give an honest unbiased look at the medical benefits of marijuana, and the cost incurred from marijuana related arrest (jail time,processing, police manpower, etc)....THIS CAN BE DONE!

The Nobel prize was established by Alfred Nobel because he felt bad about inventing dynamite and wanted to counter all the destruction he helped facilitate.
This guy is to busy getting his popularity up and his face in magazines. He was a great ACTOR at election time, and he is showing it now, really does not havethe experience to lead our country. He has not made 1 smart decision as our president yet. The forcing of the Health Care bill is a joke. It will do nothingbut raise our taxes more and fund those who don't want to work free health care, which they already get. He will not get re-elected and never should havebeen elected.
Wouldnt you expect that, though? If everyone always agreed then who is doing the thinking? The problem with the Republicans is that they have ZERO ideas and they are run by Country Club Republicans and "inside the Beltway" establishment. The "Old Right" Republicans use to have representatives that were private sector bred and economically sound, today's "conservatives" are just a joke.
^ True however can't there just be a middle ground? Compromise, right? I see zero compromise between these two political parties. It'seither you all are with us or you all are against us. Just like when either Obama/Bush speaks to Congress at the Capitol. It's either one side stands andapplauds and the other side sits down. Wonder why things can't get fixed? Because of stupid Party lines.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

think about it like this duke, forget that obama listens to jay-z

if you put a tax on carbon dioxide emissions, something that most other countries aren't gonna do and in my opinion is built on dubious science, your gonna:

-increase da cost of electricity by a ton, over 80% of da US is run on coal.

-gas will essentially have a tax on it as well so da type of cars we drive be changed drastically.

-food will skyrocket, manufacturing companies looking to escape da taxes will leave overseas

-da lower & middle class would have all these cost passed on to them so they'll be hit hard.

and a bunch of other stuff...

You seriously should stick to sidekick, champion apparel threads and posting pictures that crash servers. When it comes to economics and politics, you are out of your league. Go to college and study before you create a thread like this my dude
go find something that refutes what i just said.

http://www.youtube.com/v/FoCsFsU_irY&hl=en_US&fs=1&http://www.youtube.com/v/FoCsFsU_irY&hl=en_US&fs=1& http://www.youtube.com/v/FoCsFsU_irY&hl=en_US&fs=1&http://www.youtube.com/v/FoCsFsU_irY&hl=en_US&fs=1& http://www.youtube.com/v/FoCsFsU_irY&hl=en_US&fs=1&http://www.youtube.com/v/FoCsFsU_irY&hl=en_US&fs=1& http://www.youtube.com/v/FoCsFsU_irY&hl=en_US&fs=1&http://www.youtube.com/v/FoCsFsU_irY&hl=en_US&fs=1&
So let me get this straight, you have taken tidbits from people who are actually educated, concluded that if a certain bill gets passed that obamawill lose the next election?

I will refute your point's that I initially quoted.

if you put a tax on carbon dioxide emissions, something that most other countries aren't gonna do and in my opinion is built on dubious science, your gonna:

-increase da cost of electricity by a ton, over 80% of da US is run on coal.

-gas will essentially have a tax on it as well so da type of cars we drive be changed drastically.

-food will skyrocket, manufacturing companies looking to escape da taxes will leave overseas

-da lower & middle class would have all these cost passed on to them so they'll be hit hard.

and a bunch of other stuff...

There is already a tax on gasoline, companies such as Ford, Chrysler and GM ignored this too long, which was a major reason they were forced tohit the drawing board in a panic. I won't get into how !%*#++ a lot of their designs are because that's getting off topic. When the price of oilballooned, the public had a rude awakening that things needed to change and change fast. The MPG is still too low. We have companies bragging that they theyget 35 miles to the gallon. That's more pathetic than your devotion to the sidekick my man.

Food has skyrocketed already, where the hell have you been? From reading your replies it's obvious that you are taking what you are hearing on t.v. andfrom news outlets and running with it. To me you are doing nothing more than repeating a scare tactic created by people who oppose the Presidents bill. Like Isaid, enroll yourself in college. Step your education up and actually bring something that is yours to the table.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by ManBearPig

it's comedy to see all these replies about how our troops SHOULD be in Afghanistan, yet when Bush was the president everyone was in shambles over us being there. hypocrisy at its finest.

No kidding. Where are all the Democrat Congressman with their temper tantrums about the increase in troops like during the Bush Administration? HYPOCRITES!!!

Democrats talking about supporting the troops is a bunch of bull crap. Politicians like Obama and the Democrats simply used the anti-war sentiment Americans had as political propaganda to get them elected. Americans as whole are now aware, and I see a Republican take over in beginning in midterm elections 2010!

Can someone please explain to me why we are in (or ever entered) Iraq? and why is the cost of the Iraq war nearly three times the amount spent on the war inafghanistan????


The National Commision on terrorism, formed by Clinton, and CIA members warned bush that a terrorist attack was imminent and that afghanistan/al qaeda was athreat- even Bush's daily briefing in 08/01 said that Bin Laden was determined to attack america. but in his time in office preceding 9/11, george bush didnot address afghanistan once, his sole concern was with Saddam and Iraq, and you can clearly see that bush half assed the war in afghanistan while focusing oniraq. Please, if someone can tell me why, shoot.
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

think about it like this duke, forget that obama listens to jay-z

if you put a tax on carbon dioxide emissions, something that most other countries aren't gonna do and in my opinion is built on dubious science, your gonna:

-increase da cost of electricity by a ton, over 80% of da US is run on coal.

-gas will essentially have a tax on it as well so da type of cars we drive be changed drastically.

-food will skyrocket, manufacturing companies looking to escape da taxes will leave overseas

-da lower & middle class would have all these cost passed on to them so they'll be hit hard.

and a bunch of other stuff...

You seriously should stick to sidekick, champion apparel threads and posting pictures that crash servers. When it comes to economics and politics, you are out of your league. Go to college and study before you create a thread like this my dude
go find something that refutes what i just said.

http://www.youtube.com/v/FoCsFsU_irY&hl=en_US&fs=1&http://www.youtube.com/v/FoCsFsU_irY&hl=en_US&fs=1& http://www.youtube.com/v/FoCsFsU_irY&hl=en_US&fs=1&http://www.youtube.com/v/FoCsFsU_irY&hl=en_US&fs=1& http://www.youtube.com/v/FoCsFsU_irY&hl=en_US&fs=1&http://www.youtube.com/v/FoCsFsU_irY&hl=en_US&fs=1& http://www.youtube.com/v/FoCsFsU_irY&hl=en_US&fs=1&http://www.youtube.com/v/FoCsFsU_irY&hl=en_US&fs=1&
So let me get this straight, you have taken tidbits from people who are actually educated, concluded that if a certain bill gets passed that obama will lose the next election?

I will refute your point's that I initially quoted.

if you put a tax on carbon dioxide emissions, something that most other countries aren't gonna do and in my opinion is built on dubious science, your gonna:

-increase da cost of electricity by a ton, over 80% of da US is run on coal.

-gas will essentially have a tax on it as well so da type of cars we drive be changed drastically.

-food will skyrocket, manufacturing companies looking to escape da taxes will leave overseas

-da lower & middle class would have all these cost passed on to them so they'll be hit hard.

and a bunch of other stuff...
There is already a tax on gasoline, companies such as Ford, Chrysler and GM ignored this too long, which was a major reason they were forced to hit the drawing board in a panic. I won't get into how !%*#++ a lot of their designs are because that's getting off topic. When the price of oil ballooned, the public had a rude awakening that things needed to change and change fast. The MPG is still too low. We have companies bragging that they they get 35 miles to the gallon. That's more pathetic than your devotion to the sidekick my man.

Food has skyrocketed already, where the hell have you been? From reading your replies it's obvious that you are taking what you are hearing on t.v. and from news outlets and running with it. To me you are doing nothing more than repeating a scare tactic created by people who oppose the Presidents bill. Like I said, enroll yourself in college. Step your education up and actually bring something that is yours to the table.

so in that wall of text u just spat out all you did was display ur biased again american cars

this has NUFFIN to do with MPG, this has EVERYTHING to do with artificially putting a surcharge on da energy we use, this INCLUDES electricity,. so like isaid,

go find some facts to refute da facts i just posted since u failed da first time.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

so in that wall of text u just spat out all you did was display ur biased again american cars

this has NUFFIN to do with MPG, this has EVERYTHING to do with artificially putting a surcharge on da energy we use, this INCLUDES electricity,. so like i said,

go find some facts to refute da facts i just posted since u failed da first time.
Refute what you stole and passed on as your idea? The only person here who has failed is you. Only one of us has a B.A. & MBA from USC, whilethe other copies and paste with a failing attempt to appear intelligent. Like I said, stick to topics you know ninjahood, you're truly over your head.
lol @ only one of us has an mba

that $+$* was so lame.

ninjahood can't have an opinion and needs to be insulted by you because you don't agree?

I don't even care about this post, I just had to say that.

oh, and legalize weed.

alcohol is much more dangerous and dibilitating....

and its perfectly legal.

I was talking to my dude today, he failed a drug test (long story) but its like...you smoke weed once? you're not hire-able

you get ****faced every single night? you good. come thru. we got you...


yall nonsmokers would truely be shocked to find out who smokes weed.
I've come to the conclusion that political topics on a sneaker board is just ******ed.

I'm just going to avoid them from now on since everyone's views are set in stone and arguing back and forth over the same nonsense will do nothing butwaste time out of my day.

That is all.
Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

I've come to the conclusion that political topics on a sneaker board is just ******ed.
What if a president has shoes thrown at him?
you just have the perfect response for everything.
It seems what this thread is trying to address is the Waxman-Markey Bill (or, the American Clean Energy and Security Act) that was passed in the House 219-212last June.


Unfortunately, recklessly misinformed statements like these:
whats gonna happen when people can't afford da 200% rent hikes due to electrical and gas tax?

... seem to resonate more with people than actual facts.

From the Congressional Budget Office:
...the net annual economy-wide cost of the cap-and-trade program in 2020 would be $22 billion-or about $175 per household...households in the lowest income quintile would see an average net benefit of about $40 in 2020, while households in the highest income quintile would see a net cost of $245. Added costs for households in the second lowest quintile would be about $40 that year; in the middle quintile, about $235; and in the fourth quintile, about $340. Overall net costs would average 0.2 percent of households' after-tax income

For such a meager investment (compared to the gross amount spent on the military, imprisonment, war on drugs, etc.) the bill:
  • Requires a 17-percent emissions reduction from 2005 levels by 2020 and 80% by 2050.
  • Invests in new clean energy technologies and energy efficiency, including renewable energy ($90 billion in new investments by 2025), carbon capture and sequestration ($60 billion), electric and other advanced technology vehicles ($20 billion), and basic scientific research and development ($20 billion)
  • Requires electric utilities to meet 20% of their electricity demand through renewable energy sources and energy efficiency by 2020
  • Mandates significant increases in energy efficiency in buildings, home appliances, and electricity generation.
  • Provides for expanded production of electric vehicles
  • Provides for modernization of the electrical grid

If you think the United States can't afford this bill, the CBO has stated the bill will be deficit-neutral:
"...enacting the legislation would increase revenues by $873 billion over the 2010-2019 period and would increase direct spending by $864 billion over that 10-year period. In total, CBO and JCT estimate that enacting the legislation would reduce future budget deficits by about $4 billion over the 2010-2014 period and by about $9 billion over the 2010-2019 period..."

Now, if the highest authorities are projecting that this bill has the potential to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and air pollutants, increaseenergy production and sustainability, and stimulate production simply by requiring industry to PAY for polluting the environment (with a potentiallystimulative effect on the economy) what is your problem?
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by ninjahood

so in that wall of text u just spat out all you did was display ur biased again american cars

this has NUFFIN to do with MPG, this has EVERYTHING to do with artificially putting a surcharge on da energy we use, this INCLUDES electricity,. so like i said,

go find some facts to refute da facts i just posted since u failed da first time.
Refute what you stole and passed on as your idea? The only person here who has failed is you. Only one of us has a B.A. & MBA from USC, while the other copies and paste with a failing attempt to appear intelligent. Like I said, stick to topics you know ninjahood, you're truly over your head.

so learning about how we're potentially gonna be taxed to death and having a issue on it and telling my fellow NT brethren is "stealing informationand passing

it off as my own"


meanwhile all he's done is criticize my typin preference on a sneaker messageboard.

let's see what obama had to say about da issue.

you think this week economy can afford to regulate carbon dioxide based on a man made climate change THEORY that best case scenario won't even show

show up as a blimp to da overall global effort considering India, China, and other developing countries have no intentions whatsoever to follow suit?

yeah....some plan

what do you think is gonna happen when this bill makes gasoline something like 7-8 dollars a gallon, you think food delivery and maunfacturing is going to stay

da same? all those cost are going to be passed along to da consumer, and we'll all be screwed. but you too worried about my da's in sentences.

im still waiting for you to refute da facts i brung up.

I dont know, but comparing the size of your room to your ideologies/opinions, you got a very vast/huge ideas in your head Ninjahood.

*thumbs up*
Now, if the highest authorities are projecting that this bill has the potential to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and air pollutants, increase energy production and sustainability, and stimulate production simply by requiring industry to PAY for polluting the environment (with a potentially stimulative effect on the ecodanomy) what is your problem?

making everything a whole lot more expensive for something that will have next to zero impact on da earth isn't smart, especially when other countriesaren't

going to be held to da same guidelines....

and with everything becoming more expensive, how do we expect to compete globally with exports when countries like china will just proceed to undercut and sell

cheaper goods and effectively kill any type of manufacturing that isn't subzidied by our tax dollars.
People need to abandon their stubborn ideologies and realize Obama and his party and the Republicans don't put our interests first. 1,500 corporations aremore important to them.

Just look at the disgusting bailouts and how zero committee hearings were held.

Third parties FTW.

Time for revolution.

Otherwise it's just more of this:
making everything a whole lot more expensive
I'm sorry, I don't understand. Could you, perhaps, be a little more vague?

If you can find an authority higher than the federal government (no, Warren Buffet doesn't count) that without a doubt proves that the Waxman-Markey Billwill make "everything" a "whole lot more expensive," well, then, I'd look the fool.
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